Chapter Twenty Two

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Harry's POV.

I'm so nervous I think I'm going to pass out. Come on Harry, pull yourself together. I pull out a shaky hand and take the small box from her fingers, my eyes not leaving hers. I clear my throat nervously and get down on one knee, watching her eyes grow big as she realizes what's happening.

"Oh my god..." she murmurs, holding a hand to her chest.

"(Y/N)." I start, trying to control my voice, taking her hand in mine.

"Ever since Niall introduced me to you, all those years ago, I've known you were the one for me. That night in the bar, when we both fell drunk and you fell for my charm, I knew that that was my big chance. Even though I was drunk, I knew that I had never ever felt like someone the way I felt about you. I knew that you were different, and that if i ever let you go, I'd be making the biggest mistake of my life." I say, growing more confident by the minute. She wipes a tear from her eye and smiles that beautiful smile, before I begin again. "From that night on, I promised myself that I would never let you go, and I would do whatever it took to make you mine, because without you, I am nothing. When we had our first fight, I don't think I've ever felt as bad as when I did then. I hated myself. Truth is, (Y/N), I can't live without you. You're all I ever think about, and I love everything about you. I love the way you smile, and how the sound of your laugh stays in my head all day. I love the way you slap my chest when I'm always right, and how you can understand my dirty mind. I love the way you look beautiful without trying, even if you don't know it, and blush whenever someone compliments you. But even more I love the way you love me, and how people say that we are meant for each other. Because you loving me is the most precious thing I could ever have, and I treasure it, (Y/N). I promise that I will always protect you, and if I could spend the rest of my life with you I would be the luckiest man on earth. I put a lot of thought into how is wanted to do this, and I decided that here, in our new home, overlooking the beach, would be the perfect place. This place is ours, only ours, and I can't wait to start my new life here with you. Forever and Always right?" I stare at her for a minute and take a deep breath, taking the big diamond ring out from the box.

"(Y/N), baby, will you do me the honor, of marrying me?" She gasps at the sight of the ring, tears streaming down her face.

"Yes! Yes Harry I will! I will!" she squeals, as I slide the ring on her finger. I jump up and kiss her passionately, as she wraps her legs around my waist. Tears start escaping my eyes now, too, as she runs her hands through my curls. I can feel her smiling into the kiss and I smile back, squeezing her tightly.

"I love you much....Harry, Forever and Always." she whispers, in between each kiss.

"I love.... you too....Mrs (Y/N) Styles, Forever and Always." I grin, loving how perfect that sounded.

"I can't believe this Harry. First the house, then the ring. We're getting married!! We live in this beautiful big house, together. Just you and me!" she cries, our bodies still tucked close together. She leans her head towards mine, our lips meeting and moving in sync perfectly. I am so happy in this moment. Who would have thought that I would be living with the most gorgeous girl on earth, and being able to call her my fiancé. (Y/N) is my everything and I just cant wait to spend the rest of my life with her. The kiss becomes more lustful and heated until (Y/N) breaks away suddenly.

"I do believe you're all mine now..." she smirks, barely leaving my lips. I grin.

"I do believe I promised you that..." I chuckle, walking her over to the bed.

"Mmmm no...upstairs." she murmurs. I grin and run her up to the rooftop. I let her go and she rips off her top and pants and dives into the water, swimming right to the edge. "Come in with me baby. You don't want me to get lonely do you?" She says seductively, knowing how crazy she is driving me. I moan and throw my top off, diving in after her.

Your POV

I feel Harry's hands clasp my thighs as his head of sopping curls emerge from the water. His lips instantly gravitate to mine teasing me with his hot breath against my lips.

"I love you so much, fiancé." he whispers in a sexy French accent.

"Mmm, J'adore mon fiancé aussi!" (I love my fiancé too) I say, trying to sound seductive.

"Mmmm.. My my my, don't you sound sexy?" he says, merging his lips to mine in a lustful and long kiss. I place my arms around his neck, my fingers entangled in his wet curls. I pull him closer, deepening the kiss. Harry slides his hands around the small of my back, removing the distance between us. I place my left hand on his cheek, rubbing my thumb against his stubble. I start to feel him smile into the kiss, knowing it turns him on when I place my hands on his cheeks. He starts to pull away, smiling intently as he looks deep into my eyes. I do the same until I'm distracted by the huge diamond on my finger. I graze my hand across his cheek before pulling my hand towards me, inspecting the huge rock. The ring is absolutely beautiful. It has a big circular diamond in the centre with smaller diamonds set around it. There are small diamonds encased all the way around the band too. Clearly Harry wasted no expense and went all out. It was beautiful, and I'm sure very expensive.

"So do you like it?" Harry asked, nodding his head towards the ring. A huge smile grew across my lips. Every little girl has dreamed of their wedding day and what their engagement would look like, but never in a million years, did I think I would get a ring this breath taking.

"Are you kidding me Harry? It's gorgeous, I couldn't have asked for anything more." I reply, pecking his lips once more, letting him know I meant what I said.

"I love you so much Harry! You're amazing." I whisper against his lips.

"I love you too baby, forever and always." he says back.

"Forever and Always." I repeat, our lips meeting once again.

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