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Skimble x reader

As you watched Victoria rest her perfect body on skimbleshanks body and watch him throw his head back in pleasure opening his mouth a cut of jealousy began to rip its way into her mind, making her scurry off but watch from afar.

You avoided skimbleshanks  from then on, don't think he noticed. He never notices you anyways but it's not a big deal you had better things to do. Besides a kitten an adult cat is forbidden. Victoria only got to have that because she's slightly older than the rest of us.

Your friends questioned your actions like eating further away from the adults when we were meant to sit as close as possible or how you'd go out of your way to avoid skimble shankles so much that you ended up crashing into a trash can hurting your head but you just pretended like you didn't know what they were talking about trying to push the idea of Victoria who was all over him and Pluto. You wish you were as pretty as her but you're not, you're a scrap. Even if munkstrap is my brother I'm nothing special. But you did try to help out as much as you could, you don't have to be any way shape or form to be kind or help out so you busied yourself with helping other cats, it was the best you could do to banish thoughts of the tom from your brain, maybe you were overreacting.

As munkstrap picked at his food that he had decided to share with his old friend skimble he couldn't shake the thought that you weren't your usual self ever since the ball. Avoiding adults and trying your best to stay away from skimble. Did something happen between the two?

"Hey skimble?" He questioned looking up at the ginger cat.
"Yes?" He replied scarfing down his mouthful.
"I just wanted to know if you had noticed y/n acting any differently recently."
"Hmm." Skimbleshanks scratched his ear trying to think of anything that made him wonder if you're okay.
"No. Why?" He asked going back to his meal.
"Well, it's just she's started to avoid the adult that I think about it it's mostly you she tries to avoid."
This gained skimbleshank's attention very quickly.
"I'm uh sorry but you got me puzzled."
"Well first off, she switched from patrol with you and other kittens to hanging out mungojerry, she goes out of her way to avoid you she hit her head and whenever you're around me she excuse herself quickly."
Skimbleshanks suddenly realised everything his dear friend was saying and more, how her joyful blushed looks had turned Into hateful sad glares ever since...
"It seems like ever since the ball with you and Victoria she's been acting strangely."
"You'll have to excuse me!" Skimble got up as fast as he could and discarded his meal.
"Wait! Hold on where are you going!" Munkstrap asked worried.
"I need some air." But he didn't, he was going to find y/n and settle this once and for all. Fixing problems was his thing and he was going to sort this out as soon as possible.

Racing through the yard he was soon able to catch your smell and follow it. He dashed through trash cans and old broken things until he stumbled upon a secluded area where he saw you napping in the shade.

He didn't know how to approach you, he was confused and frustrated. He didn't know if it was at himself or you.

He slowly prowled over to you and rested near your face staring at it. It seemed tear stained. This just confused him more, he wanted to help that was his job. But you looked so peaceful and no can't think that way about the kitten.

You tossed over in your sleep and opened your eyes to a beautiful ginger cat who lay infront of you, but hold on this wasn't any ginger cat it was skimbleshanks!

You got up quickly and screamed that certainly startled him.
"What are you doing here?!" Slightly creeped out that he had been watching you sleep only for him to motion towards you.
Skimble hesitated but knew he had to be strong about this if he was going to get answers.
"Im here to talk to you about something young kitty. And I think you know what." He folded his arms tapping his foot, a fixated look on her.
suddenly the ground was way more interesting than this conversation to her.
" I don't know what you're talking about."
His stare made her feel small and uncomfortable, she stepped back only for him to take a longer step towards her.
"You constantly avoid me completely." Another step forward.
"You leave when I'm around your brother."
Another step.
"And whenever you look at me it's filled with hate or sadness."
He was so close to her now she could feel his angry breath, she looked up at him realising the jig was up.
"Alright yes I did those things but for a good reason." Looking back at the ground
"And that is little one?" He said softy holding her chin in his thumb and finger.
Her heart skipped a beat, he had never done anything to her like this. Was it just for comfort?
"Ever since the ball you've been avoiding me-"
Skimbleshanks let her chin go and stepped back,  a shocked look on his ginger face.
"Victoria? What about her?"
"Ever since I saw you kiss Victoria and have your way with her I couldn't take it and ran off. I avoided you because I was hurt and thought that it would be better. Besides I'm just a scrap you shouldn't care about this!"
He was absolutely shocked by this, he never thought about it this way, it made him bashful but sad he had made her feel this way.
"But love you are so much more than a scrap! Your beautiful!" After he said those words his eyes went wide, no no no did I just say that? He thought. But the way he was looking at her, with her blushed face told him to give in.
"I um ah it uh." She stuttered.
"So you wanted to be Victoria?" He asked scratching his head.
"and you wanted me to feel you up."
He walked close again more predatory.
"Like this?"
Shimbleshanks purred deeply in his Irish accent and rubbed face against her thigh continuously purring, he felt so nice and warm against her, his soft fur rubbed perfectly with hers and he could smell her arousal and oh how he wanted it bad.
But then again she was a kitten.

The thought popped into his head quickly and he pulled away.
"Lassy we cant do this, you're a kit and I'm an adult!" He edged away from her sad and ashamed.
She ran her hand up to his face and held it making him turn his head and look at her.
"But don't you want me?!" She said alarmed, he saw she was about to cry and his face saddened even more.
He held her face in his slightly bigger hands and she held onto them instead and lent into them, a single tear fell from her eyes and he rubbed it away with his thumb.
"Yes, very much so...but you're too young and your brother would hate me!"

He couldn't stand to see her upset and again by his hand. It killed him even though he had only found out his feelings moment before.
The words he said broke her heart into two, sudden hate and sadness began to mix.
"How about you stop worrying about what others want or rules and do what you want." She said through gritted teeth, pulling away from him which hurt him more than she thought.
"But how can a young beautiful little kitty like yourself love an old train cat like shimbleshanks?" He paced towards her, wanting an answer.
"How could I not! You're the most beautiful cat I've ever lay eyes on! I tried oh boy I tried to let my feelings go for you but you're charming smile and charasmatic personality just drew me even deeper! And all the dreams I have about you doing things to me! It just makes me wanna-!" She threw her arms around his ginger neck and pressed her lips against his and he was sold.

First he didn't respond out of shock but then gave in, he wanted her, he needed her! He kissed her back lovingly.

There lips intertwined with one another and then their tongues danced together. Shimbleshanks put it his arms around his love, pulling her closer.

The kissed stopped and he looked down at her and he looked up at him and when she did she felt like the loving smile on his face would melt her.

He ran his hands down her body, over her breasts, down her torso and to her pussy, running his finger through her pussy lips. His eyes focused on her reactions how her body shaked and quivered at certain motions he'd do, his eyes hooded with lust as he bit his lip moaning with her.
"Is this alright?" He asked twirking his head to the side grinning a cat like grin.
"Yes.." she moaned.
"You want more?" He said, biting her neck, licking at it, this action made her jump.
"Please!" She pleaded, her voice breaking with her pleading.
He flicked her clit with one single finger, then made circular motion of his finger and the began to rub the side of it with his thumb over and over again, rubbing her faster then slower, harder and then softer "you feel so good under my hand. It's amazing." he then put his thigh into the mix and placed it between her legs.
"Ride my thigh young one. Show me what you fantasise about" He purred to her, caressing her face with his free hand.
She was hot and sweaty from all the new feelings happening at her pussy and she was so happy it was him doing it.
He took hold of both of her hips and she placed her left leg over his thigh, she could feel his soft thigh under her pussy lips, pressing against her and it created a new overwhelming sensation that over took her."ohh.." she moaned flicking her head back and moving her hands over her breasts.
He did one more flick over her swollen nub and then began to slowly move her pussy up and down his leg.
"Oh goodness you're already soaking in my leg!" Her pussy lips parted and dragged along his thigh, the feeling of him on her made it feel like heaven. It felt a little harsh at first but when he dragged her up and down it felt like and so good you could hear the sounds of her wetness move against his leg.
"I bet you're enjoying this aren't you kitten, the feeling of riding my thigh you've dreamed about it haven't you?" He snickered but it was more like a playful cute one.
"Yes I have daddy.."her face heated up at her reaction. But god he was so hot.
He began to move faster and harder, now moving his leg with it, sometimes bucking his leg up into her pussy."Oh god!" She cried.
"Say my name!" He barked, slowing down.
"Skimble!" She shouted.
Her orgasm hit her like a wave, she felt her whole entire body shiver with ecstasy as she came down from my high.
Skimbleshanks slowed his actions on moving my body and held her close him, nuzzling her face as my breath turned to normal from shaky breaths
"You did so well love."He whispered and then rubbing his face against hers again, smiling she gave his face a quick lick.
"I know, but you were the conductor. I'm feeling pretty sleepy." She said getting off his leg and curling up on the ground where  he joined her, protectively putting his tail around her body and hugging her from behind. Her body continued to shake at moments from afterschocks.
"Hey skimble?" She said turning slightly, gliding my hand over his arm.
"Yes kit." He purred.
"Does this mean you don't like Victoria anymore?" She questioned slightly dreading the answer. If all they had both done was just to shut her up.
"No I don't like her, it was just a mating thingy alright? Besides after your confession I realised that i liked you! And I'm never ever leaving your side Ye hear?" He said proudly which made her chuckle.
"You promise you won't love another queen?" She questioned.
He faced her and made a cross on his ginger fur where his heart should be. "Cross my heart love."

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