Chapter 1

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Jan 2022 update: (I wrote this story when I was 15, I didn't know about abuse and just wrote this line to be funny. I have since grown up and learned about how certain things are toxic and how I unintentially added some toxic elements to this story. I have thought about editing this portion but decided to leave it as a reminder that I have come a long way as a writer. So there is a small amount of abuse in this story and it may be upsetting to some viewer.)

(POV Oct)We were late. The sun was rising and me and Jedediah were still both in the western exhibit.

"Jedediah, what am I going to do, we have at the most ten minutes, I can't get down and up into the Roman exhibit in time. Why was I so foolish."

This was my fault, I had ignored my fellow Romans as they were heading back, I miscalculated and now Larry is going to get in great trouble for my actions. I just thought the game me and Jedediah were playing had to be finished and now I don't know what to do.

"I have an idea, come quickly."

Jed grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the saloon and I fallowed. But when he grabbed my hand I felt tingly all over and I know I'm blushing slightly despite not wanting to.

I've had a small crush on Jedediah for a little while now, it just developed from knowing him for so long, but it doesn't control me, he's just my friend.

As we run towards the saloon, panting, Jed explains to me what we were doing.

"You're right that there isn't enough time to get back, so the obvious solution is you can't leave tonight. Only Gigantor and the director knows the exact location and clothing of each exhibit piece, so we just need to make you look western." Jedediah explains.

We approach the saloon and Jedediah calls out to some of the bar maids.

"Sarah, Jazmin, Lilly, I need any clothes that will fit Octavius."

"Is that all you want Jeddy?" One of the girls ask as the others fetch the clothes.

"Don't have time for anything else, I have to help my friend."

I start taking off my armour, and one of the girls takes it and puts it in a creat. Then it comes time to take of my under armour clothing and I realize Jed is still the room looking at me.

(Third person perspective)

"Would you mind, umm, turning around?"

"Oh, ok?"

He does, so Octavius finishes stripping down and the other two bar maids bring him an outfit. He puts the shirt on and the vest, but he has a little bit of difficulty putting on the pants.

"A little help, I don't think this leg piece fits, we really don't have, what do you call them, trousers in Rome."

"You need a belt, here, let me help."

Jedediah walked over and knelt down to put the belt around Octavius's waist, but he noticed that Octavius was uncomfortable.

He looks up and is surprised to see a streak of blush on Octavius's face a long with obviously embarrassment and awkwardness.

"Partner, are you alright?"

Octavius reaches out and takes the belt from Jedediah.

"Could you just show me how, instead of, um, you know, umm..."

Confused Jedediah still responds, "Yeah, sure, but we are running out of time."

Jedediah takes off his own belt and shows Octavius step by step what to do with himself modelling the process.

With that complete they rushed outside, followed by the bar maids, where most figures were already in position to freeze or are saying there nightly goodbyes. Jedediah takes Octavius to a well and hands him a bucket.

"Hold this and pretend you are collecting water, no one will know," he pats Octavius on the shoulder," Good luck."

With that Jedediah rushes off to his normal spot, takes his position and not a second later is wax and plastic again.

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