I11I - Acting Innocent

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I roughly bite into the fluffy pancake Brian had made for me. "Why the fuck ish this sho good?" I question him, which my mouth full. Brian was stood up at the stove and he turned around to see the mess I had made all over the table with wet small peices of pancakes that had managed to fly out of my mouth. "Um, I'm just good at making pancakes I guess-" He said grabbing a cloth and wipping the table in front and around my plate.

I continue to talk in between chews since I had put so much in my mouth, "No eay! You obviously do shomething!"

"Chew, Roger."

I roll my eyes because he didn't really answer my question yet so I continue chewing as Brian stood there waiting with a moist cloth in his hand. I swallow loudly. "They're--"

Brian grabbed my chin and stopped the syrup off my lips quickly and strode back to the stove. "You were saying?"

"Anyways mum," I call him sarcastically, "I swear you put something in these.. they're just so good."

"Nope, they are just--" interrupting Brian, the phone started to ring continuously. "I'll get that." Brian said, setting down one of the pans he was holding.

He walked to the phone in the living room, so now I couldn't see him but I could still easily hear what he was saying.

I chew up more of the delicious pancakes into my mouth, because they are simply the best breakfast. So damn fluffy.

"Hello?" I heard Brian's voice say. Being curious, I listen it closely. Not like it's a big deal or anything.

"Um... Yeeeah. Haven't heard from him."


"Nope. I'll try calling him too. Thanks for letting me know."

I heard a click noise of the phone being set down onto the latch. I sit up as Brian stepped into the room. "So who was--"

"Luke called."

I freeze in the chair, decently not expecting to hear about Luke today, as I thought it was break from the whole mess. What a damn suprise.


"He asked if I knew where you were because you weren't picking up his calls, and I said I haven't heard from you."

I inhail and rest my elbows on the table and rest my face into my hands. What am I going to do? I'm going to have to be forced to see him again. In the studio.

I'm scared.

"Hey, Rog.." I heard Brian's voice chime in and I feel his hand on my shoulder. "It's okay, I'll keep you safe. I won't let him lay a hand on you. We can wait til' this whole story thing is over at least, right?"

I shrugged my shoulders and lifted my head to see Brian with a tryful smile with only his lips. "I don't know what to do, Brian. I just.." I pause, not knowing at all what to say.

"I think we need to take a quick breather, and go sit on the sofa and talk about other things."


"And to think, she was my friend! Who calls their friend's pebbles?" I rant off to Brian about an old high school friend who I still hold a grudge against to this day. I sat next to Brian on the sofa about two feet apart. To talk, we simply just turned our heads.

Brian laughed, "That's ridiculous."

Because it was the end of my story, I didn't know what else to say, so I just starred off into space in front of me.

"Roger, we're all meeting up with Luke tomorrow so he can tell us what he's putting into the book. Remember?"

I sigh, as I didn't really want to think about that and I was just blowing it off like it was nothing.

"Yes, I remember."

"Are you doing ok?"

I turn my head to look at Brian who has a face with worry and doubt. I slightly raise my eyebrows.

"If I'm being honest, No, Brian. I'm not." I said, "But I'm not just going to blow it off and be only scared when I see him. I'll be prepared."

Brian placed the front of his body more towards me and leaned in closer. "Prepared for what exactly? You know damn well I'm not going to let him touch you."

I turn my head forward again and close my eyes thinking for a moment. What was I preparing for?

Lost in thought, I didn't exactly hear Brian at first.

"I'm prepared for whatever he's going to fake."

Brian blinked a few times in confusion, "What exactly do you mean?"

"He's going to act so innocent, just like before and try to trick the others into God knows what. I'm preparing for that."


"Roger, wake up." I heard a muffled and faint voice say. My eyes open up slowly to see Brian bent over looking at me, as his warm hand was still on my shoulder after trying to shake me a bit to make me get up quicker. He dropped his hand after he noticed my eyes were fully open.


"We have to go to the studio.."

I thought that was just a nightmare.

I sit up and yawn slowly and stretch up my arms. Brian stands up straight and leaves the room silently with his hands in his pockets? What was up with him this morning? I bet he's probably nervous just like me, probably not as nervous as I am but pretty damn close.

I let my feet fall off the bed and once I stand up, I bend my toes to stretch those as well.

I picked out some clothes, then jumped onto the shower, only for a quick one though. Once I got out, I felt refreshed and better. It didn't stop me from being terrified, but I'm definitely much better than I was.

I walked into the kitchen and see Brian sitting at the dining table, looking down, and hands in his hair. He looked stressed out and pressured. He was whispering odd things to himself that I couldn't quite figure out.


He doesn't answer so I  walk up to him and rest a hand on his back. He finally took his face away from his hands and looked at me with the saddest, most frustrated face I've ever seen from him. His face was growing red and his eyes had large bags. "Can't you just pretend to be sick or something?"

I consider his offer and shake my head, though how much I did like the idea. "I need to help myself, Bri. He'll try stalking people if he doesn't see me soon--"

"I'm scared." Brian uttered out, his voice sounding raspy and cluttered. I rub his back up and down soothingly. He must be under pressure with the opportunity to actually help me. "You're scared? It'll be ok, Bri. We'll help each other out. We're best friends."

Brian sighed and then smiled. He looked down again and stood up.

"You're right."

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