Part 9

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Zach's Pov

I have no idea how I am going to meet up with both Daniel and Jonah, so I had a plan. I decided to call them both and tell them to meet at the same place. You may think this is dumb, since they may run into one another, but I thought about that too which is why I chose my near by mall.

Its really big so its hard for anyone to find eachother. I send them each a cafe name thats on opposite sides of the mall. This is a bit of a handful, but when it comes to feelings a lot of things are sacraficed, including my time.

"So Zach," Daniel says looking at me then back at the road. "Yeah?" "Why the mall? Do you like shopping?" I look at him confused. "Um doesn't everyone like shopping?!" he cuckles "I don't really," he says turning into the parking lot. "Well then your crazy Daniel" I hop ouy the car and Daniel follows locking it.

We walk side by side through the mall. People are eyeing me because of what I am wearing, but i don't give a fuck. I can wear whatever I want bitches! I flip them off not carring if the adult had children or not. Daniel trying to applogize and lower my hands. "Zach, lets be respectful at least towar-"

A kid runs up to me and falls by my feet. I stop and smile and reach to pick her up. I hear a gasp and move my hand away seeing a woman with a stroller. She rushes over and looks at me with a glare. "Don't you dare touch my child! You sinner." She walks away dragging the child with her.

"Well guess what lady, at least I'm more human than you'll ever be." I grab onto Daniel's hand and kiss his cheek. I hear her mumbling to herself and I laugh a bit. "That was better taken care of" Daniel says letting go of my hand. I felt my heart drop from the loss, until he wraps hsi hand around my waist pulling me closer.

"You truly are a wonder Zach," "Good way or bad?" I ask looking into his ocean eyes. "Good" he says lightly kissing the tip of my nose. I smile with my cheeks turning a darker shade of red. We make our way into teh small Cafe and I swear I almost died.

We both take a seat at a booth. Daniel starts to move his leg inbetween mine teasing me a bit. I bite my bottom lip and scootch a bit closer toward the table. I hear the door open and I look and see a brown haired boy I am all too familiar with. I take Daniel's hand and drag him toward the bathroom. I shut the door and lock it breathing fast. "What was that all about Zach? Are you oka-" "Jonah is here." "So?" I remember he doesnt know anything.

"Nevermind, sorry" I unlock the door and open it, but it is closed shut. I turn around to see Daniel leaning over me. I gulp and lick my lips nervously. He puts his lips to mine and start to make out with lustful intentions. He moves his hands down toward my ass and squeezes it a bit, causing me to moan into our kiss.

It give shim the chance to intsert his tounge into my mouth and I being to moan even more. I hear a loud banging noise and I jump a bit, Daniel is startled just as me and he bites my lip accidnetly. "Ow" I say putting my hand to the sensitive spot.

"Sorry baby-" "Open up! I need to take a shit!" I fix myself and unlock the door. The man looks at us with pure disgust. "You fuckers better move out the way before I shit here and now!" I move out the way fast, Daniel following.

I leave the bathroom and the man shuts the door with a slam. "Someone is in a cranky mood" I say looking out for Jonah. "Well no shit" Daniel says jokingly. We head back to our table and our drink are already there. We couldn't get any food because we were both broke, I mean I kind of expected this. A guy who never expected to go to the mall so didn't have the money, and a guy who wasted all of his money at the mall a few days ago.

I feel something buzz and I take my phone out of my pocket.

Hoenah🤤: Where are you?

Me: I'm on my way don't worry ;)

I shut off my phone and look at a content Daniel drinking his Apple Juice. He really is my lil baby.


This was kind of a Zaniel chapter! Next is Zonah!

~ AJ

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