It Was All Based Off Of Hope

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"Fuck..." I breathed out, earning a confused look from Blaze. "She's so pretty." I covered up and smiled. Blaze held back tears and nodded.

"She is." She mumbled. Everyone was quiet after and stared at Scarlett. She had a little nose, sort of pushed up at the tip, and thin lips, just like Blaze. They were a light pink and she had a pouty bottom lip which I was sure would go away with age. Her face was powder white and I could see thin black hair peeking out from her beanie. They picked a ridiculous stereotypical pink to dress her in and already she seemed to gothic for it.

I smiled as we all continued to look at her but I couldn't push the thought away that she wasn't mine. I didn't know for sure, since most of her features looked like Blaze, but there was something about her and a feeling in my gut that said she just wasn't mine. I looked up at Ricky and with the look in his face, it seemed he felt the same.

I couldn't tell if he was looking at Scarlett more or Blaze, but whoever, his face showed a lot of love. And even though I was a little disappointed, I was happy for him. We could finally push this past us and all be friends. Besides, we were going on tour together again soon. The door opened and the rest of the guys, including Raven, stormed into the room.

"You can't all be in here. Too many people." They surrounded the bed against the nurse's wishes and began talking at once.

"Sh." Blaze shushed everyone and looked at the nurse sweetly. "It's okay, I want them all here." The nurse nodded and left but not before giving us all a dirty look.

"Congrats, Blaze. She looks just like you." Balz grinned at Scarlett. I could already tell they'd be super close.

"She's very pretty." Ghost smiled and poked Blaze's cheek. She smiled in return and nodded. Raven continued to stand and look at the baby in wonder. I was confused but at the moment, it didn't matter.

"Can I hold her?" I found myself asking. Everyone looked at me, including Blaze. There was a little silence before she agreed.

"Yes." She sat up and pulled me closer. After putting my arms the right way, she slipping Scarlett into my arms. My heart jumped at the sudden weight and I felt like I was holding glass. Scarlett's body was hot as fuck and I began to sweat right away. Whether from nervousness or heat, I wasn't sure. Scarlett released a little baby noise and my heart melted. Her lips began to move and I figured she was hungry.

"Um, Blaze?" She looked up at me. "I think she's hungry." I whispered and handed Scarlett back. Blaze laughed and nodded.

"She is." Blaze began to pull down her shirt so I instantly looked away. Ricky nudged my arm and we both walked outside. He faced me and for once we both didn't feel angry.

"So um... I guess she's yours." Ricky looked at the ground and motioned towards me. I was shocked.

"I thought she was yours, actually." I scratched the back of my head. I felt Ricky look at me and I bit my lip.


"Yeah, look at her." I titled my head. "She looks like Blaze but I mean, she kind of looks like you too." Realization sinked into Ricky and it showed in his face.

"Wow..." He whispered. I held my hand out and he took it.

"Congratulations." I grinned. Ricky shook my hand and smiled back.


I opened the door and we walked back inside. Everyone looked at us but with the expressions on our faces, no one seemed worried. Raven, Claire and Blaze all chatted with smiles on their faces and the guys just watched from across the room. I noticed Balz had Scarlett and Ryan was taking a picture. Ricky left my side and ran over to take Scarlett in his arms for the first time. It was a cute moment, I had to admit, seeing a father hold his daughter for the very first time. It looked like he wanted to fall apart but held it together just for her. Ryan caught the moment before patting him on the back and congratulating him.

The whole room had a feeling of relief and relaxation and we hung out for a few more hours before I decided we all should leave. I reached for Raven's hand and began to walk away but Blaze stopped us.

"Chris, could we talk?" The room fell silent and I gulped.

"Yeah, sure."

Slowly, everyone left the room. Raven stuck around while Ricky handed Scarlett back to Blaze but left once Ricky did. I pulled one of the chairs up the the side of the bed and sat down. Blaze fumbled around with the blanket that was wrapped around Scarlett before finally addressing me.

"So...," she paused, "sorry for involving you in all this. All the pain and emotion I put you through..." She trailed off but I knew what she meant.

"Blaze-" I started but stopped when I saw Raven staring at us through the window. I looked at her and she figured out what I meant from my eyes. "I still think you're beautiful. I always have and I probably always will. Even if she's not mine, I still want to be there for the both of you."

Blaze looked me in the eyes so hard I had to look away. "Are you sure?" Her voice was so soft and sweet that I couldn't help my thoughts. I licked my lips and smirked.

"Very sure. You'll always be my best friend." I stood up and leaned down to give her a hug. I snuck a kiss on her head and felt her smile. We broke away and looked down at Scarlett. We were both silent so I took this opportunity to say goodbye.

"Well I should get going. Gotta pack." I shoved my hands in my pockets and headed for the door.

"Pack?" A small voice stopped me and I turned around. Blaze stared at me and that's when I knew.

"Yeah... Pack. Pack for uh, my mom. She left some stuff last time she was here and I've got to pack it up and give it back... To her." I nodded my head, trying to convince myself of my lie but I knew it wasn't working. I walked away and found Ricky in the hallway talking to Claire.

"You need to tell her." I whispered as I walked by. Ricky looked back at me as I grabbed Raven's hand. I left with no other words.

Not being Scarlett's father sucked but I hadn't felt this alive in a long time. Scarlett was beautiful for a baby and being around her made being around Blaze okay. I had some form of hope for Blaze and I after Scarlett but with that gone now, I could finally move on and enjoy Raven.

Besides, she was beautiful also.

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