Another 6

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Happy 300+ reads!!!! Yays Happy New Year lovies! ❤



After hours of driving we stop when we can't see any houses near us.

"I think we're far from the city." I said.

"I guess so." Jisoo.

"Well, hello! It's my plan." Taehyung said.

I shut my mouth before we fight again about little things.

What's Taehyung's plan? Where are we going?

"What's your plan?"

I saw him smile when I asked that. Stupid ugly boy.

"First is to go far away from the city. Second is to lure the facelessman and third kill him."



Okay... Damn.

I shut up and pouted. He's right. I don't have a plan. I look at Jisoo unnie who's look at us like we're the most disgusting humans in the world.

"What?" I asked.

"You two are noisy." She said and try to sleep.

After minutes of driving the car stopped. We use Taehyung's car cause my car is precious. Duh.

"What happened?" Jisoo unnie ask.

"We're out of gas."

"Did you bring any?" I asked.



I grab my bag and got out from the car.
We can't just stay in the car! The man is after us.

"Where the fck are you going?!" Taehyung shouted from the car.

I ignore him and walk to the other side of the car and grab Jisoo unnie's wrist.

I open the driver's seat where Taehyung is.

"We can't stay in the car idiot. The man is after us!" I said and pinch his nose.

"Ouch! Okay okay."

He also grab his bag and got out from the car.

"Now where are we going?" He asked

"In the forest." I said.

"We can lure him faster in the forest." Jisoo unnie suggested.

We walk inside the forest. It's kinda creepy. The chirping of the birds. The sound of the wind. It's like any minute there's someone who will kill you.

"This is creepy." Taehyung said.

I know! Aurgh!

We just walk and walk until we saw a cliff and there's water down there. But..


"OMG!" Jisoo unnie gasp.

"Why the hell there's a lot of dead bodies in here?" I asked.

"This is a bad idea Jennie. This is a bad idea." Taehyung.

" Taehyung

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We felt chills running down our spine. He's here.

I look behind our back and there he is. Streching his arms to grab Jisoo.

"Unnie look out!" I grab her first and run.

"Taehyung run!!!!!" I shouted at him and he followed us.

"Fck that man."

"Eww gross. Don't fck dead people Tae." I said.

"The fck Jennie?" He said like he couldn't believe what I said. Why would I said that?


Jisoo unnie lost her grip from me and she's now being drag by the man. Good thing Taehyung grab her before they got away.

"Hold on noona." Taehyung said and I helped them.

"This is her fate. Let her go!"

"No! Don't implicate anyone from your stupid past idiot!" I said.

"Accept your fate. Accept her fate."

"Shut up!" Taehyung said.

"Guys I can't hold on anymore." Unnie said while crying.

"No we can't let you die!" I said.

The man pull her more stronger this time and we lost grip from her. The man drag her somewhere.

"No.. No!" I ran after them but someone grab my wrist. It's Taehyung.

"Let me go! I need to find them!" I said crying.

Instead of shouting at me, he just hug me.

"I can't protect them Tae. I can't." I said.

I feel like a loser. I promised Taehyung to protect them from the man but I can't. Im dumb. Im an idiot.

"No. You did your best." He said while caressing my hair.

"We can't run after them Jennie. I have read in the very bottom of the letter that whoever run after the man will be the next victim." W-what?

"What about Jisoo unnie." I look at her but he just look away.

No.. No way. I can't go back to the city with her corpse! I need her alive!

I collapsed on the ground crying. I can't see her lifeless. I can't...

"Go find her Jennie."

We heard the man's voice somewhere.

Taehyung grab my waist. "Let's go."


We've been walking for hours now but we couldn't find Jisoo unnie.

"Give me a break." I said and sat on the trunk of the tree nearby. Aurgh! I feel like my toes are getting numb.

"Jen. There's a fresh blood in here."

I hurriedly stood up and walk towards him. There are blood in the trees.

"Let's follow the trace." He suggested.

We follow and follow the trace until...

"Oh my.. Unnie.." I broke into tears again.

"No.. No.. This is my fault. I let you guys read the letter! Fck!"

"Jennie! Jennie look at me. Don't look anywhere else just look at me. This is not your fault. This is no one's fault okay? We don't know what's inside of that fcking box and we read it and then we're here! Let's face it together Jen. Okay?" I nodded to him.

"Good." He kissed my forehead before he walked to Jisoo unnie's lifeless body.

She was tied. Both her hands and feet and she is hang in tress above. The man left her with only her underwear on. Her stomach and throat are slit open just like Judy and Taejun.

 Her stomach and throat are slit open just like Judy and Taejun

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Taehyung untied unnie and carry her back to the car.

I caressed her cheeks. Im so sorry unnie. We will get your revenge. Our revenge. Im so sorry. I love you.


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