Chapter Nine

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Your POV

I woke up to a text from Harry this morning saying

"Morning beautiful, I missed you last night, I felt lonely :( The boys are coming over today if you wanna join? But no funny business, Niall will be here. I love you baby. H xx" I smiled as I read the text, Harry always made my heart melt, he always knew what to say.

"Morning sexy, i missed you too :( I'll come round for a little while but not too long, don't want the boys to catch on" I replied. I decided it was time to get up and get ready for Harry's. I threw on my jeans, a white top, and some black vans. Once I was ready I quickly grabbed my keys and headed for the door.

Harry's POV

All the boys, Danielle and Eleanor were over. We were mucking around, just having some fun. We were watching some stupid show that Louis wanted to watch and I was getting bored so I texted (Y/N) to see where she was.

"You still coming babe?" a few minutes later I received a text back.

"On my way :) xx" my face lit up when I saw her reply, I always got giddy around (Y/N), she made me feel so loved.

"Ooh! Who you texting? Your girlfriend?" Louis asked in a mocking tone. I gave him an evil glare, unsure whether the other boys would catch on.

"Shut up mate!" I glared at him. Suddenly I heard a knock on the door. Perfect timing, I thought to myself. I got up and answered it. It was (Y/N). She looked beautiful, I couldn't keep my eyes off her. I didn't know how I was going to act cool around all the lads, all I wanted to do was hug her and kiss her.

"Hey there!" I said, giving her a friendly hug.

"Hey!" she said with a wink, making sure no one else could see.

"We need to talk" I said, and she nodded. She looked worried but there was no need for her to. We walked into the living room where (Y/N) said hello to everyone before sitting on the opposite side of the room. She looked at me with a glum look, clearly unhappy that we couldn't sit together.

"Lou! This show is absolutely stupid!" Niall complained.

"I'm going out to get some food. I'll be back later guys!" he said as he walked out of the front door.

Your POV

Niall suddenly left, and I will admit, it did take some pressure off this whole situation. I was staring at Harry, mouthing naughty things to him as he smirked cheekily at me. I made sure everyone else was watching the screen as Harry and I were too busy mouthing dirty things to each other.

"It looks like Harry Styles has a new girl! He was spotted at the park last night with Niall's best friend, (Y/N). Later that night they were then seen getting intimate at her front door." I quickly looked at the screen to find images of me and Harry kissing from last night on the news. Everyone went silent and looked at Harry, then me, then back at Harry.

'Shit!!' I muttered under my breath. This wasn't meant to happen. Niall is going to kill me.

"What? Is this true?" Liam asked. Harry looked at me and said

"Yes Li, we're together and we have been for a few weeks now, but you can't tell anyone, especially Niall." Harry said as he saw I had started to cry. He sat next to me and held me in his strong arms as I sobbed into his chest, wondering whether this whole relationship was worth all the drama.

Harry's POV

I couldn't believe we were on the news. I swore there was no paparazzi around last night. I felt so bad. I went to give her a comforting hug, as her tears poured onto my chest.

"Baby, please don't cry! It's going to be ok!" I whispered into her ear. She just kept sobbing and I got no response.

"Yes Li, we're together and we have been for a few weeks now, but you can't tell anyone, especially Niall." I say, still holding (Y/N) in my arms tightly.

"Then, why are you crying? That's great news!" Danielle says, coming over to (Y/N) to give her a hug.

"Because Niall doesn't want us together!" she sobbed, in reply.

"Don't worry (Y/N), none of us will tell Niall, right guys?" Danielle said, quickly referring to the others. The others were all in favor, agreeing not to tell Niall. I felt (Y/N)'s head lift from my chest, she smiled at everyone, thanking them. Suddenly we heard the front door open again.

"Hey guys, I'm back what did I miss?" Niall asked as (Y/N) quickly jumped out of my hold, wiping away her tears.

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