Chapter 40

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Six month's later 

"Chanyeol I'm gonna bring Tae to playschool before I go to work" Kai says loudly while leaving his room making Chanyeol and Sehun run for him making him hush by covering his mouth and knocking him onto the sofa. "What the hell you guys" Kai moans trying to push them both off him. "Shhh Baek only got to sleep an hour ago, if he wasn't raiding the fridge every 15 mins he was forcing us to go get him takeaway" Sehun gets up from Kai holding out his hand to help him up. "How did you get him to sleep then?" Kai whispers as he straightens his clothes. "He wore himself out and fell right to sleep, so please be quiet" Chanyeol holds his hands together praying for no noise.

"Appa bye bye" Tae says as he walks towards his parents room making Chanyeol and Sehun run to stop him. "No no little buddy you can't wake Appa, Appa is sleeping" Chanyeol lifts his son up kissing him on the cheek trying to keep him quiet. "Daddy will bring you to the park later after I get you from school ok, now go be a good boy and go with Uncle Bonk" he puts Tae down on his feet as Kai just looks on in anger at the name he is now stuck with the past few months. "Say goodbye to uncle Sehun and your daddy" Kai says taking Tae's little hand in his and guiding him over to the door. "Enjoy school little man" Chanyeol waves at his son as he and Sehun fall onto the sofa exhausted from being up all night with a very pregnant Baek. 

"Man we can't keep doing this all night every night we should just give in and let him have whatever food he wants Chanyeol, don't you value your life, he nearly threw a plate at you last night " Sehun looks concerned at his friend. " I know but I want him to be healthy and not eat crap food all the time" Chanyeol rubs his temples with his fingers trying to make the pain go away as they hear a little soft gentle tap on the door. "Who is that this hour of the morning?" Sehun gets up to answer the door seeing his boyfriend standing there carrying  Mc Donald bags with a big smile on his face. "Morning handsome the smaller says as he enters the room walking towards the sitting room placing all the bags and drinks down on the table. "Wait, who's all this food for?" Chanyeol looks in shock as he then hears a soft voice. "They are for me your pregnant boyfriend". They all turn to see Baekhyun all smiles tiptoeing into the sitting room with a huge smile on his face as he sits on a cushion on the floor watching Luhan rip open the bags one by one. "He messaged me saying he was hungry and that neither of you would go get him food so I decided to get it, I got you guys some also" Luhan looks at his lover and then Chanyeol as they both just burst out laughing knowing they will never be able to stop Baekhyun no matter what they do. 

"We where not stopping you baby I just don't think its ok for you to be eating takeaway when your carrying our little diamond inside you" Chanyeol soon shuts up when Luhan hits his arm and his ever so heavily pregnant lover gives him the evil eyes as he munches on a chip. "I can eat what I want when I want ok, so stop telling me I HAVE TO EAT CERTAIN FOOD" Baek shouts the last part before he begins to cry making Chanyeol feel so guilty now that he walks over and sits beside his lover. "Baby please don't cry I'm so sorry, I was just trying to make sure you and baby where getting all the nutrients you both needed" Chanyeol wraps his arm around his lover comforting him as Baekhyun continues to eat while crying. "I'm so hungry and emotional and where's my baby Tae, did he go without giving me my kiss?" Baekhyun looks up at Chanyeol with puppy dog eyes full of tears. "We didn't want to wake you after you just fell asleep" Chanyeol waits for his lover to blow again but he just nods his head and continues eating.

"I told him I would bring him to the park after playschool if you would like to come with us?" Chanyeol watches as Baekhyun hands him some food. "I'd love to go but I do need sleep I'm really tired Chanyeol and nothing is relaxing me" He looks up at his lover again and of course Chanyeol's heart breaks seeing his lover is so uncomfortable and tired. "Maybe you can make love to me, that usually relaxes me after" Baekhyun winks at his tall giant lover as Luhan and Sehun clear their throats to let them know there are other people still in the room. "I don't mean right now, after food of course" Baekhyun smiles as he now tucks into a burger. "How the hell did you get a burger isn't it still breakfast till 10 o'clock or something in Mc Donald's?" Chanyeol looks towards Luhan who is smiling. "We know the guy who works there so he does us favours every now and then" Luhan smiles and Baekhyun laughs. "Remember he gave me the big tub of strawberry ice-cream poured over my fries now that was better then sex" Baekhyun says making Chanyeol huff and look at the smaller. "Better then sex really?" He grunts as Baekhyun starts to laugh. "Baby its just an expression of how goooood the food tasted, you know I love your sex" The smaller turns and kiss his lover on the cheek trying to save himself but it doesn't seem to work as Chanyeol gets up from the floor and heads towards the kitchen.

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