The Breakup

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Jimin drug himself slowly down the hall, his fingertips gliding against the skin of his arm as he scratched himself nervously. His eyes moved between all of the boys, and he felt an immense weight begin to crush him. There was nowhere to hide, and there was no reason to.

He knew he had to fess up to what he did and admit that he did disgusting things. He had to yet again break the hearts of the ones he believed he loved most.

As he appeared in the living room, he pursed his lips together tightly and bit at the lower one. His teeth pinched the skin just enough to keep him on the surface of reality.

"T-Taehyung?" He reached out to the boy but stopped himself. He didn't feel like he deserved to be able to feel him. "C-Can we talk?"

Taehyung turned to face Jimin and his mouth fell open upon how pale he was. "Of course," He nodded his head and ushered Jimin back into one of the two bedrooms, "But, are you okay? You don't look well. Do you need medicine?"

Jimin shook his head and sat down on the edge of the bed, dropping his face into his palms and trying to maintain his composure.

"I need to confess something." His voice quivered and his legs began to quake. "A-And it's something I'm not proud of... and if it ends my relationship with you all then so be it..." He hiccuped and choked on his sobs. He couldn't bring himself to lift his face to even look at Taehyung.

Taehyung's heart began to race and he cleared his throat as he sat down beside Jimin. He had a feeling he knew what Jimin was going to say, so he tried to prepare himself mentally to hear it out loud.

Jimin wiped his eyes with his sleeves and stumbled to find his words before finally they came out, just like his vomit had earlier. The confession came out messy, unfiltered, and it hurt. It hurt so much.

"I cheated, and I cheated multiple times with Junsu. I don't know how it happened but he weasled his way into my life again and I fell for his trap again. All he used me for was sex and I didn't decline. I didn't like it but I did consent. I regret everything... I'm so ashamed of myself." He choked up and wheezed trying to catch his breath. "A-And you all saw me multiple times and I-I was in denial of you all knowing. I'm so sorry. Fuck I'm so sorry! I never wanted to hurt any of you and I just...I just..." His words trailed off and he sat in silence, his eyes burning hot and his cheeks numb.

Taehyung held back his tears and he peered down into his lap, trying to digest the information.

"T-The.." Jimin began quietly, "The hickeys, the bruises, the marks, the alcohol and sweaty sex putrid fucking disgusting I-" He stopped himself and grit his teeth together. His fists balled up and he wanted the earth to open up and violently shred and swallow him. He couldn't believe how badly he had messed up.

"I can't say anything to fix it." He grimaced in pain, "And Taehyung I'm so sorry. I can't come back from this. I don't feel like I can be a part of this relationship anymore because of what I've done. I have become the very thing I left my last relationship for. I'm...I'm so sorry."

He abruptly stood up and went into the living room and stood before the rest of the boys. He fought back his tears and squeezed his fists even tighter. Looking at the men and their faces and the hurt and pain just in not knowing what was going on, it made him regret everything that much worse.

"I'm sorry for everything I've done to you all, and everything that I haven't done." He sniffled and hiccuped. "I cheated and it isn't the first time a-and I just can't stay in this relationship knowing what I've done. I-I'm so s-sorry!"

He grabbed his phone and wallet from the coffee table and with that, he raced to the door, trying not to make eye contact with anybody. He left without even slipping his shoes on, and he flew down the road as fast as he could to make sure nobody would chase after him.

Taehyung came out from the bedroom, hot tears streaming down his cheeks. The other three on the couch welcomed him into their arms and helped comfort him that way he could tell them everything.

Once he finally spit it all out, they sat together in the silence of their home, their minds a haze. Jungkook held onto Yoongi tightly and buried his face into his chest, and Taehyung clutched onto Hoseok.

Yoongi's eyes drooped as they grew heavy with tears and he closed them tightly, trying to keep himself quiet. He felt at fault for some of why this was happening. Had he not helped Jimin in the beginning, had he not tied him into he and Jungkook's relationship... they wouldn't be here right now.

He whimpered softly and Hoseok was quick to pull he and Jungkook over to him. He soothed the boys best he could and held his tears back to make sure the others were okay.

Hoseok hated the thought of it, but he was the least close to Jimin out of them all. He loved all of his partners equally, but he was not as close to Jimin, so the pain for him felt different.

Taehyung wrapped his arms around all the others best he could and squeezed them all together.

"I love you so much," He cried softly, "let's make sure we don't forget that,... We need to feel loved."


a/n: Did you see it coming? What do you think will happen next? Comment beneath each name and explain your thoughts

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Yoongi going to do?
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is going to do?
Do you think


Will get involved?

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