Chapter Eleven

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Your POV

Last night was actually one of the best nights I've ever had. When I'm with Harry I feel complete, like nothing else in the world matters but us. I'm completely and utterly in love with him, and all I want to do is be with him forever. I'm lying on my back, thinking about how great last night was, when some rustling of the bed distracted me from my thoughts.

"Morning beautiful! Last night was amazing." Harry says pulling me close by my waist.

"Morning babe. We should totally do it again sometime." I joke as I try to get up out of bed. But Harry grabs my waist and pulls me back down onto the bed.

"Where are you going? You're supposed to lie here with me." he pouts.

"I have to have a shower." I say.

"I can still feel the sweat on my skin." I say attempting to get up again.

"Are you sure it's sweat?" Harry jokes, winking.

"Shut up, you! I'm having a shower and don't you dare even think about joining me..." I say as I walk to the bathroom, making sure I lock the door behind me.

Harry's POV

I hear the bathroom door latch close. Are you kidding me? (Y/N) is driving me mad. I love her so much. All I want to do is get in the shower with her but she's locked the freakin' door. I lie back down, the bed feeling empty without her. I suddenly hear a door open and I get excited, hoping to see (Y/N) come out of the bathroom.

"Mate, hurry up! You're late for the interview!" Niall says, barging through the bedroom door. Oh shit! I totally forgot about this interview.

"Looks like someone got lucky last night...." Niall says holding up (Y/N)'s bra that was left on the floor by the door.

"Oh shit! She's still here isn't she?" Niall asks, as he hears the water running from the shower. He drops the bra as I give him an evil glare.

"Shut up, Niall! Get out of here, I'll be down in a sec." I say, totally freaked out.

Your POV

As I'm having my shower I suddenly hear Niall's voice. I'm so scared, why the hell is he even here? I make sure to keep the water running as I quickly get out, wrap a towel around me and walk to the door, so I can hear what they're saying. OMG we're so dead, Niall is going to kill us. I hear Niall leave and I start to hear footsteps headed for the door.

"(Y/N)! It's me, open up." Harry whispers through the door. I stop the water and rush to the door to open it for Harry.

"Shit!" I say, knowing Niall's here.

"Babe, I have to go to an interview now, I'm running really late. Niall's down stairs so once we leave you can roam the house okay? I'll be back in a few hours. I love you baby!" he says before giving me a sweet kiss.

"Bye babe! Don't tell him anything!" I whisper as I see him walk out of the bedroom door.

Harry's POV

I feel so bad leaving (Y/N) like that. Way to ruin the perfect moment. I quickly rush down stairs and grab my keys.

"Sorry Niall. Ready now!" I say opening the front door.

"So who's the girl, Haz?" he asks as I usher him out the door.

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