Chapter 22

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Sehuns pov

"Hey Kai so what's the deal with you and D.O?" I question him as we both play with Tae kicking the football around the park to his little giggles.

"We kissed that's all" he continues to pass the ball back to Tae as the smaller tries his best to kick it making Kai fall on the ground pretending to try save it.

"Is that really all, cause when baek and I saw you, you had that poor guy up agasint the wall with no way of running" I can't help but laugh at him blushing

"Was just showing him I'm not a little, just cause I like childish things" he throws the ball at me "now hush up about me and tell me about you and this Logan guy" he smirks at me as I catch the ball

"First of all his name is Luhan and second of all we are actually gonna meet up and maybe have a coffee" I roll the ball towards Tae as he runs and suddenly falls over the ball. Falling forward with the top half of his little body falling over the ball as he let's out the most high pitched scream I have ever heard in my entire life making us both rush over to him.

"Oh my god Tae" I reach him first and pick him up and check him over his little body till I touch his left arm making him cry out more.

"Kai start the car we need to go to the hospital" holding Tae close to my body as he cries his little heart out I feel my heart break "shhh it will be ok little man I promise silly uncle Sehun made you fall"  reaching the car Kai opens the back door helping me in as Tae continues to cry.

"Chanyeol is going to fucking kill us" Kai shouts as he closes the door and quickly jumps in the drivers side and pulls out into the traffic.

"Its my fault, I'll take the blame, I broke his son, oh baek is gonna kill me too, say nice things at my funeral Kai" I try rock tae as he sobs more.

"Put some music on let's try distract him" I shout over his sobs to Kai as he tries to fumble with the stereo and keep his eyes on the road ahead.

As the music comes on I try grab my phone but tae keeps wiggling in pain in my arms, I lean over and kiss his little chubby cheeks "it will be ok little man" I try comfort him more as he starts calling for his appa"

"Appa" he cries more as I try my best to hold back my own tears as Kai finally pulls into the hospitals emergency department.

"Hey little man Appa and daddy will be here soon, let's go in here on a little adventure ok" I climb out of the car as Kai rushes ahead trying to get the attention of a doctor.

I try sit him on the bed as Kai rushes out to ring Baek and Chanyeol but he just wants me to hold him as he snuggles into my chest crying his little tears

"Well hello there who have we got here?" The doctor enters the room as he approaches us

"This is Taehyung, he fell over a football and when I checked him he screamed the place down when I touched his left arm" I finally catch my breath as I try move Tae so the doctor can examine him

"Are you his father?" He askes me as I struggle with him in my arms "no I'm his uncle my friend is out ringing his appa and daddy now"

"Ok, hey Taehyung look do you like noisy things?" The doctor takes a toy from his pocket that lights up and makes a noise when you shake it making tae turn his head to look at it while still laying against me with his sore arm touching my chest.

"I got this" Kai runs into the room carrying one of taes plushies from the car as tae tries to reach for it

"Wait, we need to get him to move so I can see the sore arm, can we place the plushie over here so he will move away from you" the doctor smiles as Kai give him the plushie as he puts it on the bed so tae has to move to get it.
After a few tries tae finally moves and the doctor checks his arm while he is distracted.

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