The rose

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Tumblebrutus and you both have anxiety

Mungojerrie and Plato had both been trying to convince Tumblebrutus to tell y/n his feelings for a week but when they found out that he wasn't going to go willingly they decided to do it by force. Because, you know, friendship works that way.
Mungojerrie along with Plato were literally carrying Tumblebrutus to you and your friends.
"Listen Tubs, you may be skin and bone but you are the best skin and bone out there! What more could she want!"
Plato slapped Tumblebrutus's ass in encouragement.
"Exactly what I was thinking! You have a cheerful face alright? I mean sure you don't have the good looks like me but you have bright black eyes and whatever."
"Mungojerrie that's not exactly the best way to encourage him."
"And calling him skin and bones is?"
"Guys shes right there! Put me down! Put me down!"
"Promise us you won't runaway?"
"Do I have to?" Tumble groaned.
"Yes!" both tom cats said in union.
"Fine fine! Just please put me down."
Plato and Mungojerrie put him down. Mungo began dusting him off with the end of his tail while Plato checked him.
"Okay here's your flower, now don't panic and cartwheel out of there because we will catch you and make fun of you for the rest of your nine lives okay?"
"Thanks, Plato but don't you think it's a bit much?"
"Shush shush, that's big-time loser talk," Mungojerrie said almost in a motherly manner using his tail to dust his face in disapproval making Tumblebrutus sneeze.
"Alright, I'll take the flower! As long as you stop dusting my face! I'm not Bustophers seat you know?"
"Fine, he won't. Just get your butt over there before she leaves."
Plato took Tumblebrutus by the shoulders and turned him around to see you.
You were sitting with your friends Electra and Exotica.
The way the sun gleamed on your face made his heart skip a beat. You were truly the most beautiful Queen he had laid eyes on. The thudding from his heart could almost be heard a mile away.
"Isn't she beautiful?" Tumblebrutus put a hand to face leaning on it such happily.
"Yes yes, whatever. aren't you going to go over there?"
"You know what I think I will!"
The toms cheered him as he took his first step towards you. He felt like he was taken the first step for cat kind on the moon. Full of pride and determination to take another.
This is easy. He thought to take another step, his chin high in the air.
I'm just walking over to y/n..the y/ in the most gorgeous goddess Queen I've ever laid eyes on. He gulped these thoughts down
No! I'm going to talk to her! No matter how star struck I am!

"Y/n, Y/n! Look over there!" Electra pointed to Tumblebrutus.
You looked him over and instantly felt your cheeks begin to heat up hotter than the sun.
"What do I do?!" You began panicking fanning yourself with your hands dramatically.
Exotica took your hands in hers and put them down.
"Okay queen calm down he could be walking anywhere. Just breathe."
You took a deep breath in and out closing your eyes and trying to relax.

"Here I go!"
He took one step but unfortunately it wasn't the best step. Without looking Tumblebrutus had run into a rock that stripped his balance off of him. He tried to regain it but that just made it worse and landing on his furry behind with a loud this.
Plato and Mungojerrie quickly came to the rescue. Plato ran to Tumblebrutus helping him up while Mungojerrie bombarded the girls before they could even see. Tumblebrutus drops his head down in shame.
Plato rubbed his friends back for comfort.
"It could have been worse they could have seen you."
"Yeah but it still could have been better and I could have gotten it over and done with."
"Its fine you have another chance still have the flower?"
Tumblebrutus pulled out a rose from his back that looked slightly squashed but still beautiful.
"See? It's fine, you're fine. You will do it again and this time we will make sure you don't screw up."
Tumblebrutus gave Plato a dirty look.
"I mean make the same mistake."
Their little chat was short lived because of out nowhere a rather angry looking Mungojerrie had begun to run after them.
Tumblebrutus didn't have time to answer for Mungojerrie had thrown himself at him causing him to collapse to the ground.
"I just spent five minutes making a mess cleaning up your mess! You better have a good excuse for why everything didn't go to plan."
"A rock! It was a rock!" Tumblebrutus put his hands up for safety.
"He tripped over a rock is what he is trying to say." Plato corrected.
"There are more idiots in the world than rocks and clearly you've just proved that fact." Mungojerrie sneered at him only to look sadly at Tumblebrutus seconds later.
"Don't worry bud, we will get you together if its last thing we do."
Tumblebrutus looked like he was about to cry. He felt utterly embarrassed. Mungojerrie pulled him into a side hug as comfort.
"Jeez, you really do like her."
He moaned.
"We are going to have our work cut out for us Plato."

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