Chapter Twenty

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Your POV

Last night was incredible. I've never seen Harry so loving and gentle, yet wild and rough. You'd think it was the last time we'd see it each other the way we were going at it. I can feel Harrys arm still tightly wrapped around my waist, our legs still entangled. My hand is resting on his chest and I can feel the gentle rising and falling of his chest. I flutter my eyes open, slowly adjusting the bright lights, to meet his piercing emerald eyes staring straight into mine.

"Finally!" he smiles instantly, noticing I'm awake.

"Morning baby." I smile back, my voice still a bit husky from the night before. I shut my eyes again, too sore to get up, and I can still feel Harry's eyes burning into me.

"Quit staring." I giggle, my eyes still closed.

"I'm gazing." he smirks, creeping his hand further around my back and pulling me closer.

"It's creepy." I state, still with shut eyes.

"It's romantic." He says seductively, kissing at my neck. We both burst out laughing, just enjoying being wrapped in each others arms, without a care in the world.

"Oh shit!" I gasp, noticing the time over Harry's shoulder. "I've gotta go to work!" I say in shock, not realizing it was so late. I unwrap myself from his arms and sit up, head spinning from the sudden movement.

"No baby don't leave mee!" Harry whines, grabbing my hand and pulling me back into his arms.

"Baby I really have to go!" I giggle, as he rolls on top of me and straddles my waist, kissing down my neck. "I'm not letting you go!" He chuckles, pinning me down. I think for a bit, knowing he is about ten times stronger than me. I smirk, and grab his face, pulling him towards me and kissing him deeply. He lets out a moan, so I take my chance and flip him back over, his body completely relaxed.

"Ha!" I laugh, scrambling out of bed and frantically searching the room for my clothes.

"Over there." Harry smirks, pointing to my bra hanging on top of the lamp.

"Thanks." I giggle, snatching it up and throwing my hair into a pony tail.

"Everything hurts!" I groan as I hobble around, remembering last nights activities.

"Sorry know you liked it." Harry chuckles, as I roll my eyes. I toss on my work shirt and hop into a pencil skirt, fitting tightly around my bum. I race downstairs and grab my bag, Harry close behind me.

"What about breakfast?" He asks hopefully.

"No time!" I smile, pecking him on the lips as I head for the door. He instantly drops to the floor and clings onto my leg, like five year old not wanting to leave his mummy.

"Baby please don't go! Don't leave me!" he whines, pouting.

"Harry oh my god let go!" I laugh, shaking him off.

"No never!" He cries dramatically, kissing up my leg.

"Harry i swear to god you let go of me right now or you won't be getting any tonight!" I smirk, knowing it works every time. He huffs and reluctantly releases my leg.

"Just one last kiss." He mumbles, standing up and kissing me deeply, before I pull away.

"Bye baby. Love you!" I yell out as I walk to the car.

"Love you too babe." He smiles, smacking my bum as I walk past, leaning in the doorway.

Harry's POV

I watch (Y/N) pull out of the driveway and sigh. A whole day by myself without her. I slouch into the kitchen and pull out the cornflakes from the cupboard, pouring a generous amount into a bowl, and splashing it with milk.

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