Chapter 2

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The sun set, the tablet glowed, and life came to where it hadn't been before. Larry never noticed a thing.

When Jedediah unfroze he went straight for Octavius. When he came to his old friend he wasn't in the happiest mood.

"What happened yesterday partner, we've been late before but this time you complete freaked out, in fact, you have been acting odd for a little while now, what is going on Oct?"

Octavius put on a brave face and charm but he guessed his dear old friend saw right through him.

"I'm fine, really I am, I just..."

"No you are not, you got all squirmy when I helped you get dressed, but you didn't act so odd when the bar maids were watching you undress. Have I done something wrong, I don't what you to feel uncomfortable with me."

"Jed, let it go, I need to go make sure my army wasn't in a panic last night with out me."

"Alright, see you later partner."

Octavius walked off in what could only be considered a soldiers stride, but as soon as Jedediah was heading in a different direction, Octavius bolted towards the edge of the western diorama. When he got there he through down the rope and started the climb down. Larry was doing his rounds as Octavius reached the bottom.

"Larry, do you have the car?"

"Of course, but where is Jedediah?"

"He is doing something else, do you know where Sacagawea is?"

"I think she is with Teddy in the main foyer, why?" Larry asks as he puts the car down.

"I just have a question, thank you." Octavius say as I enter the car then drive off. It is odd to drive without Jed.  

(Octavius means born eighth)                                                                                                                                                          

(iirúùbahbi means eighth)

(Sacagawea means bird woman and translated to Latin it's: mulier avem)

Octavius spots the asexual couple strolling the halls hand in hand, they seemed so perfect that Octavius felt guilty interrupting.

"Mulier Avem, my lady, I am so sorry to interrupt, but may I have a word, privately?"

"Of course Iirúùbahbi, I will see you later my dear."

With that Teddy left with a happy smile on his face.

Sacagawea is Octavius's closest friend in the museum besides Jedediah and Larry because she is so kind and listens to him. She is also one of the only figures in the museum who's culture excepts homosexuality besides the Romans.

She bends over and gently picks him up and keeps her hand steady so he can stand face to face with her. "What is bothering you friend?"

"Do you remember how I mentioned once to have feelings for Jedediah beyond just friends, but how I just wanted to be friends with him anyway?"

"Of Course, has something happened, do you feel differently now?"

"Yes I think I feel much stronger about him, but that's not exactly what I want to talk to you about."

"What is it you wish to discuss?"

"I know Lewis and Clark are more than a hundred years before Jedediah, and Teddy is twenty years later, but what is that time period and locations view on homosexuality?"

"Legally it is frowned upon and can get thrown in prison for many years, but not usually a life sentence or capital punishment, the most common religion of the settlers also frown upon it."

"Well that's bad, but not the worst it could have been."

"I said legally, many people abused, beat, raped, and murdered people just suspected of having a homosexual relations."

"So I really shouldn't confess my feelings and ask him out?"

"Yes and no, I have to be honest I don't think he feels the same way, but he is your best friend."

"What are you suggesting?"

"You might not want to express your feelings towards him, but if you sit down and give a heartfelt talk about your sexuality he will most likely support you and you will get a burden off your shoulders."

Octavius thinks about this for a minute, he does greatly want Jedediah to be more than his best friend, but him knowing this big part of him might be enough.

"Thank you for your advice fare Mulier Avem."

With that he kneels and kisses her palm.

"Would you mind taking me to the Western diorama?"

"Of course not little Iirúùbahbi."

Octavius then sits down so he doesn't lose balance as she walks to the western diorama.

"Good luck with your predicament Iirúùbahbi."

"Thank You."

And with that Octavius heads off to find Jedediah.

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