Brother And Sister?!

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Chris hadn't talked to me for most of their tour but Ricky sure did. He called me everyday and texted me the locations of where they were performing, hoping I'd show up at one. Thankfully, their date in Scranton was today. Claire and I got ready and were finally ready. I was now two months pregnant and it definitely started to show. My MIW tank that I wore when I met Ricky again that used to hang loosely now hugged my baby bump tightly. I hobbled down the stairs and we drove to the packed venue. Ricky had sent us passes so we walked to the back where the buses were. I could see a short black haired guy walking towards us so I waved and walked towards him. Ricky ran over to us and wrapped his arm around me.

"Blaze, what are you and Claire doing here?" He seemed confused and I laughed at his question.

"Obviously you expected us since you sent us passes!" I held up mine and he laughed. Claire stayed quiet and I finally answered his question. "Well I've been feeling really good lately and we decided to come out and see you guys."

He smiled at me and grabbed our hands pulling us towards the buses. We were almost there when someone caught his eye and he ran off.

"Guys, wait right here. I'll be right back!" He let go of our hands and we nodded, confused.

"Wonder where he's going." Claire mumbled.

"Yeah same." I whispered, following him with my eyes. I saw him run up to a red haired girl. They were pretty close and talked with smiles on their faces. Rage burned in my chest and I glared. I was carrying his baby for fuck's sake!

Finally, they came back. The girl was on his shoulder and he yelled for someone to open the door. Ghost opened it and smiled wide. I tried to return it but I was still irked by the girl who was all over Ricky. We get inside the bus and Ricky yells for Chris.

"Chris, we have visitors!" We could hear him groan and I frowned. He was still mad at me.

But leave it to Chris to surprise us. When he walked out and saw us, his face lit up. He pulled us into hugs and we grinned. Maybe he wasn't mad anymore.

"Blaze! Claire! What are you doing here?"

I smiled. "Well I've been feeling better and we decided to come out to the hometown show and see our favorite people." Chris smiled and turned his attention to the red haired girl.

Who the fuck was she? Whoever she was, she was all over them.

Chris pulled her into a hug too and I wanted so bad to pry her off my boyfriend.

"This is the best show ever!" Chris ran off again to finish his make up and everyone followed leaving us girls alone. Claire wasn't talking but she sat down on the couch with me. I was tired of standing, my back was starting to hurt. The silence was horrible but Ricky finally came back and I pipped up.

He handed the girl a shirt. "Ora, I got you the newest MIW shirt."


She kissed his cheek and Claire and I looked at her disapprovingly.

"Who the fuck does she think she is?" Claire whispered to me and I shrugged.

The girl turned to me spoke. "Hi, I'm Aurora. Is there a reason that you're staring at me like I've committed some kind of horrible crime?"

Her voice made it impossible not to roll my eyes. "I'm Blaze. And no, just don't really like other girls kissing my best friend."

And possibly the father to my child...

Aurora chuckled, "Oh, well I'm sorry. I didn't know that I needed permission to kiss my brother for saving me a shirt."

Wait what? Brother?! Ricky had a sister. And he never told me. And this girl was maybe going to be the aunt of my child? Ha, I don't think so. My stomach churned and I swallowed to keep from tossing my cookies. I contained my wide eyes and suddenly I got mad.

"Okay, 'Ricky's sister'." I air quoted, "you better stay away from Chris or I swear-" Chris came out and interrupted me.

"Blaze, chill. This is Aurora, she's Ricky's biological sister and you're my girlfriend. Now play nice." I clenched my fists at his words but she rolled her eyes smugly. Boy, if she wasn't Ricky's family I would have already taken her out.

She laughed and spoke again, gosh I wish she'd shut up, "Thanks for clarifying that I'm actually his sister."

I heard Chris laugh and that made my nerves worse. "No problem, Ora."

Why were they such friends with her? Claire rolled her eyes and I smiled thin, agreeing with her action. I took a deep breath preparing myself for the conversation I was going to have with Rick and Chris later. These pregnant lady hormones were driving me insane but this girl definitely gave me something to be mad about. Not only that, I was pissed at the fact that Ricky kept her a secret from me all these years. Even when we were in high school.

Maybe having a baby with him wasn't so great after all.

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