Another 9

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After 3 hours of finding the address of that Zin Conley, finally Jungkook and Lisa found where he live.

"Is this the right address Kookie?" Lisa asked Jungkook after they exited the bus.

"I think so." He said and walk towards the house.

'I think so?! I thought he's sure about it! Aurgh!' Lisa thought to herself and stompped her feet towards the house.

Jungkook knock 3 times before someone answered it and opened the door.

"Who are they?" Asked a young lady same age as they are.

"Uhm we're looking for Zin Conley. Does he live here?" Lisa said.

"Uhm what do you want from my dad?" Curiously ask by the lady.

"We have to ask something important." Jungkook said.

"Uhmm wait I'll----Let them in."

Someone inside the house cut the lady's statement. The young lady sighed and opened the door for then to come in.

"Sit on the couch." Said by her and look at Jungkook intently.

Lisa step infront of Jungkook. "Yes thank you." She said and whispered something to the lady "You can now stop staring at him." Lisa smiled at the lady sweetly.

They sit on the couch and look at the man infront of them. He was in his late 40's and he's a foreigner.

"What do you want to ask kiddos?" He said.

His presence are very scary, Lisa thought.

"Uhm can we ask about the murder of the man under the brigde?" Jungkook asked.

The man was shock. Bingo! He knew about the man. Jungkook thought.

"What do want to know?" He said and look away.

"Me and my friends read the story from the box we found in the woods and now we're being chased by the faceless man and 3 of us were now killed by him." Lisa stated.

The man didn't respond. But after a couple of minutes he spoke.

"We've been chased by that man too, back when I was your age. We found the box under the bridge where he was murdered."

"How did you survive?" Jungkook.

"I'm the only one who survived." He said with pain in his eyes.

"How?" Lisa.

"In order to break the connection between you and the man, you need a sacrifice."

What does he mean? Lisa thought.
What the heck is sacrifice thou? Jungkook.

"What do you mean Mr. Conley?" Ask by Lisa.

The next statement of the man shock them especially Jungkook.

Why? Jungkook.


"Aurgh! It's comming late yet they haven't come back yet!" Jennie.

Jennie was the one who's very worried towards the two maknae even thou the man can't kill Jungkook, what about Lisa then?

"Calm down Jen, maybe they have a hard time to find-----" Suga was being interrupted by the door opening and there was the exhausted Lisa and Jungkook.

Both of them flop in the couch and close their eyes.

"What did you get from the man?" Taehyung asked but the two maknaes didn't respond.

After a minute they heard the both of them snoring.

"Hahahahaha let them rest first Taehyungie!" Hobi said.

"*Yawn* Let's called it a night then." Namjoon said.

Jennie look at the sleeping maknaes and kissed their forehead one by one.

I know you two did a great job. Goodnight maknaes.


What does Zin Conley said that Shook the maknaes?

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