I2I - Apologies

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At the exact moment Roger opened his eyes, a pounding headache came to his head. "Shit-" he mumbled setting his hand tightly on his forehead and gritted his teeth. Once he finally got over it, he stretched his arms and sat up, letting his feet fall off the sofa onto the ground, but his feet hit something along the way.

Roger, confused, looked down to see Brian on the floor on his stomach fast asleep. Roger couldn't help but grin while he set his foot on top of his friend's back gently.

Roger then started to try remembering the events that took place last night. Only to be unsuccessful with the entire drinking part. All he remembered was feeling bad right when him and Bri entered the bar that he couldn't bring Freddie because Roger was giving both him and Deaky the silent treatment.

Freddie was always the life of the party, and he thought it would be been one hundred times better if he were there. But maybe he shouldn't have been a bitch. Then again, Freddie is always going to be Freddie.

Roger removed his foot, stood up and walked around Brian's body on the floor.

Roger was oddly starving and couldn't resist but to raid his friend's fridge crazily. He threw things around the shelves, disorganizing everything Brian has organized, until he found a container of strawberries. Strawberries weren't Roger's most favorite, but he was too hungry to say no. Everything else in Bri's fridge looked unsatisfying and nasty to him for some reason.

He pulled the small container out, closed the fridge and started to eat each strawberry, placing the leaf parts back in the container like a slob.

A few minutes pass and Brian showed up quietly to stand at the doorway with a kind smile. Roger looked up at him, and looked down at the strawberries that came straight from his friend's own fridge without permission.

"Hungry, aren't you? You know you could've cooked something aside from eating my berries." Brian said before walking to his fridge and pulling out eggs. "I didn't know when you were gonna get up."

Brian ignored Roger's decent excuse, took out a pan and started to cook a few eggs. Brian was just glad Roger wasn't doing anything worse, like smoking in his apartment again.

Roger felt oddly bad so he left a few strawberries and placed the container back into the refrigerator where it belonged. "Weird night, wasn't it?" Roger changed the subject while standing behind him to engage in conversation. Brian stared down at the pan, "Yep. I don't really remember anything. And that hasn't really happened before, because I never really get drunk enough to not remember anything.."

Thank God. Roger knew that the chin lay didn't mean anything. Why was he even worrying?

"Now I'm sad I didn't pick up any girls," Roger joked, leaning against one of the chairs. They both chuckle. "I bet you offended them."

"Wow. And there was only ONE girl that I actually remember running away from me last night!"

Brian snickered. "Which one was that?" He asked, turning around to Roger from his stove. "Remember.. the restaurant?" Roger was suprised Brian didn't get his joke right away, when he usually did. A look of realization finally appeared on his face. "Oh! Yeah, sorry about that." Brian said, "When do you think you're going to speak to Fred and John again?"

Roger thought for a moment. They, especially Freddie, were being total jerks and were ruining his mojo. Though he knew this is how Freddie was, but he just wished he would stop being a bitch sometimes.

"After they apologize."

Brian sighed and turned back to the stove. "I mean, you can still talk to them first. I hate watching my friends giving each other the silent treatment."

Roger rolled his eyes. "It's a part of being in a band, Bri! Especially if you're going to spend so much time with the people in your band!" Roger refuted while moving his hands around.

"That's my point. It's not going to hurt the band any way if you just talk first."

Roger crossed his arms. Brian sighed and turned back around to Roger. "You know how you want to do different things with the band one day, elaborate your new ideas and stuff?"

Roger nodded and tilted his head to listen to what Brian had to say.

"Well, if you want to do more things with the band, you might as well talk to them! Cause' a silent treatment isn't going to solve anything."

Brian's words came out as harsh without himself even realizing. Roger thinks and became aware Brian was right. He should just own up and ask them to apologize than just waiting around and waiting for them to apologize. Roger has so many opportunities with girls, why should he worry about this one failed sober flirt? "Alright. Sorry." Roger mumbled. He then rushed out of the kitchen without a word. Before he opened the front door to leave, he heard Brian yell his name. He ignored it being called, and left the apartment room, then leading out the building.

Roger banged on Freddie's door with hesitation and also wanting to get it over with. Roger was always never one to apologize, but neither was Freddie. He didn't even really have a choice if he wanted to save the friendship.

He heard the door unlock and the knob start to twist. Roger gulped back any sort of saliva he had and put on a look of seriousness. When the door opened, it was Freddie with his long hair pushed out of his face and with a robe on, also holding a cigarette.

"Oh. Hey, Rog."

"You look... comfortable." Roger said, trying to sound not awkward, but definitely failing.

"Why are you here? Weren't you mad at John and I?" Freddie asked, changing the subject rather quickly. Roger sighed and thought to himself looking for the right words.

"I'm sorry for acting like a bitch when you were joking."

Freddie didn't say anything, but then he just started to laugh. "Rog, don't be ridiculous! It's fine. We're sorry for laughing when obviously you didn't need that kind of encouragement."

"Thanks, Fred." Roger thanked in relief Freddie wouldn't be mad at him. He mainly thanked Brian for convincing him to apologize.

Freddie then wrapped his arms around his dear friend. "Make sure you tell Deaky that we're all good. I don't feel like going down to his house." Roger uttered, closing his eyes.

"Of course, dear."


I'll update a couple times today hopefully. But here's this! I WROTE these chapters a while ago but I'm just re-modifying and editing them.

May I just say, Thanks for the awesome feedback on the last chapter, totally didn't expect it! I appreciate y'all.

Thanks for reading chapter 2! :)


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