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She only slept about fifteen minutes. When she woke up she began to lightly kiss my shirt covered chest.

"I still have to do the tour don't I?" She finally said when I began rubbing her shoulder.

"Yeah." I sigh and she sits up with a sad groan.

"I don't want to." She said as she tried to tame the giant hair beast I may have created twenty minutes ago.

"He's coming too, so I really don't want you too." I mumbled sitting up and kissing her shoulders. Placing an extra kiss on the love bite I left on her. She shivered and let out a soft moan.

"Lets run away." She said leaning back into my arms.

"Okay." I was serious, between my winnings from the tri-wizard tournament and playing professionally for a few years we could live comfortably for the rest of our lives.

"Really?" She turned and pounced on me with a big grin.

"Yeah, I'll pay back whatever advances they demand. Let them sue you, you don't have to write. I can provide for the both of us." I kissed her forehead and smiled at her. She pouted again.

"What do you mean I don't have to write. I love it, honestly I do." She said with a sad voice.

"Issac said that if you breech your contract they will make sure no publishing company will work you again.Its fine baby, I'll take care of it." I hold her tightly and she just groans.

"Okay, it's just six weeks." She finally said sitting up again. I stayed leaning against the headboard and nodded. "You'll be with me every step of the way?"

"Of course my love." I answer and she smiles at me.

"We'll do it. Then we go home and forgot all about this." She got off the bed and finished packing as I sat and watched her flutter around the room.

The car arrived and I helped the driver put the bags in the trunk. Including the ones Issac left. Hermione waited at the curb for me. I returned to her side and kissed her forehead. The driver opened the door and Malfoy was in the car. Of course he was.

"Hermione, so glad you decided to come." He said to her and I felt her skin crawl. "Cedric, Issac said you may be joining us."

"Wherever I go, he goes." Hermione said in a angry voice. I placed my hand on her back and kissed the line behind her ear.

"Calm down baby." I whisper and she leaned back to me with an interesting growl.I raised my eyebrow at her.

"I'll tell you later." She whispered then got into the limo. She sat across from him and I joined her. When the door was closed the awkward silence nearly choked us. Hermione laced her fingers with mine and I bring our hands up to kiss her knuckles. A violent growl filled the air.

"I made sure to only book coastal towns. We'll never be more then thirty minutes from the ocean." Draco said glaring at our conjoined hands. I couldn't help the smirk that was on my lips. Hermione nodded and laid her head on my shoulder. I don't know if she was making a point to Draco but she had been more affectionate then normal.

"Cedric will make sure I'm taking care of." Was all she said in response. Draco made another loud growling sound and glared at me. Hermione surprised me by hissing at him baring her teeth. That caused him to lean back in his seat and look out the window in a huff.

"You know nothing of who you are." Draco finally said still looking out the window.

"You know nothing about me." She responded gripping my hand tighter. I put my hand on her cheek pulling her face towards me. It created a small illusion of privacy.

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