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  • Dedicated to Timotheos San

Terrence has walked at Mall of Asia for a lot of times but walking with Macy on his side, it felt surreal. He wanted to step closer to her. He’s desperate for physical contact with Macy especially now that she’s showing some skin. Oh, she’s hot, pretty, and beautiful and all the words ran along Terrence mind again.

He is obsessed with Macy. He knew it by the way he thinks of her, by the way he stared at her Facebook profile for minutes to hours and by the way he gave Macy a lot of work in The Wolf’s Pen (because that’s his act of sweetness). By the time a woman in Japanese Kimono in the restaurant’s front door came greeting them, Terrence excused himself.

“I have a date.” Terrence announced in front of his dad.

“I won’t eat lunch with you guys. I hope it is alright.” he said, breaking a sweat. He is nervous of his father’s reaction but he is more nervous of what he’ll be doing.

“That’s good to hear.” his dad said nodding. “Go ahead, boy!” his dad faked a cheer. Mrs. Magnayon was smiling. He can see Macy pulling a straight face on his peripheral vision.

Terrence forced a smile.

“Macy, come with me.” he demanded. Macy stared at him in disbelief. Terrence grabbed Macy’s left wrist.

“I’ll date Lisa,” he said, while dragging Macy.

“Hey, let go! I know.”

Terrence looked at him in surprise. “How?”

“Duh, text messaging. Do you live in the 21st century?” Macy held her phone in front of Terrence. The crowd of people became nothing to Terrence. All he knew is that Macy’s in front of her, inside her territory. He loves being here.

“You’re nervous,” Macy said with a teasing smile. Terrence caught that. He likes it.

“As hell,” he answered, like any guy in his first date would. Terrence knew he’s starting to sweat despite the mall’s air conditioning.

“Good luck then. Lisa loves stuff toys, buy her one.” Macy looked at him from head-to-toe, as if assessing his looks. “She’ll be coming, weird right? You chose Mall of Asia,” she added. He just nodded.

“Macy!” they both looked at where familiar high pitched voice came from.

Lisa. Oh, Lisa.

She hugged Macy and Macy gave back the enthusiasm. What’s with girls whenever they see each other? They had the girly talk, giggled a bit and went back to Terrence after a minute.

“You go girl!” Macy cheered for Lisa. Lisa looks pleased. Terrence was frozen with the scene in front of him.

Lisa was wearing a simple blue floral dress, wore light make-up and her hair was in loose waves. It was held in a half-ponytail which made her look sufficient for Terrence. Never perfect like Macy.

“Terrence, take care of Lisa. I’ll kill you if she doesn’t get home safe.” Macy threatened, but she’s smiling. Terrence forced a smile but deep inside he feels hurt.

He wanted some pang of jealousy from Macy, he wanted her to stop him dating Lisa. He wanted Macy to come for him. He wanted Macy as her date. He wanted Macy from the start.

He felt furious and sad. He felt disgusted and rejected. He felt terrible. He felt bad but he didn’t want to breakdown in front of Lisa so he just rode along with the conversation Lisa started.

Maybe, it’s time to forget about Macy because anything he wanted with her might never happen.

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