Chapter 11

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"While I thought I have been learning how to live,I have been learning how to die" -Leonardo da Vinci

"While I thought I have been learning how to live,I have been learning how to die" -Leonardo da Vinci

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"Hey Warren!Weve been walking south for two weeks now.Any idea where we're going"Murphy yelled from in front of me

"Not since you asked me an hour again"She yelled back

I could hear around and Murphy discussing why were walking this why and the whole Black Rainbow ordeal.I was starting to get annoyed with it,if I'm being honest.With California,I knew where I was going,why I was going,what the point was.With Black Rainbow there was just a big fat question mark with Warren leading head shot up when I heard Doc and Murphy discussing Sarge and 10k and how close they gotten.And it felt like I was pushed to the back and forgotten

"They're probably talking about killing.I mean what else are they gonna talk about?Sex"Murphy asked and I picked up a pebble from the ground and chucked it at the back of his head

"Ow"He turned to match my glare and then proceeded to flip me off

"In case you haven't noticed.Im right behind you and am in fact getting married to one of the said people you are talking about"I held up my left finger for emphasis

"Don't worry about him kid,he's just being Murphy.Besides what's she got on you?Nothing"Doc gave me a kind smile and I returned it

"Yeah I hate to say it but he's right"Murphy mumbled

"Wow,for once your actually on my side.Has hell froze over"He glared at me as I laughed and tried not to pay attention to the burning jealousy in the pit of my stomach


"So what keeps you going Ten thousand"Sarge asked

"My girl.She does"They both turned and seen Sarah laughing at something,presumably something Doc or Murphy had possibly said

"Just trying to get back to normal,I guess"Sarge nodded.Not fully knowing what having what the two have is like

"Why am I not surprised"Warren said as we climbed the small hill and seen something we thought we'd never see again

"Oh god"I said

"Oh crap!Not this place again"Murphy cried

"What?What is it"Sarge asked

"We've been here before"I said and then we started walking towards it

"Warren why the hell did you lead us back here"The path we were taking seemed so familiar

"I don't know.But I intend to find out"She answered

"Was afraid she was gonna say that"Doc mumbled

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