I15I - Like Like

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"So basically what you're saying is that Brain became mad at you because he thought you actually did lie about getting raped?" Freddie re-explained as he sat on the floor in front of the sofa and I'm laying down directly on it, starring up at the ceiling with hands on my stomach.

I nodded, because that was exactly true. Brian believed a lie of a lie. "You don't seem like a person to ever lie about that, even I wouldn't believe it." Freddie announced. I turn my head to him with a blank expression and shrug and I look back at the ceiling. "I feel so bad, Fred. I miss talking to Brian already I can't control my emotions without him.."

"Go on," Freddie said. That wasn't all I needed to say? I can be able to say more things about Brian easily.

"I love him so much. He's one of the smartest people I know, he took me in with love and care, and even before this whole situation happened, I could not keep my brain off of what he thought, or what he did.."

"Mmhm...what else?"

"I'd freak out whenever he would embrace, or even simply touch me, and I-" I pause and look at Freddie who has a smirk on his face. "Fred, how exactly is this gonna help me with my problem?" I question, not following anything he was thinking.

He had cleared his throat immensely before speaking, "Roger, I think you like Brian."

"Well, of course I like Brian, who doesn't?"

"Like Like, Rog. You like like him."

My eyes widen and I sat up, I've never really taken that thought into consideration ever. I laughed it off even though I didn't even know if his accusation was accurately correct. "What is this? Like a girl's slumber party? 'Tee hee! You like like him!'" I spoke the last part in a fake girly voice.

"Well, do you?" Freddie stood up, almost knocking over the bottle on the floor. Do I? No clue. "Freddie, if I'm being honest. I have no idea."

"So you're gay?" He crossed his arms still with a giant smirk. I knew exactly what he wanted to hear and exactly what I wanted to tell. "Haha, no I'm only gay in theory- Of course I'm fucking gay, Fred."

Freddie uncrossed his arms and showed a gigantic smile and started hopping on the balls of his feet. He could only let out inaudible yells I couldn't even understand. I stood up and rested my hands on his shoulders.

"Freddie, calm down. It's not even a big deal."

He had copied me and put his hands on my shoulders as my hands were still on his. "Of course it is! Welcome to the club, my dear!!!"

I couldn't help but chuckle at his reaction. We both then let go and each other and then he happily sat on the sofa again and I sat next to him. "But you said you're not sure if you like like Brian yet?"

I shook my head and looked down at my knees. How was I supposed to know all of a sudden? I've really only looked at him as a friend, but now that Freddie had mentioned it, I'm not sure anymore.

"Oh c'mon darling, you have to know. Do you want to date Brian?"

"He's a bandmate, Fred."

"So?! How does that stop you from liking someone? I'm just asking a simple question-"

"But there's no simple answer." I look up at him and he had the face of a 'I'm not taking any of your bullshit' look. All those times I've felt nervous or happy whenever he would interact with me, that was a sign of me being gay this whole time? And liking Brian without me knowing it? It may be true- I hate to admit it.

"It's a yes or a no."



I place my hands on his shoulders once again. "Shhh.. calm down. There's no way I can actually date him now, anyway."

I took in consideration of what I said, and it's pretty sad to think about. Daiting Brian would be great, someone to have your back all the time.

"Why is that?"

I pull my hands away and cross my arms. "Um, he's pissed at me and he hates me."

Freddie laughed out loud, "No he doesn't, dear."

"He literally yelled it to my face. And it hurt me badly." I had admitted to him sadly. I crossed my legs and sighed, waiting for any light-hearted thing the quick-witted Freddie I knew was about to say.

"Not like he meant it. Of course he still cares about you Roger. Knowing Brian, he probably regrets it. I bet you one million pounds he does!"

Maybe Freddie was right, of course he's never really right but this time I kind of agree with him. Brian does probably regret what he's said to me, and I feel even more awful.

"I have a plan, Rog."

I sit up, and look at him with intrigment.

"How about we go to Brian's and you apologize?"
Brian's P.O.V--

It had taken the longest time for me to get up and get some coffee. I pretty much only had a robe on along with some socks. I started to make the coffee with bags under my eyes.

I miss Roger, what's wrong with me? Why can't I get this stupid asshole out of my head? I really need to stop. It was his fault, not mine. I keep having to remind myself that he deserved what I had said to him. Do I hate him? Of course I don't! At the moment I just highly dislike him and miss him at the same time! I don't know how it happens.

As I watched the coffee glass being filled, I heard a knock at my door. I turn my head and being annoyed that I was interrupted from my thoughts, I sighed. I slowly walked out of the kitchen and to the front door. I look through the peep hole to make sure it wasn't a masked murderer. Though, that would been great at a time like this.

I'm almost shocked to see Luke with messy hair and an upset look there. I quickly step away and unlock my door and swing the door open and put on a fake smile. "Oh! Hey, Luke. Shocked to see you here. What's the matter?"

"Brian, we need to talk. May I come inside?" He asked, sincere.

I didn't hesitate to nod and step to the side, allowing him inside my house.

He was probably going to talk about Roger, and I was almost excited to tell him I already knew Roger had lied to me.


Hey, I updated before I said I would! Next update is on Saturday but here ya go I finally edited this one 😎


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