Don't Leave Me

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As we pulled into the driveway, I felt my hands begin to shake.

This was it. This was where we said our final goodbye to Jimin for who-knows-how-long.

My breath hitched in my throat and I unbuckled myself and exited the sedan, following Jimin up to the doorway.

With a duffle bag over his shoulder, and backpack hanging off of him loosely, he turned around and spared me one last glance. It reminded me of how we had first met, except everything was happening backwards.

"I uh.." He swallowed and lifted his hand to the door knob, "I guess this is it."

I could see his cheek round out as he forced a smile, and my feet felt heavy as lead. I bit into my cheeks so hard I tasted copper, and as his hand began to twist the handle, I reacted.

My hand grasped his and pulled it away, and in the process I turned him to face me.

"Jimin you don't have to do this." I blurted out, my tongue ahead of my brain. Once it registered what I had done and said, I felt all color drain out from my face.

Jimin stared at me emotionless, and he drew his hand away from mine. "I'm sorry Jungkook," He frowned and twisted the knob, "Maybe we can hang out sometime soon though... I love you."

He opened the door and stepped inside the house. After setting his duffle bag down he turned and faced me, holding onto the door. It was excruciating to even look at him, and I began to choke up as he slowly closed the door.

"Bye Kook."

As the white wooden door closed my vision faded into a blur. I stared at the grooves in the door and struggled to move from where I stood. There was no way this was happening. I had to be dreaming, right?

My throat began to feel red hot, and in a matter of seconds I had thrown up all over Jin's flower garden. I coughed and spat out the residue in my mouth before stumbling back on my feet and running back to the car.

I couldn't do this.

I couldn't.

Without buckling in, I sped my way back to the house and sloppily parked the car before entering the house and dropping to my knees. My head was heavy and the world spun around me. My vision was a galaxy and my stomach a volcano, spewing lava.

I had thrown up again, and this time onto our living room carpet. A strangled sob left my lips and I punched my fist into the floor, damning my very existence.

It hurt. Everything hurt.

I regained vision in one eye barely enough to make out Hoseok who had come to my side. I couldn't speak over the bile that was seeping up my throat and out of my mouth, and I drooled onto the carpet. Images of Jimin swirled through my mind and I squeezed my eyes shut and shook my head aggressively.

This couldn't be real. I knew I would have to wake up at some point.

A pair of strong arms picked me up off of the floor and carried me into another room. I was too far gone to even open my eyes, and so I accepted wherever I was going and with who. My stomach churned with each step they took, and I groaned as hot tears began to trail down my cheeks.

I wanted Jimin. I needed Jimin.


"Okay I'm going to strip you down. Please don't puke on me." I set Jungkook down onto the toilet and snaked him out of his clothing. "Are you hot or cold? Nod for hot and shake your head for cold.

Jungkook shook his head, and I began to run a hot shower for him. Carefully I picked him up and set him down in the bathtub, allowing for the hot water to hit his back and hopefully warm him up.

"Jungkook what happened? Are you okay?"

The boy lulled his head and reached his hand out for me. He cracked open an eye and I met his longing gaze. Without words I stripped myself of my clothing and entered the shower with him.

"I'm not sure if you can make out who I am, but it's Hoseokie. Baby do you need anything?"

Jungkook managed to open his other eye, and he fell forward into me, gripping onto my shoulders tightly as sobs began to rack his body. I held my baby close, wishing I could take the pain away from him.

"Is it about Jimin?" I asked softly, brushing his hair back from his eyes and wetting it down. He nodded and buried his face into me, and I was able to feel his tears as they slid down my chest. I was at a loss of words and I wasn't sure if there was even anything I could say to help.

I called out for Yoongi and he was quick to enter the room. He pulled the curtain to the shower back and gasped when he saw Jungkook and his condition. I explained as much as I could, and I could see his lip quiver.

"I'll be back. I-I'll go clean up the mess in the living room and you clean him up and set him in our bed. I'll take care of him from there."

I nodded and pulled Jungkook into the water stream with me. As his hair became fully wet, I shampooed it and conditioned it, then took the time to wash his body for him. I kept him nestled close to my body as I did everything, and I ignored cleaning myself for the sake of focusing on him.

"Kookie Koo~" I sang quietly as I washed the conditioner out from his hair, "My handsome and so beautiful baby, you~" I planted a sweet kiss to his forehead before standing up and turning the shower off.

I grabbed the towel that hung off the wall and wrapped it around the ravenette before helping him upright and over to the toilet so he could sit on it.

"Are you okay my love?" I squatted down and looked up at him. His blood shot and puffy eyes and visibly chewed on lips told me everything I needed to know, but I wanted to hear it come from his mouth.

"I-I want Yoongi.." He mouthed, and I stood back up and dried him off thoroughly. After helping him into his clothing, I quickly dried and dressed myself before leading him out of the bathroom and into Yoongi and I's bedroom.

As he sat down on the bed and crawled across it to lie down, Yoongi emerged in the doorway and slipped past me and beside him. I watched as Yoongi gathered as much of the boy as he could and held him close to himself.

Their size difference was endearing, and I couldn't hold back my smile toward the two. I turned on my heel and left the room, pulling the door shut behind myself. With that I began my search around the house for Taehyung.


a/n: breaking my own heart so much writing this 😔

I have a few questions for you all! I don't have the time to reread the entirety of my story, but there's a few details I've been searching for but cannot find. Since you all have read this entire story as of recent, please help me answer: (make sure to not look into chapters published anytime in May-June of this year because I've just been improvising)

What is Jimin's hair color?

What is Jungkook's hair color?

Yoongi's hair color?

Did they ever end up getting a dog?

I've been skimming the chapters and maybe I'm just missing those details but if any of you remember the latest hair colors I've said please comment them for me!! I want to make sure I'm using the correct colors especially! Thank you so much!!💜💜

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