Chapter 46

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A/N - Hello my lovelies!!! I want to dedicate this chapter to @MyCookiemonster95 @isabelledospatins @MeguelieMaraschim @Theoptimistic123 @MBG202 @missquinn02 @ahtenaismona @SenniGirl @BlackLazureSea @Saphire2102 @astridb14 @EmmelineGRWeasley @AnnabelleHallowthorn @noraA7X @Soldtddeiarna @TheTurtleSaidHello @aihposenilamme @Gozdealpcetin @amaria5825 Thank you all so much for your comments and votes...

And and extra special thank you to @Alex_Lyra @tea_and_sherlock @mia-jane1024 who always leave me the sweetest comments that make me smile and just mean a lot to me, so thank you again!!!!

Here's just a little filler chapter with some Katlock fluff for you guys... please don't be too mad at me...

Love you muchly, Kisses - K


John looks at Sherlock disaprovingly. "Charming, well done."

Sherlock looks back at him genuinely confused. "Just saving her time. Isn't that kinder?"

"Kinder? No, no. Sherlock, that wasn't kind." John replies is a hard voice.

"I don't understand." Sherlock looks to Kat for an explanation.

"Well," Kat starts, hesitation a little because she is unsure of how to explain this in a kind way. "While you probably did save her from some future heartbreak, you could have been a little nicer about it."

"Ahh," Sherlock muses.

John gets up. "I've got to step out for a second, I'll be right back." With that John leaves Kat and Sherlock alone in the room again.

"You know," Kat says trying to start up a conversation. "I think Molly has got a thing for you."

Sherlock looks surprised. "Really? That is," He searches for the right word. "Interesting. How do you figure?"

"Well, for one, she blushes a lot when she's around you," Kat starts laughing a little. "She tends to talk a lot when you're near her, she'll play with her hair, show off things to try and make you interested, to get a reaction out of you. Hold her breath if you get close." Kat, realizing she's probably giving too much away, stops talking. "It's the little things I notice."

"Hmm," Sherlock hummus as he starts thinking. "Is that what people do? When they like someone I mean? Like talk, and blush, and show off?"

"Umm, yeah." Kat answers confused as to where Sherlock is going with this.

Sherlock then stands up and walks over so he's closer to Kat. Kat can't help but blush a little, which she hopes Sherlock doesn't notice. Sherlock lifts up his hand and brushes it against Kat's cheek. "Is this a blush?" He asks and Kat has to grab the side of the table that Sherlock has now cornered her against in order to keep herself from falling. "What about weak knees? Is that a sign of someone liking a person?" Sherlock takes his left hand and runs it up Kat's side until its resting on her hip. "If I," Sherlock takes his right hand and lightly grabs a piece of Kat's wavy hair and twirls is around his fingers. "Play with your hair, will that cause you to lose your breath?" Kat's breath, which was already shallow from Sherlock's earlier movements, becomes even more shallow with every touch.

"I, uh, I'm not sure what you're implying," Kat tries to argue but gives up as soon as she sees Sherlock's head move closer to her's. Sherlock's and Kat's eyes flicker to each other's lips as they lean in closer. Their lips were mere centimeters from touching when the door opens and John interrupts them. Again.

"Really?" Sherlock snaps at John who looks extremely confused because he has no idea what's going on. "Never mind." The detective grumbles and Kat walks over to John.

John looks over to Kat and crunches his eyebrows in concern. He lifts his hand to feel Kat's forehead. "Are you getting sick? You're burning up?"

"No I'm fine," Kat laughs lightly. "I think I just need to splash some cool water on my face is all." With that, Kat walks over to the sink and splashes some water on her face as she tries to slow her heartbeat down.

Meanwhile, Sherlock turns to John. "Go on, then."

"Hm?" John looks confused.

Sherlock nods his head towards the shoes. "You know what I do. Off you go."

John shakes his head. "Oh No."

"Go on."

"I'm not going to stand here so you can humiliate me while I try and disseminate-"

"An outside eye, a second opinion." Sherlock cuts John off. "It's very useful to me."

"Yeah, right." John scoffs and Kat laughs lightly.

"Really!" Sherlock pushes.

"Fine." John gives in and he walks closer to the shoes and picks on of them up. "Oh, they're just a pair of shoes. Trainers." He corrects.

"Good." The curly haired detective encourages.

"Um, they're in good nick. I'd say they were pretty new," John looks inside the shoe at the sole. "Except the sole has been well worn, so the owner must have had them for a while. Er, very '80s. Probably one of those retro designs."

"You're on sparkling form." Holmes complements. "What else?"

"They're quite big. A man's." John observes but he seems to hesitate.

"But," Sherlock prompts him to continue.

"But there's traces of a name inside in felt-tip. Adults don't write their names inside their shoes, so these belong to a kid." The good doctor finishes.

"Excellent. What else?"

"Er, that's it." John replies giving up.

"That's it." Sherlock repeats.

"How did I do?" John asks.

Sherlock nods his head. "Well, John. Really well." Sherlock pauses for a moment and looks over to Kat smiling a little. "I mean, you missed almost everything of importance, but, you know," John sighs exhasperated.

"Do you mind if I give it a try?" Kat asks Sherlock lightly. "I don't know if it's any more or better than John's try, no offense." She adds looking over to her friend.

"None taken." John replies rolling his eyes.

"Of course, Katherine, you're welcome to give it a go." Sherlock tells her and so she picks up the shoe.

Kat remains silent for a few minutes as she looks long and hard at the shoes. "Well, I do agree with everything that John said; I think the owner really, really loved these shoes. I think he took very good care of them and cleaned them constantly, I can see small abrasions on the bottom edges that show it has been scrubbed with a brush of some sort. They do looks kind of retro, however, do to the owners' compulsive need to keep the shoes nice, I think they might be original. They look as if they might be from the eighties or nineties. The shoelaces look to be a different color than the actual shoe so I think they might have been replaced." Kat pauses as she looks at the shoe again. "There appears to be some kind of residu on the shoe laces, I'm not quite sure what it is. And... I think that's all I've got."

"That was very good, Katherine, very good." Sherlock compliments smileing. "You definitely did much better than the good doctor over here, but not quite there yourself." Kat laughs a little. "That's okay though because you're learning and you can only get better from here."


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Kat Got Your Tongue? (Sherlock X OC) ~BOOK 1~Where stories live. Discover now