Chapter 24

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I wake with what feels like the worst hangover ever. I look towards the side of the bed and see Tae missing making me jump up and look around the room. I climb out of the bed and head outside to see if anyone is awake. 

"Morning" I turn my head to see chanyeol sitting at the breakfast counter in the kitchen. "Morning, where is Tae?" I move closer rubbing my eyes as I sit beside him on a stool leaning over the counter top. " Sehun and Kai took him out to the shops for a bit" he turns to drink his coffee but I know something more is wrong as I can feel the tension and one thing I remember about chanyeol if he had something to say he would actually get really quiet beforehand, kind of like calm before the storm.

"Oh ok, how is his arm?"  I slide off the tall stool and head over to pour myself a coffee. "Its ok I gave him his medicine before he went out" he looks back down at the counter looking all sad. "Chanyeol what's wrong have I missed something?" I place my coffee cup down on the counter as he stands up. "Do your remember yesterday at all Baek?" he runs his fingers through his hair making me  nervous.

"Yeah we brought Tae back from the hospital" I begins to panic more now when he turns his back to me. "Chanyeol what's wrong please tell me?" I move closer to him as I watch him sit on the sofa in the sitting room. "Baek you missed a whole day, we brought Tae home from the hospital the day before yesterday" he looks at me with near tears in his eyes. 

"Chanyeol how did I miss a day, what's going on?" I fall sitting on the chair across from him as he paces the floor. "Baek you where leaving yesterday with Tae" he sits back down looking over the table that's in between us. " Was I, where was I going?" I feel my stomach turn a little and my heart beat in my chest. "You said you where going to work then you told me your where leaving because you are too much trouble and you where the reason Sehun left, plus you had a very high fever" I fall back into the chair looking at him all confused. "I don't remember that" I excuse myself and walk back into the bedroom closing the door.

"Baek please can we talk?" I hear him from the other side of the door. Reaching out for the door handle I open the door and step away so he can come in. "Were you leaving again?" he stands in the door frame. " Chanyeol I cant stay here though, I'm in the way, I need to face my life again, I need to go back to work. I've missed a day and now my boss is going to kill me with Winwin being out". I feel so small telling him but I know I cant just walk out without telling him why I need to leave.

"What about Tae?" he asks me the dreaded question making my tears fall. " I Need to get ready for work I cant miss another day Chanyeol, plus these past days have been all great and all but I need to face life. I grab some clothes and a towel and head to the bathroom. "Baek baby stop now" I hear him call from behind me down the hall making me stop and turn to face him.

"What about Tae?" he looks at me with a sad look again knowing full well I am causing the hurt in his heart again. "I can take him with me and put him back in playschool or Minseok can take care of him while I'm in work and till his arm gets better" I feel the lump in my throat start again.

"So you left before and now your leaving again but this time with our son?" he walks closer to me as I feel my legs go weak. "Let Tae stay here with me I will take care of him while you work, we can come up with some arrangement" he takes my arm and holds it gently. "Please Baek let me help you". I turn my head away as the tears fall. "I need to get ready for work, can you call Sehun and Kai and get them to bring Tae back so we can leave" I turn away and walk in to the bathroom leaving him standing in the hallway. 

I know what I am doing is wrong but I need to get my life in order and I cant leave Tae here now he is getting in the way and upsetting everyone, even Sehun left cause of Tae falling and hurting his arm I cant destroy peoples lives anymore. Once I'm finished showering and packing a few things I take Tae by his hand and walk out into the sitting room as the others all stand around waiting for us.

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