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Things are getting weirder every day. I know Terrence replied to one of my letters and it was left on my locker. Is he pen flirting me back? Anyway, his footsteps inside the Publication office made the room silent. Almost thirty plus TWP members are in not for the meeting, but for seeing him.

“First of all, those who joined The Wolf’s Pen for the sake of seeing me,”

He looked around. His hands are on his pocket, the unnecessary red vest of our uniform hanging on his shoulder.

“Get out now.”

His manner is cold, he got the monster vibe. I have to prepare myself for this day.

“I’ll count, I need the most dedicated writers I can have.” he added, his voice suddenly being bolder.

“One…Two…Three…” girls started to stand up. His voice is cold and scary, like he’s a psychopath or what.


He stopped counting when there was only six of us who remained. Esther, Nathan, two sophomores and one freshie. What motivated them to quit? The monster himself? I’ll blame him for this.

“Okay, I’m down to only six?” he grimaced, walking towards me. I’m feeling uncomfortable around him. I do because of the pen flirt, did the person who replied was really him? He is so different in his letters.

I want that wonderful guy with the pen in the flesh.

“From now on, I am temporary passing my position to Macy. She’ll act as your Editor-in-chief because you know, seniors are the busiest ones in the school fair. I have jobs to do but I’ll do my best to help.”

I knew every eyeball was on me when Terrence said that. I stared at him.

“What the?”

“You heard me, Magnayon. Get to work, you’ll cover the whole week of the school fair and we need quality articles.”

We looked at each other. I can sense the kids (I mean other TWP members) feeling scared.

“I mean it, quality articles. Understood?”

I just nodded while he left me mesmerized.

He smiled before he walked out of the office. I think I saw his dimples.

Okay, I just became the Editor-in-chief by Terrence’s command. The five TWP members are under my hands now. The two sophomore and the freshie took my command seriously and I like it. I even taught them how to take pictures. Now that Lisa quitted The Wolf’s Pen and she’s helping the photography club with their gallery, I have to take over. We need full coverage of the school fair because Terrence (ugh) requested, no he demanded it.

The school fair was a blast. It is always in Luna East. That’s the week where all the precious talents of Luna East came to view. The Drama Club work on an exclusive big production and Michael’s on a supporting role so I avoided covering that. The galleries put up by different clubs are enchanting. It’s just so nice to see all students do their stuff, have fun and take pride of the thing we’re good at - arts.

I was walking out of the painting gallery when I heard students whispering. Lisa just went out of the Photography club’s room.

“Why are there murmurs?” I asked.

“Oh, Terrence and Bianca got into some fight.”

“Uh huh,” I said disinterested now. Lisa just nodded. She looks just fine and I am happy for her. She can easily recover from a heart break.

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