So what if I'm jealous

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"Oh, look who's at it again." Teased Alonzo, pushing Mr. Mistoffelees jokingly in the shoulder with his black and white paw." I couldn't possibly know what you mean Alonzo, you've been seeing things again haven't you?" Mr. Mistoffelees remarked back. Even though he was telling a lie he would never let his friend get the better of him.

The sight that was held before him did not make him happy, not one bit. He swished his tail side to side and glared at the kits who had taken up all of Mr Mistoffelees crush or better known as Rum Tum Tugger. The slightly older cat had perched himself up on top of the boot and was telling sweet nothings to the kittens while smirking and winking which made them fall on top of each other."No, I certainly have no problem with it what so ever." The magical cat said, walking off to his hut. He could feel the heaviness sweep over him like how the moon and stars sweep over the sky.

"Hey! Misto! where are you going? " Alonzo dashed after his good friend, putting a black and white paw on his shoulder.

"Home, Alonzo." Mr. Mistoffelees said back not bothering to look at him, kicking a few rocks here and there. If only he had all of the powers in the world then maybe Tugger would finally notice him. Mr. Mistoffelees blew a hard sad sigh as he thought of the one thing he could never accomplish, having the famous Rum Tum Tugger as his boyfriend.

"I'll walk with you!" Alonzo chirped hopping along with him.

After a nice little stroll back to his den, Mr. Mistoffelees said goodbye to Alonzo, turned around and closed his door only for his back to slump against it. He let his body fall to the ground and wondered to himself why he didn't feel good enough for Tugger, was it because he wasn't strong enough or old enough or cute enough? And if he were all those things would it make any difference anyway? And why did he always have to be so mean to him? Why couldn't he accept his kind platonic gestures;maybe it was because he didn't want to sink to level of those kittens."I'm just another kit to him.." He said emotionless. But there was no time for moping around. There was work to be done!

"Come now old chap we must practice for the ball! And maybe..just maybe he will notice me." That gave Mr. Mistoffelees enough courage to get up, brush himself off and begin to practice far into the night; he's a perfectionist after all. He imagined that Rum Tum Tugger was watching him, smiling with him and evening dancing with him. Misto was sick of letting everyone take what was rightfully his, they only appreciated him for his looks but Mr. Mistoffelees has a memory he will never forget that no one holds onto apart from him.


Everything seemed to quiet for a normal jellical day as a jellical cat. But Mr. Mistoffelees couldn't quite place his finger on what made it so quiet, Jenny was yapping away to the mice, Munkustrap was keeping an eye on everyone and even Skimbleshanks was tap dancing away to the train for his daily duties. Mr. Mistoffelees walked up to Alonzo who greeted him kindly only to start talking about his "ever so small crush for Demeter." As Alonzo would say it.

"Hey, Misto are you alright? You seem off.. is something bothering you?" Asked Alonzo worried. Mr. Mistoffelees was glad he had such a good friend like Alonzo. They grew up together as friends, of course it wasn't always like that. Alonzo used to pick on Mistofelees until one day he caught him practising magic with a smoke boom and thats when Alonzo began to call him Misto because of all the mist that went everywhere when little Mr. Mistoffelees had dropped the bomb and made it go everywhere, they had been close ever since.

"Actually there is, everything just seems really quiet." He said to Alonzo who nodded.

"Yeah, Rummy bum bum got upset about something and ran off, we tried to look for him but he's nowhere to be seen." Alonzo shrugged.

Thats when it hit Mr. Mistoffelees straight in the face. It was Tugger's birthday, of course he'd be upset, but then again why should he care if he's upset? Which lead to the question why did he care? He fought with himself over the idea of trying to find him himself. So after a few minutes he locked his ego away, told Alonzo he forgot a few things from his den and went on the search for Tugger. But first he went home to find whatever he could to satisfy the big cat who was ever so picky and then finally decided on his last can of premium expensive cat food that he himself had saved for a long time and something else."This should do..I hope."

Soon after Mr. Mistoffelees went on the search for Tugger, he looked through old worn out dens, secluded corners, even trash cans which he knew that he wouldn't be in anyway because it would ruin his perfectly combed mane that he wouldn't stop talking about. He was about to give up hope until he heard a little sniffle, coming from coincidentally happened to be right behind his own den.

He made sure to go softly up to him, and for the first time the infamous Rum Tum Tugger rock star looked like a mess. His collar was undone, his eyes were teary and his beautiful mane was in a state of dissary. It broke a small piece of his heart to see one of the strongest cat in his clan look so upset.

Mr mistoffelees, quietly popped himself down next to the sniffling male cat and waited for him to notice his presence. Tugger wiped his eyes and looked to the side and when he saw Mr. Mistoffelees he instantly got up from his position and tried to stand and strongly as he could but failed.

"Wh..what are YOU doing here?!" barked Tugger in a try hard angry voice but too much sadness was in the way to make it seem realistic.

"I could ask you the same thing! it is my back garden after all." smirked Mr. Mistoffelees.

Tugger pretended to look around and be shocked."!"

"Sit." said Mr. Mistoffelees. And surprisingly he did.

There was a long awkward silence which you could cut with a knife.

"So..why are you upset?" asked Mr. Mistoffelees softly, not wanting to scare Tugger off.

Tugger was kinda taken back that someone, let alone Mr. Mistofelees would care, but quickly hid it and turned away from him."Why do you care?" he asked back.

"Because..Because I care about you tugs..I mean I care about everyone ya know?" Mr. Mistoffelees blushed and then sighed, which made Tugger smile lightly, only to look off again.

Tugger sighed in defeat."I feel..I feel like no one would really appreciate me without my gifts that I've worked so hard on because I thought that would make everyone like me...I mean i guess it did but not in the way I wanted it to."

Mr. Mistoffelees blushed, he felt like no one else had seen this side of him before but Tugger took it for a he's said too much look.

"Aha! sorry sorry, I'll shut up." Tugger fake laughed even though he was hurt after opening up for the first time in years. Thats why Mr. Mistoffelees was beginning to slowly like him, he could never hide his emotions from him.

"Wait! No, keep talking." The curious cat grabbed his paw and held it up to himself."I want to know everything so please don't lie to me." He massaged his paw and then looked up at Tugger's  chocolate brown eyes and blushing face. Tugger found this to be the cutest thing he had ever seen, he had never felt so close to anyone, like his heart had just been unlocked for the first time. But of course Mr. Mistoffelees didn't know this which made him sadder. Tugger leaned against the fence and put his paw down but still had Misto's paw in his.

"Well, what I mean by people not liking the way I want to be liked for me! Not for a stage act that I thought would make everyone respect me the way I deserve and want to get to know me, the REAL me! But no, everyone only likes me for my talents not actually for myself. My own brother Munkustrap forgot my own birthday! And so did everybody else." He sighed the last bit and squeezed Mr. Mistoffelees hand a little bit tighter but it was okay.

Misto felt sad for the cat but also understood where he was coming from which surprised him, he looked off to the side."I know what you mean.."

The Rum Tum Tugger was astonished."How? everyone loves you! You're so-" Mr. Mistoffelees quirked an eyebrow at him which made him realize his mistake.

"I wasn't always Mr. Mistoffelees you know."
"Really? Everyone calls you it."
"Yes but, my real name is.. DON'T LAUGH OKAY?"
Tugger made a cross my heart motion which made Mr Mistoffelees smile.
"My real name is Quaxo."

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