Chapter Twelve

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Harry's POV

"Nobody." I say stubbornly, sliding into the car next to Louis.

"Hello sleepy head!" Zayn says with a smile.

"Sorry guys, I completely forgot." I muttered, strapping on my seat belt.

"We thought you had gone into hibernation or something, but then we remembered its only autumn." Louis said with a grin.

"Very funny." I mumbled, looking out the window.

"Harry what's up mate?" Liam asks, concerned.

"You don't seem like you're in a very good mood." I opened my mouth to speak when Niall cut me off.

"Don't know why he wouldn't be in a good mood! Looked like he had a great time last night if you ask me!" He says with a wink, as I glare at him.

"Ohhh did someone get lucky!?" Zayn cheers.

"Not only did he get lucky, but the girl is still there!" Niall says. I watched as Louis, Zayn and Liam's mouths all fell wide open as they realized who the girl was, and suddenly changed the subject. I sat in silence the rest of the car trip, not wanting to draw any more attention to myself. We arrived at the interview and I was relieved to get out of the car, distancing myself from Niall and any discussion about this morning. I just wanted to get this interview over with so I could get back home to (Y/N). As we were already running late we walked straight onto the set, in front of a live audience, and took a seat on the couch. The interviewer was young and attractive, but nothing compared to (Y/N). She asked us the usual questions; how we formed, about our tour and where we will go from here. Then things started to get personal, and I felt sick in my stomach. She asked Louis and Liam about Danielle and Eleanor, and how they cope without each other, then eventually turned to me.

"So, Harry, tell us, how are you and (Y/N) going?" she says with a fake smile. I feel my stomach roll over, and opened my mouth to defend myself when I was cut off by Niall.

"(Y/N) and Harry? Psshtt, that's ridiculous!" He laughs.

"(Y/N) is my best friend and I can assure you there is nothing going on there. I know we keep our private lives out of the media but we always tell each other everything, right boys?" he says, looking at us for back up. We all quickly nod our heads.

"So, how do you explain this?" the interviewer asks, flashing photos on the screen above us of me and (Y/N) on the night I took her out to dinner.

"Oh..erm..." I start, frantically searching my brain for answers. "We're just good friends. That is all. She...she went to dinner with her friends and asked me to come with her because they wanted to meet me, but unfortunately it turned out they couldn't make it." I say, trying to sound as convincing as possible.

"So you have no feelings for (Y/N) whatsoever?" the interviewer asks slowly, clearly not satisfied with my answers.

"(Y/N) is lovely, but we're just good friends." I force a smile, but it hurts me to say it. I just want to yell out how much I love her, and how lucky I am to be with her, but I know I can't.

Your POV

I feel sick at what happened this morning; it was way too close. What if he had of come in 5,10 minutes earlier and found me lying naked next to Harry? I don't even want to think about it. I throw on some leggings and a plain white tank top rushing down stairs, eager to watch the interview as it was live to air. I flick on the TV and to my horror, pictures

of me and Haz are plastered all over the screen. I freeze and watch as Harry painfully tries to explain what we are doing together.

"So you have no feelings for (Y/N) whatsoever?" the interviewers asks him.

"(Y/N) is lovely, but we're just good friends." Harry responds. My heart sinks. I know that this is what must be said, and that's what I want him to say, but actually hearing the words hurts. I wish we could love each other and not have to worry about hiding it. I turn the TV off and lie down on the couch, sinking my face deep into the pillow. I try to shut out everything, all the drama and secrecy, and lightly drift off to sleep. It feels like I've only been asleep for a minute, when two strong hands grab me by my waist.

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