Chapter 24

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A/N- Hey guys sorry for the late update. I just got this new job and I spend like everyday there for at least 6 hours, however I do get Sundays off so I hope to update at least once a week on Sundays.

And now for my weekly dedications...

I want to dedicate this to @Annagamergirl9 @MeguelineMaraschim @WhatLight @DoctorCircuit40 @PrincessDevil1413 @SallyDonovan @The666 @FanFictionGirl19981 @lealilyflower @SarahT02

and especially for @MyCookiemonster95 for giving me the perfect ship name for Kat and Sherlock.... Katlock!!!!!!!

Thank you guys so much for voting and commenting It means the world to me!! Much love to you all!!!

Kisses -K

Update (Kind off) - Sorry this was posted a day late. I hit publish but for some reason it didn't take. I will normally try to post on Sundays though. Much love!!!


After they had put a good distance between the building and themselves, Kat turns to Sherlock while they wait for John. "Sherlock, about what Sebastian said in there, you know, don't listen to anything that pig says, right?" She looks him in the eyes to make sure he understood what she was talking about. "Everybody doesn't hate you, okay? And hey," Sherlock had turned his head away trying to conceal his emotions from her, but Kat grabbed his face lightly and turned it back to hers. "No matter what John says, you are friends. You're my friend too." She adds but has to hold back a bitter look on her face from how sour her mouth felt from calling him her 'friend.'

Unbenounced to Sherlock, and even though they have only known each other for a few weeks, Kat didn't want Sherlock to be her 'friend,' she wanted him to be something more. But she had no idea if he felt the same about her or anybody else for that matter. By now, Kat had gathered that maybe Sherlock wasn't too into relationships or anything of the sort.

After Kat finishes talking the two of them just stare at each other sweetly and slowly lean in without even realizing it.

When their lips were centimeters from touching and their breath was almost one, John bustles out from the bank behind them causing the two detectives to spring apart.

"Two trips around the world this month." John says oblivious to the intimate moment he just interrupted between his two roommates. "You didn't ask his secretary; you said that just to irritate him." Kat and Sherlock smile slightly. "How did you know?"

Holmes opened his mouth and was about to answer when Kat cuts him off.

"Oh! Can I try this one?" Kat asks excitedly. "I didn't get it at first but I'm pretty sure I figured it out by the end."

Sherlock gives her a eager smile. "Be my guest."

"It was his watch, right?" Kat smiles up at Sherlock. She definitely wasn't as short as John but Sherlock was still a good few inches taller than her.

"Ah yes, good job, Katherine." Sherlock smiles proudly.

John looks confused. "His watch?"

"The time was right but the date was wrong. It said two days ago. So, he crossed the dateline twice but he didn't alter it." Kat finishes her observations.

"Within a month? How'd you two get that part?"

Sherlock looks to Kat to see if she wants to finish but she shakes her head with a smile. "I'm out." She laughs. "I still didn't get that part."

"Well I applaud you, Kat, that was very good and you are learning quite a lot." He smiles proudly at Kat again and then finishes with the explanation. "The watch; New Breitling. Only came out this February."

"Ah," Kat smiles. "Maybe that means that I need to pay more attention to fashion." She jokes and Sherlock and John laugh too.

"Okay. So d'you think we should sniff around here for a bit longer?" Watson says looking at the bank.

"Got everything I need to know already, thanks." Sherlock replies curtly.


"That graffiti was a message for someone at the bank working on the trading floors. We find the intended recipient and..."

"...they'll lead us to the person who sent it?" Watson finishes for Sherlock.

"Obvious." Sherlock replies as though it was, well, obvious. Kat, hearing his slightly condescending tone, nudged him in the ribs a little bit.

"Well, there's three hundred people up there. Who was it meant for?" Watson questions.

Holmes smiles and replies with one word. "Pillars."

"What?" John asks.

"Pillars and the screens." Sherlock explains after seeing the confused faces on both Watson's face. "Very few places you can see that graffiti from. That narrows the field considerably. And of course the message was left at eleven thirty-four last night. That tells us a lot."

"Does it?"

Kat nods her head slowly understanding. "Well, traders come to work at all hours." She begins trying to understand it herself. "The list said that some trade with Hong Kong in the middle of the night. Which would mean that message was intended for someone who came in at midnight." Kat finishes. "Right?" She turns to Holmes and he nods and smiles at her.

"Not many Van Coon's in the phone book." He says holding up a name slip that he took out of Van Coon's door. "Taxi!" He yells, holding his hand out to call a taxi.

The three roommates get into the taxi as Sherlock tells the driver the victims address and the three of them sit in silence until they get there. After Sherlock pays for the cab, they walk up to the apartment complex and buzz in to Van Coon's apartment multiple times, but they didn't get any reply.

"So what do we do now?" Watson sighs. "Sit here and wait for him to come back?"

Holmes looked at all of the names on the apartment buzzer list and then stops on one right above Van Coon's name which has a brand new label and the name 'Wintle' writen in blue pen. "Just moved in."

"What?" Watson asks incredulously.

"The floor above. New label."

"Could have just replaced it." Watson replies and Kat laughs.

"Oh, Watson, no-one ever does that." Kat says laughing some more.

"Hello?" A female voice says over the speaker, presumably Ms. Wintle.

"Hi! Um, my wife and I live in the flat just below you. I-I don't think we've met." Sherlock says sweetly back to her through the speaker.

"No, well, uh, I've just moved in" Ms. Wintel replies.

"Actually, my husband, silly man, accidentally locked our keys in our flat." Kat adds in with her own laughing and joking tone, plying along with Sherlock's story.

"D'you want me to buzz you in?"

"Yeah, oh yes. That would be lovely, thank you." Kat replies graciously.

"And can we use your balcony?" Sherlock asks innocently.



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Kat Got Your Tongue? (Sherlock X OC) ~BOOK 1~Where stories live. Discover now