Chapter 45

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Waking up feeling so happy in my life right now I realise I was put to bed lastnight after falling asleep on the sofa.  Where is everyone? I slowly get up  swinging my legs out of bed trying not to hurt my stitches. Standing up slowly I make my way towards the bedroom door and peak my head outside seeing three grown ass men and a little man staring down at our daughter on the sofa.

"What are you three doing?" I try not laugh at them as I see they seem to be struggling with something. "Morning beautiful what are you doing out of bed?" Chanyeol rushing over to me holding one of Sullis baby diapers. "I couldn't hear anyone so I wanted to see what was going on and lucky I did". I turn to see the rest of them still staring at our baby.

"How the hell do you change the diaper of a girl?" Kai says while still staring at my daughter. "I have no idea maybe just put her in a bath and let the water wash her" Sehun says making me laugh while holding onto my stitches.

"You three are idiots" I smile while walking over to save my daughter. "Baek sweetheart you can't lift her tell us what to do and we will do it" Chanyeol moves beside me as he get on his knees in front of our daughter while I sit on the sofa.

"She did a number two, you know a poo, girls have you know folds and openings and everything down there" Kai says getting embarrassed.

"OK all three of you get away from my daughter" I wave them all away from her while I sit on the sofa placing a flat pillow on my lap with a little towel down on top. "Chanyeol lay her on my lap please" I wait as he lays her gently on me sideways as I undo her diaper to see what the three idiots are fussing over.

"Oh my sweetheart, your daddy and uncles are being silly" I look at my beautiful daughter as I grab some baby cotton wool dipped in lukewarm water and wipe her bottom clean then apply some nice baby powder and a fresh diaper . Clipping her vest closed and fixing her clothes. I lean over and kiss her cheek before looking at the three idiots staring with there mouths open. "All clean" Tae says making me smile at his cuteness.

"Was that it?" Kai says as I laugh at them. "Yes that's it, she is all clean now" I smile at her as Chanyeol takes her off my lap so I can go wash my hands.

"I thought we had to, you know clean the folds" Kai blushes and hides his face making me laugh. "You're so gay" I tell him as he walks off to his bedroom while I walk off and clean my hands returning quickly so I can snuggle with my babies.

"Sweetheart we had no clue how to clean her, being a girl and all, you can't blame us" Chanyeol lowers his head as I lean closer and kiss his cheek. "It's ok baby, but now you know". "How did you know?" Chanyeol asks me making me smile, I have neices and nephews" I kiss him again as he just nods his head.

"How are you feeling this morning baek, I have your pain killers for you" Sehun moves towards me with a glass of water and my medication. "I feel great, a little sore but other then that I feel at ease and so happy" I take my tablets and swallow them handing him back the glass.

"We want to talk to you" Chanyeol looks at Sehun before telling our son to go get his uncle bonk making me a bit worried. Sitting back on the sofa I feel my heart race a little what could it be that they want to talk to me about. Have I done something to upset them. Feeling rather emotional all of a sudden I hide my emotions and just wait till I hear exactly what it is they want to tell me. Kai joins us as they all sit on the floor while Chanyeol lays our daughter on my lap.

"Should I be worried?" I turn to face Chanyeol who now sits beside me. "No sweetheart we just want to run something by you to see if you like the idea".

"OK so spill" I look at all three of them as Tae is now spread laying across his uncle bonks lap drinking from his sippy cup not caring what's going on around him.

3 Men and a Toddler (Chanbaek)Where stories live. Discover now