Morning After

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When we woke up, the room was disgustingly sweet. The odor of old sex stuck to seemingly everything in the bedroom: Me, Jimin, the blankets, even Kook.

I sat upright with a frown, followed by some deep stretching. Every movement of my muscles felt like a forcefield pushing back in my head, but I kept the pain at bay with some angry sighs.

Pushing myself to my feet, I left the bedroom, only sparing a glance back at the other two to be certain they were still sleeping. I sauntered to the kitchen, where I downed some pills and a whole bottle of water in hopes of dulling the throb in the back of my head.

When I went to leave the kitchen, I was met with Namjoon and Jin lying on the couch; intertwined and beneath a thin fleece throw. I blushed remembering the night prior and all that they likely heard, but brushed it off and instead gently shook them awake.

"Hey, Joon! Jin! Wake up guys it's half past ten," I whispered loudly, to which Seokjin whined and turned over toward hearing. I rolled my eyes and shook Namjoon's shoulder, waking him up. I told him the time again, and Namjoon shot straight up.

"Ten thirty?! Oh god we're late for class! Jin get up quick we're late!"

"Late?" He mumbled in response, and Namjoon threw himself upright and shimmied into his pants. I watched as he hastily grabbed Jin and heaved him into his arms bridal style, not caring that the boy in his arms was dead weight.

"Thanks for letting us sleep on your couch! Party was great, and the sex sounded good!"

"Yeah, no prob?"

I tilted my head, half in embarrassment and half in confusion as I watched the two scurry out of our apartment. Once the door shut behind them, I shook my head and chuckled inwardly, "The sex sounded good–"


I spun around on my heel, grinning once I saw Jimin standing shyly in our bedroom doorway. Skipping over to the boy, despite my head pounding, I swept him up into my arms and plastered his cheeks with kisses galore. Amidst all the giggling and squeals, I blindly lead us to the living room sofa, where I gently set him down and sat beside him. I brought the boy close under my arm and into my side and took the time to admire his angelic complexion.

Sure his body was painted with purples and blues, but amidst that was the rosy pink of his cheeks, and the luster of his golden brown eyes.

Truly the most beautiful human being I think I've ever laid eyes on.

I smiled warmly as he nestled into my side, making himself comfortable and warm by my embrace. I glanced at the clock on the wall and sighed once I remembered what the rest of our day entailed.

"You have classes later, yes?"


"Just dance, right?"


From his lack of a full response I could tell that big Jimin wasn't anywhere around here. I guess I'll just wait for Kook to get up and ask him for more details! As far as I know, I think the two are having more late night practices. I think their semester performance is coming up, which is a recital... I think? Still definitely gotta ask to be for certain though.

The room fell quiet and I enjoyed the sweet sounds of nothing. As my head ached horribly, it was just the thing I needed: a cuddly Jimin, and a silent house.


Following a few minutes of silence, I closed my eyes to further ease myself from the pain the light gave me. As I began to drift off asleep I felt the couch dip, then a familiar warmth and scent engulf me. I cracked an eye open and grinned seeing Kook curl up into my side as well.

"Morning Kook," I whispered before pressing a couple kisses to the top of his head. He hummed a soft response and I watched as he reached across me to take hold of Jimin's hand and kiss it.

" 'ookie!" Jimin gasped and almost immediately lunged himself across my lap toward Jungkook, who luckily had braced himself and was ready to catch him in time. He held the boy in his lap and smothered his cheeks in kisses while cooing sweet nothings to him.

My heart fluttered in my chest and skipped a few beats as I watched the scene, and I reached over and squeezed the two into a hug before I stood up from the couch.

"You practice tonight, right Kook?" I walked into the kitchen and brought out a couple skillets to begin making breakfast with. I figured with the two awake now, I might as well make myself useful and feed them.

"Yeah, it goes till pretty late in the night though so Jimin and I won't be home until maybe nine or ten."

I could hear the reluctance in Jungkook's voice, and I gave a soft 'oh' in response. Pursing my lips together into a frown, I thought about all the time I'd have alone. Nothing is inherently wrong about being alone, but it can get lonesome. Maybe I'd spend more time in the studio? Maybe I could produce some more music with Joon and Hobi?

"It'll be that way for a couple months until the recital actually happens, too," Jungkook, with Jimin latched onto him, came into view in the kitchen entryway and leaned against the corner, "So you should find some stuff to do with all the free time. I– I mean we, don't want you to be alone for so long. You'll have a good five to six hours alone unless you work late so like-"

"Baby don't worry, I'll fill my time. And actually, this could be useful to me. I could produce more music and spend time with the others, y'know?" I flipped a pancake using solely the pan, and Jimin loudly gawked at it, which made Kook and I break out in laughter. I looked to the side at the two and smiled reassuringly, "I'll be okay on my own though, I promise, Kookie."

"Pinky promise?"

"Of course."

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