Munkustrap and his pride

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Just a regular day at the old junkyard. You had already stretched your legs and begun your morning stroll around your home. It was nice like this. You couldn't hear the ruckus's the kittens would make or the bitter banter from the older cats on how they should act. But instead just the calm corpse of the junkyard. Everything looked so peaceful through your stroll.

But throughout the quiet, a loud thunk was heard. You jumped in alarm. Is anyone else up? You thought as you scratched your ear. You considered avoiding the centre of the junkyard where the sound came from until you heard another loud sound but this time it was a cry.

Quickly, you ran through pots and pans, pipes and old packaging trying your hardest to get to the junkyard to find the sound and see what had happened. Yes, you were annoyed that your peaceful morning stroll had been taken away from you but you could have one another morning. Not every night did this happen. Your mind wracked itself with thoughts on what had happened. Did Mungo Jerry get stuck in the bed rails again? You swore if he did he'd get a mouthful from you.
You decided it couldn't be anything else, it had happened multiple times where he had done this. You didn't know why maybe he sleeps walks at night into it.
Finally, you saw one of the entrances to the centre and crawled through it.
"I swear to the heavy side layer, Mungo Jerry if you're stuck in the-." You began promptly, expecting to see what you had originally thought that would be there was not. There was no one trapped in the bed rails or anywhere.
"Over here!"
A voice came from one of the corners of the centre. You couldn't exactly see it so you moved closer.
You stopped in your tracks. Laying in front of you was a big blob covered by a potato sack.
You decided to question and not assume."What are you doing under a potato sack?"
The blob shuffled a bit as in it was looking for something to say but failed.
"Do you need any help?" You moved a tiny bit closer.
"NO! No, I'm perfectly alright getting out by myself thank you. I just need to move my and!"
The blob fell over discarding the potato sack and what underneath made you stifle at least 6 hearty laughs. Caught in a broken bicycle wheel lay the tangled proud leader of the clan looking rather annoyed at himself his eyebrows twitching together.
You couldn't hold it in any longer and began laughing. He looked up at you and scowled you stopped instantly all the humour draining from your body.
"Im sure that you have questions."
Munkustrap tried to hold his head high despite it being stuck in one of the metal lines that connected to the tire.
You pursed your lips together and thought for a second. You could ask questions and then help him but wouldn't that just embarrass him more? He was such a proud Tom you didn't want to hurt his pride anymore and you did sort of have feelings for him so maybe this favour could get you ins.
"How about I help you first."
You began to move towards him but he shuffled away well at least tried to.
"As I said I'm perfectly fine, I chose to be like this just..just." He began to stutter and looked like he had lost something. Perhaps a good excuse?
"Yes! I'm stretching!"
"In a broken bicycle tier."
"well yes."
"Under a potato sack."
Wait I'm just embarrassing him even more.
"Munkustrap just let me help you, please?"
He looked up at you about to make another excuse but realising there was no way out of this he gave in.
You gave him a satisfied smile and sat down pulling him up and trying to push his head through the first one.
"Oh jeez, all your hair is stuck in there and everything." You said stifling through another laugh.
Don't push it."
You apologised and continued on trying to put his head through.
His hair was truly tangled within the grasps of metal lines but after a few minutes, you had most of it out.
Munkustrap felt the embarrassment swell on him like a sore thumb this was certainly not one of his proudest moments and it was just worse than you out of all cats had found him. What type of role model would he be if he was found caught like this? You weren't like others you were thoughtful even when you said things before you thought it was filled with good intention.
You left the hair alone to mend one of them. Bars a little bit but to no avail"So how exactly did you get caught in a bicycle wheel?"
"I was patrolling the grounds of the area but while I was walking over the tyre I tripped on a banana peel. I think it might have been Mungojerry and his mates who might have pulled such a ghastly plan."
He wasn't completely lying when he said he was on patrol but he wasn't completely telling the truth either. The real truth was that he was looking for you. He didn't exactly know why but he was drawn to you. Now he just felt like an idiot that you had found him like this before he had even had the chance to catch a glimpse of you.

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