Halloween pt 1 Ch 19

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"Lets go find Daddy"

Walking with Tae as we head into the bedroom I look up to see Chanyeol standing without his top on reaching for his costume.

"I'm sorry" I quickly close my eyes as he laughs out

"It's ok baek not like you haven't seen it all before" I remove my hand from my eyes as I turn away turning my back to him as a lift tae up onto the bed

"M....maybe you can hand me Tae's costume and I will dress him" I put out my hand as he passes it to me

"I'll go change in the bathroom" he laughs before leaving us

"Daddy sure does look good tae, what was I ever thinking of leaving him, Appa sure is silly" "yesh" tae smiles

I talk to tae even though he doesn't understand me. I change his diaper and reach and pull on his new vest "boo" we say together as his head pops through the opening as I close it under his diaper

"Now let's get you all ready for the party, I need to wash my hands though, wait here tae" I leave him sitting on the bed while I run into the kitchen to wash my hands as chanyeol is changing in the bathroom. Heading back into the bedroom I see Tae sitting all quiet on the floor beside the bed with the contents of a box on the floor.

"Sweetheart what have you got there?" I walk over to Tae as he passes me what he has in his hand "Appa" taking it I see it's a photo of me and Chanyeol "Yeah that's Appa and daddy" I smile as I sit beside him on the floor and look at the things. Pictures, notes, cinema ticket stubs etc.

"You found them" I hear a deep voice making me jump and look towards the voice my jaw drops as I see Chanyeol in his very very very tight costume

"I....I.... I'm sorry I left Tae for a second to wash my hands and I came back and found him sitting here looking through the box" I gather the things in my hand and place them back in the box and lift tae up "I think we are in trouble" I whisper to tae as I sit him on the bed

"No it's ok he has been trying to get into that box since I first showed him one of the pictures" he smiles while taking the box and putting it up high ontop of the wardrobe making my heart flutter at how tight and sexy he looks in his costume

I take taes costume and put it on him as I can't help but smile at him all dressed looking so cute standing on the bed

"Wow look at you little man" Chanyeol takes out his phone and takes a picture of him all dressed except for the mask as he doesn't seem to like it

"Are you guys ready in there people are arriving" we hear Sehun shout from outside as the music begins to play

"How do I look?" Chanyeol smiles before pulling his mask on trying to fix it as Tae looks at him a bit scared. "It's ok Tae it's daddy see" chanyeol removes the mask making our son smile at him

"Let me fix it you don't have it on straight" I move closer and close the back of the mask and position it so he can see out it "there all done" I smile as he turns to our son and picks him up

"We will let you get changed" he says before leaving the room and closing the door. I catch my breath and sit on the bed, omg he looks amazing. I change quickly into my vampire costume and head to look in the mirror. I take a brush and back comb some of my hair as I hear a knock on the door

3 Men and a Toddler (Chanbaek)Where stories live. Discover now