Flesh eating slug

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"Cedric She's beautiful. Absolutely beautiful." Luna said rocking one of her babies. I held the other one as we watch Meri play with Rolf and their son August.

"Takes after her mother. I think she likes having a kid to play with. What do you two think?" I ask quietly as to not wake up the sleeping babes.

"I'm not going to lie, when we first got your letter we thought you were wanting us to take her. We didn't want to do that. She deserves to be with family." When I wrote her I did want them to take Meri. Now I can't imagine my life without her.

"I did, but you're right she needs to be with people who love her. How long can you stay?" Maybe I should look into a playgroup or something for Meri. She needs to be around kids.

"Rolf family wants us to move back to the states. I don't know, it's so peaceful here. New York is just so loud and busy." She had that sweet smile on her face watching her family play in the pool.

"You know, the Potters sold me the guest house. Meri and I have been staying with them. You're welcome to it for as long as you want." A selfish part of me wanted to keep them here. So Meri could play and there was someone who could help her understand things I couldn't explain.

"Oh Cedric that would be perfect, at least for the summer. So does her voice affect people like Hermiones did?" Potter and I told her all about Hermione and what we knew of Draco.

"Not that we've noticed but Lily said it didn't really become an issue until she was fifteen." Luna hummed a response as she thought of more questions.

"Harry said the males fins were different then hers? Rolf and I have been debating. Well arguing actually about this." Luna said and I laughed. They were adorable together. Of course they would argue about something like that.

"I don't want to cause you two to fight."  The baby in my arm started fussing and we exchanged babies as she giggled softly.

"I think Hermione is a sea nymph." She said as she adjusted the blanket around the baby to feed him. "Rolf thinks they're both Jengu. Just different because of the region they are from. Meri proves him wrong though."

"How does Meri prove him wrong?" I ask looking at little one watching August and Rolf.

"Jengu always abandon their young if they're not perfect. Always." Luna said looking at the small girl.

"She is perfect though." She was, smart and funny. Meri was just like her mother.

"She's tiny, even for a two year old. She can't stay underwater very long. Her fins aren't as developed as they should be. If Hermione was Jengu she would have abandon her long ago." Hermione did abandon her though. How else would she be with me now.

"You forget Luna she was abandon." I remind her. Luna shook her head.

"Cedric you found her covered in blood but no injuries. You said she said mama had bite. She had her mothers ring. One which meant enough for Hermione to come take from you. Something happened, she didn't leave Meri by choice." Luna seemed so sure that it made me happy but sad. Happy to think Hermione did love little one. Sad to think that something happened to her.

We went into the house to put the babies in their pram. As we head back to the pool I see Meri trying to run towards us.

"Edric." She cries as I picked her up hugging her tightly.

"What is it my little one?" I ask as I bounce her Luna puts a hand on her back.

"You left." Her sobs broke my heart.

"Oh, little one. I'm so sorry. We took the babies to Grams so we could come play with you and August." I tell her and she lays her head on my scar.

"You left." She pouted again, I stroked her hair. "Mama left." That took my breath away. It had been weeks since she mention her mother. 

"Little one. I'm not going anywhere okay." She seemed to calm down slightly.

"Promise?" I nod and kiss her forehead. I'd promise her the world if it would make her smile again.

"Promise. Now you want to go play with August or go inside with Grams?" I ask and her face lights up again.

"Auggie." She giggled as she pointed towards the pool room. I carry her back with Luna telling her about Nargles. At some point Meri looked at and shook her head. I think she also inherited Hermione dry sense of humor.

A week later the Scamanders joined us for lunch on the beach. I was hesitant to let her near the ocean. Luna and Lily both agree that she need to be in the ocean. That I can't keep her locked in the pool room her whole life. The hell I can't, I won't lose her to the ocean too.

"Relax son, she's having fun but if she sees you upset she'll be upset." James said as she waded into the ocean with Lily. I have to admit seeing her giggling at the waves made me happy.

"I'm just worried." I admitted and he patted my back. Luna and Rolf were with them letting their babies feet touch the water. It was a nice afternoon.

"Meri come back." Lily yelled and my heart stopped until I saw that Meri was toddling towards me.

"Da come play." She plopped herself in my lap with a laugh.

"Did she just?" James didn't finish his question when he read the shocked look on my face.

"Little one what did you say?" Maybe we misheard her.

"Da come play. Play like Auggie da." She pointed towards Rolf and his boys. Meri thought I was her dad.

"Meri, do you think Cedric is your dad?" James asked her in a serious voice. She nodded quickly. We had never even used the word da or dad around her.

"Like Auggie da." She pointed to herself and me then back to Rolf and August.

"Oh, she heard August call him dad. Guess she made the connection on her own." He said with a cheeky smile.

"Meri, little one." I began but James put his hand on mine.

"Meri sweetie, go see Grams we'll be there in just a minute Okay?" He said and she gave me a sad nod but toddled back towards Lily.

"It was bound to happen eventually. Question is do you want to be her dad or would you prefer her to call you Cedric. It's important for you to decide now." I know he was letting me choose.

"I don't know. James I really don't." I admitted them lump in my throat growing and my chest tightening.

"How did you feel when she said Da?" He asked a knowing smile on his mouth.

"Like the luckiest guy in the world. That precious little one wants me to be her Father. I want to be that for her. I know I've been a mess the last few years but I want to be a good dad. Will you help me?" I asked watching little one smiling as she played with everyone.

"Well then you better get out there and play with your daughter. They grow up so fast you know." He patted my back and I got up to go play with Meri and Lily.

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