Chapter 23

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"Morning how is my little man today" I peak my head around the bedroom door and see Tae all dressed and ready to go out with a bag sitting beside him on the bed

Walking inside feeling confused I see baek pulling on a top then jacket and grabbing the bag and tae in his arms and walking out the bedroom door past me.

"Baek what are you doing, where are you going?" I start to panic as I follow him out into the sitting room as he heads for the main door slipping on his shoes.

"I need to leave, I've caused enough trouble for you all" he reaches for the handle of the door

"Baek stop for a second what do you mean by trouble?" I stand close to him as Tae wiggles in his arms

"What's all the noise" Kai comes out of his room rubbing his eyes as Tae calls him "bonk"

"No Taehyung we need to go now" baek tries to open the door but it's locked

"Where are you going baek" I ask more softly as he begins to sway a bit before grabbing the wall to hold himself up making me rush to him as he nearly passes out grabbing him

"Kai help me" I shout as I try hold them both

"Whats wrong with him?" Kai askes me as I take tae from baeks arms and hand him to Kai

"I... ne....need go work" he tries hard to speak as his hands reach out for the door.

Picking him up in my arms bridal style I carry him into the sitting room and sit him on the sofa as it's closer

"Appa" Tae calls out as he tries to get down from Kai's grasp

"Sehun .....gone .....cause .......of me" baek struggles to say as the main door unlocks and in walks Sehun before freezing and looking at the commotion before him.

"What's happening?" He hurries over towards me as I touch baeks head "shit he is burning up" I stand up quickly to take him into the bedroom as he moves and throws up on the floor

"Appa bleh" I hear Tae say from behind me as Sehun runs to the kitchen returning with cleaning stuff and wet cloths.

"We need to take most of his clothes off, his temperature seems really high" Sehun throws paper over the sick as I lift a now passed out baekhyun from the sofa and carry him into my room.

"Chan....." he tries to wake but I just hush him

"Shhh baby I've got you" I lay him on top of the bed while I struggle to take his coat off followed by his shoes.

"Hey I brought some water and little Tae here has the cloths" Sehun signals for me to look at Tae as he sits him on the bed beside his appa

"Here I found the thermometer so you can check how high his temperature is" kai hands it too me. Since it's one of those new thermometers that where designed for kids that you place at their forehead it reads his temperature fast

"Crap it is really high" I hand the thermometer back to Kai while I remove baeks bottoms,  top and socks just leaving his underwear on.

"Here" Sehun hands me a damp cloth as I put it on baeks head as he moves and wakes up jolting forward to sit up

"What's happening" he looks around at us all before looking down seeing himself in just his underwear

"Hey it's ok you have a very bad temperature, please lay down" I guide him back down before putting the cloth back on his head

"Appa bleh" Tae says making me smile towards him as he sits beside baek on the bed with a dry cloth rubbing it on baeks naked stomach with his one good hand

3 Men and a Toddler (Chanbaek)Where stories live. Discover now