Chapter 41

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The room turned cold and darker, I could not think, everything just went still with only my heart drumming uncontrollably. I had never felt this kind of fear in ten years. I could not help it, I could not control it. My palms were sweating along with my forehead, all the plans and courage thrown out the window.

"Sorry to keep you waiting son, I had to sort some people out and thank you for killing nearly all my men leaving me with these....." He said not being able to finish his sentence.

I watched his silhouette as he got closer and closer feeling my pipes constrict with every step he took.

"How?" The question I did not want to ask because it would mean this was all real, that this was all happening and I did not want that, fuck I did not want it to be real. Pain, anger, hurt and humiliation was all I felt as my fists clenched only to unclench.

"Oohh, because you think you killed me right?" He asked walking in front of me only to squat to my level.

The devil was right in front of me looking as if he had not aged a day, he looked as strong as he had been, looked as wicked as he had been. I could not stare into his eyes, fuck it I could not even stare at his toes, his presence made me shake with so much anger and fear. I hated him with everything in my body yet feared him like I had never feared anything in this whole world.

Point of it all, I was scared and I should have been because for the first time here my chances of leaving alive dwindled with each breath he took in front of me.

"So your sister is dead, I guess raping her was never enough for you!" He shouted in my face causing me to push back into my chair instinctively.

I shook my head, grateful of the news. As soon as I heard my father's voice I knew she was in on this. Those two practically lived for each other and if he was here it meant she had been the snake all along. I wanted to laugh, lord I wanted to laugh at his face but I could not, fear was clawing at my insides making it hard to even breathe.

"I did not rape her!"

"I don't even know why you are still alive, I wish I could have strangled you while you were still a baby, wish I could have thrown you to my hounds to eat you up and spit out your bones. Don't worry though I will take care of you now, I will wipe out everything that belongs to you in this world. So weak and pathetic."

His fist connected with my cheek seconds after turning my face to the side as I spit the blood that had collected in my mouth.

"Do your worst!"

I could feel my body shaking, I knew his worst and it had me nearly gagging as I felt tears pooling up in my eyes. I could not sit or think as memories came back tearing through me. I did not know if I could bare this, did not know if I could pull through this. I just prayed and hoped the people I loved were safe.

"You tried to kill me Klaus, let's talk about that. You have so many crimes that you have to be punished for. The lack of equipment should not fool you, I can be just as effective even with a single spoon. You tempered with my plane, not even challenge me, so pathetic. They told me what you had done and I told my beautiful wife to go ahead, that I would find her at our beach house. You made me watch my wife burn into a crisp on my phone, you made me watch her scream with the plane in flames as it went down in the ocean. For that you will pay, all this long I have been waiting, planning, getting allies and funds to end your reign. How dare you give all the five families their reign back? How dare you give away my hard work just like that? You do not understand how angry I am, you do not comprehend how much I will fuck you up. Being raped by my men will be the least of you fears, that's why you tried to kill me right? The punishment for raping my daughter so brutally is rape. You reap what you saw and now you shall pay for your other sins."

I coughed from choking on my own saliva. The walls were closing in and I could not breathe, tears streamed down, my past just having dragged in front of me and revealed for me to relive again. I could not do this, could not bear all the pain that shot through my heart tearing it apart. Just like then I wanted to die, I wanted to die so bad.

"First things first, where is your hide out warehouse? I want to kill your men and their families one by one, I want to put them in cages and fight them off like dogs. I want them to kill each other while I ship off their wives and children. I want everyone!" He roared and I swear the whole building shook as I flinched. He looked crazed, he looked thirsty for blood, and he looked deranged.

"You will not talk boy? You will not talk! Boys bring her in." He said to the guards he had come with himself who looked skilled and trained unlike those idiots.

"While we are waiting for them let's talk of where you have hid the other cartel bosses. You do not know how fun it was to see that Vintage kid gunned down like a dog in the street." He threw his head back and laughed out loud. My father hated the Vintagè family with such passion, hated them even more than he did me and that was a lot.

"I have so much planned for that baby of his." He continued looking out in space dreaming about it, making me spit with anger but had to counsel myself that I was not going to give him the reaction he wanted. I would die with dignity and pride. I would not stroke his ego. I would not give him the satisfaction.

I heard the pater of footsteps, something being dragged across the floor. I did not have to look to know who they were dragging. They walked in carrying a bloody Harley, you could barely see anything past the blood. She was leaving a trail with her head cast down, her low cries filling my ears.

"Tie her up."

I watched as they picked her up while another tied up the hands to the vertical laying thick beam from the roof. Her fragile body hanged with her cries getting louder, she kept on saying something but I could not get it. My heart clenched but I could not tear my eyes from her. I had to see, had to watch everything they would do.

"Klaus please, please!" She suddenly shouted, new found energy having her kick and swing from the beam.

"Please!" Her cries got louder and louder.

"You said you would protect me. You promised to keep me safe, please!" She screamed fighting for her life. I shook my head not wanting to admit how this was painful to watch, how this was so wicked.

The only thing I could say was for her to be strong but that seemed evil even in my own ears so I shut my mouth and watched my father trying to pick up the right tools for torture. I held my breath as he picked up the long whip that had sharp silver spikes all around it.

This was not going to be pretty but I could do nothing to save her. I could do nothing to help her. She just had to hold her own and stay in there.

Seeing the whip her screams shot out so loudly I had to cringe.

"No! Please no!" She screamed.

"I can't do this, please, I can't. Anything you want, please don't do this." She tried, she pleaded but no one heard, no one cared as my father advanced to her testing his whip, the crack of the whip in the air had even the six boys take steps away to the corner where they all huddled while watching everything unfold.

"Kla...." she could not finish her word as the whip went tearing her skin, a loud scream tore through her as her top was left torn along with her skin, blood dripping to the floor.







"To tell me"




"He is hiding"


"His men!"

Harley went limp, her head hanging as blood trailed to the floor as if she were a waterfall. Her fight had left her as she hanged, her body losing the fight, her life flashing before her eyes. I sat there watching everything unfold with a sore heart.

This was brutal.

"You still don't want to talk son?" He asked as I shook my head getting comfortably seated in the chair as this was going to take long brutal hours.

"We are losing her boys, shoot her up!" My father mentioned to his men who came giving him a needle with a serum I had created some time ago. It acted as a kick to the body, giving it energy to fight on. It was like shock of electricity that had your cells buzzing with so much life and energy.

Harley took a huge gulp of air as soon as it hit her. Her head was pulled up as she scanned the room with wide eyes as tears streamed down her face washing the blood away. She coughed crying so hard it tore through the deepest part in my body and this was just only the begging.

"Let us go another round sweetheart."

"No, please no, please!" She screamed kicking but her words were met with the whip curling around her body hugging her waist as she squirmed as if it had burned her insides, but it had, I knew the burn that came with that whip. You would feel as if your insides were just lit up in flames and everything burned, I knew perfectly well how in pain she was as I watched her empty the contents of her stomach, her body violently shaking.

"Stop! I don't want to do this anymore, stop. I am sorry, I can't, take me down now. I will not do this anymore." She cried out panting hard trying to catch her breath from all the pain that tore through her body like a bolt of lightning.

"Boys, Shut her up now!" The old men shouted as the guards scrambled around looking for tape.

"No! Let me down now! I will not do this anymore! I am out!" She screamed to the old men's face to no avail.

I could not help but throw my head back and laugh as everyone scrambled around rushing to close her mouth. I could not believe how entertaining this whole thing was. I laughed so hard tears streamed down my face. I just could not help it. Lord this was one of the funniest things I had ever seen.

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