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She was making cooing sound at the bird as we made our way back to the hotel. Sowerby would make a pleased sound and gentle nip at her fingers.

"He missed you." I say quietly bringing her attention back to me. Her eyes were warm and she seemed much more relaxed.

"I missed him. He was my only friend when Harry was gone." She seemed lost in thought but happy so I let her stay in her daydreams.

"You like kids, don't you?" I finally asked and she nodded giving me a lazy smile.

"Yeah, well they like me and who can not like kids. Plus my voice doesn't effect them as much." She leaned her head against Sowerby cage.

"You look better my love." I reach my hand out and she takes it with a smile.

"I feel better." She pulled my hand to her face and rubbed her face against it. "I need to stop letting Draco rile me."

"We both need to." I didn't mind that she was still rubbing her cheeks and lips against my hand. I'm fairly sure she doesn't realize she's doing it. When I pulled my hand back she made a pouting face.

"I was doing it again wasn't I?" She turned a light pink shade before looking inside Sowerby cage. I couldn't stand her being embarrassed so I moved across and sat next to her. Without saying a word I nuzzled her neck. She sighed and leaned against me.

"I don't know why I keep doing that, I'm sorry." She whispered, sighing when I nuzzled the other side of her neck.

"Don't worry my love, you do whatever makes you comfortable. I'm here for you." She rest her head on my shoulder and I hold her until we arrive at the hotel.

"Can we go to the water without him?" She asks me quietly before he opens the door. I nod and she smiled as the door opens.

"We'll leave after dinner beautiful." Draco says after her offers his hand. She handed him Sowerby cage then got out.

"Sorry mate, we've made other arrangements." I say when I got out taking the cage from him. She giggles and dances off towards the lift. Draco grabs my arm.

"Keep an eye on her, she's more precious then you realize." He let go and walked towards the hotel bar. I was confused as I joined her in the lift.

"What did he want?" She ask wrapping her arms around my waist.

"Just to keep you safe." I kiss the top of her head.

"That's." She paused and looked at me with confused smile. "Nice?"

I shrug and we get out of lift, she opens the door to our room. As she get a cup of water for Sowerby I put his cage on the small balcony out of the room.

"Will he be okay out in the cold?" I ask as she puts some more chunks of apples and some corn for him.

"He survived a hurricane, I'm sure he'll survive a cool evening. He needs to stretch his wings, need to be free." She was talking about herself. I wrap my arms around her from behind and rest my chin on her shoulder.

"He's as free as he wants to be my love. I'm not going to stop him from doing what he wants to do." I feel the large breath she takes.

"You're a lot smarter then you look." She say leaning her head back and kisses my jaw.

"Are you saying I look dumb?" I ask furrowing my eyebrows in pretend annoyances. She shrugs and walks back into hotel room.

She pulls out a swimsuit and goes into the bathroom like I haven't already memorized every inch of her body. When she came out she looked more like herself again. Her hair was down and curling wildly, she has a long dress and jumper on.

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