Chapter 6

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I still didn't know what Klaus meant  by me being the lady of the house things just turned from weird to weirder.  Everyone looked at me like I was the queen of England  or something; when I passed they were would bend their knees while staring down.  They never stared at me straight in the eyes and it felt like I was in a fifty's movie. 

On the other hand I had discovered how lonely this house was,  the only people here were the guards and house keepers and they definitely didn't have time to chat.  I didn't blame them though,  I had toured the whole house which surprisingly took two full days.  The house had so  many rooms that if I got lost I would probably not be found; Like who had a personal art gallery in their house.

Being done with that I would just spend time in the nursery or go swimming.  In a way I was happy,  for  the first time in a long time that I didn't worry about someone hurting me or thinking of how trapped I was.

I looked at gold phone nervously,  my hands were shaking with my heart beating at my throat.  Not being a prisoner here meant that I could make phone calls,  browse the Internet.  Three hours earlier as Czarina was peacefully sleeping I had logged in my social media accounts,  I had  been so excited to just communicate with the world.

I had looked through all my pictures I had posted and it just felt like a lifetime ago.  Back then all that mattered was money,  status and other teenage drama but now looking at it,  it felt petty and silly stuff.  I would post pictures of my breakfast,  my brand new cars,  my ex boyfriend.  It was amazing how different I had came out after going through all I had gone through.

I went through my high school "friends " profiles and they seemed happy.  They had gone on with their life like nothing had happened, they had not noticed that I was gone or maybe they had but just didn't care. They were all so pretty,  looking carefree,  enjoying varsity and partying almost everyday.

Somehow I wondered where I would be if I hadn't been kidnapped,  probably stressing over year end exams and boy drama.

I looked at the number I had dialed ten minutes ago still debating on whether or not I should press the call icon. Finally drawing up as much courage as I could ; I pressed the icon and waited for the phone to ring.  I heard it ring once,  twice and on the third ring the someone picked up.

" hello, " a squeaky voice came  through causing my heart to just hammer in my chest.

" Hello! " the person shouted again,  I could hear voices on the background. It seemed like girls chatting.

I swallowed " Hi Bree,  its Harley. " I said nervously.

"Harley who? " Bree came with her bitchy attitude and I could just imagine her rolling those big eyes of hers.

" Harley your bbf from high school. " I said .

" No way... "  Bree laughed out loud before shouting " hey guys come over here!  ".

My hands were sweaty at that point,  I could hear murmuring on the other end of the line then they just all laughed.

" Harley the run away?! " Bree asked causing my hands to shake " I heard your family is now dead broke. " they all laughed out loud me presuming they had put me on loud speaker.

I swallowed hard finally realizing how much of a bad idea it was to call my old friends but it was too late; I couldn't just drop the phone now,  that would just add to their thrill.

" We should meet sometime,  " I said.

" Yes we should, " Bree said back as the others burst in laughter.

Now that my family was broke I was an outcast to them and adding to that they thought I had ran away.  If they knew that I had a baby lord knows I would even get featured on the front page of the socialite newspaper which was basically the newspaper for the rich filled with nothing but gossip.

I dropped the phone telling myself that it didn't matter what those fake girls thought.  Telling myself that I was better than them but was I? I was broke,  damaged and hopeless.  I was trying to gather my life back and become  a normal person again but I didn't know how to do that . Deep down inside I felt like I was broken beyond repair, that I couldn't keep my past in the past as it haunted me.

So consumed in my fight I had lost who I was,  I wasn't strong,  I wasn't confident and really I felt lost.

I put my phone down and stood up to unlock the balcony doors.  I walked out slowly and just watched the view infront of me.  It was so beautiful,  I could see the view from up here.  The house was fully surrounded by a dark sea.  I could hear the waves from here,  a cool breeze blew sending my hair dancing all around ; floating in the air.  I looked down to the ground and saw the paved stones and at that moment, at that very moment I just felt like letting go of the steel white bars and just push myself down to the ground.

I imagined how it would be like to fly ; my body floating in the air,  my hair bouncing around me, the feel of the air against my skin as my arms are spread wide paddling through the air then finally the impact as I heat the ground face down.  The feel of my warm blood pooling underneath me,  the moment I take that last deep breath.

It all seemed so wonderful,  I would be free and finally I would rest.  I closed my eyes as a tear slipped,  I felt it slide down my cheek causing my skin to itch where it passed and at that moment when my hands let go of the bars I had leaned against a loud cry pierced my ears and I opened my eyes like I had been struck by a bolt of lightning .  My hands quickly gripped the bars and I turned and ran into the room picking up Czarina from the crib as she cried like she was on fire.  I patted her back as I walked around then I sat down at the rocking chair and tried to breast feed her. 

She took my breast up greedly and sucked on it as I    cried silently .  I stopped feeling the pull and knew that Czarina was back asleep,  I held her up and placed her on the crib before turning around and running out of the room. I didn't even take the elevator but just took the  stairs.  I went down running after ten minutes of running down stairs my muscles started to my face drenched with tears and sweat.  I could hear my personal guard running behind me keeping his distance.

Finally I got to the receiving room expecting the maids to look at me like I was crazy but they all just minded their business which was great.  I bursted the doors open and ran out.  I ran around the castle bare footed. When I felt like my muscles would buckle down I turned back and ran towards the garden then passed it and ran five more minutes then came to a halt infront of the cloudy stream.

I set at the green wet grass and watched the water 
Cascade down.  The sound of the water was healing,  refreshing.

What was I doing?  I asked myself,  why wasn't I normal?

I looked down at the mist rising from the rushing water,   Why did I feel so empty?

After a few minutes I felt something being slipped on my shoulders.  I hadn't even realized that I was feeling cold.

" Thank you, " I said lowly to my guard standing behind me.

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