Chapter 29

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My muscles had started aching but I welcomed the pain, it gave me the strength to go on and on. Beads of sweat trickled down my face which was salty from all the sweat. I had been on this for four hours.  I had took down a huge tree, chopping it down into less pieces then to fire wood. It took away all the worry and stress that weighed heavy on my shoulders. I had to tell her, procrastinating never helped anyone, I had to come clean to her. I had never been this scared in my life, it was not that, that piss of a jerk scared me whoever he was but it was that I had never had anything to lose before and now it seemed as if my whole world would collapse. I stole a glance of my world. Harley was sleeping on the rocking chair looking like an angel from above. Never had I seen such a beautiful person in my life who totally turned my world upside down and brought happiness I had never known in my life.

My eyes then trailed to the round small thing Czarina was sleeping in, I honestly did not know what it was called. My eyes almost shot out of their sockets as Czarina was not there. I scanned the porch to find her trying to climb the steps only to realize that she couldn't so she slapped the wood for her to realize that she was the only one being hurt in the process. I did not know how she got there but that baby was as stubborn as they come; I did not want to imagine how she world turn out having grown up. Her eyes trailed over to me sadly and I soon realized where she wanted to go. My heart clenched. I could never get used to how blessed I was. My feet carried me to her and as soon as she realized that she smiled which turned into a giggle the closer I got. I scooped her up in my arms and flooded her with kisses all over her face which she enjoyed a little too much. "How is my baby?" I asked so casually only for her to grin and show me her tiny white teeth. Ever since she got those she would bite anything and everything on her way. I would think she is sleeping in the carrier I seemed to love but she would be chewing my shirt to no end.

It had been three weeks since that day that had scared both Harley and I to no end. The past three weeks being the best times of my life ever. I had this beautiful gift, a family that I sometimes felt like I did not deserve, felt like it was not really mine and I had just stole it from someone. I was so jealous sometimes of the thought that really I was not Czarina's father thus had no say in anything concerning her. I loved that kid to no end and would sacrifice myself a hundred times and over for her and Harley. My heart lay heavy as I thought of how I was going to lose all this very soon.

They had attacked the house three days ago only to find it empty. I had dismissed everyone the day we left giving them their full packages to live their lives well off. I had not been so selfish to let them die for nothing. My men had been so reluctant to just go like that and promised me that they would be waiting for my call anytime and day. This made me so proud, these people had become my family, some of the staff watched me grow up in that cursed house, and they would sneak in food for me from the main house sometimes and bought me clothes with some of their earnings since my father told me to hustle for my own things from the age of ten.
The sun was setting, I walked up the porch.
"Wake up beautiful." I said kissing Harley's fore head. Her eyes peeled open with nothing but confusion which she shook away as her eyes lay on me causing my heart to pause for a second as she gave me the biggest and cutest smile ever.

"What time is it?" she asked stretching her arms then standing up.

I looked at my wrist watch before answering "it's seven."

"Mmhh, time for dinner," she said so happily making me smile, Harley loved food, she could eat up a whole pizza on her own and watching her eat was the most cutest thing ever.

"Yeah, I will make dinner, you go take a bath along with Czarina." I suggested only for her to nod then walk towards me and tuck herself under my arm. I felt complete then, my whole world in my arms. We walked back together in the house closing and locking the door behind us. I gave Harley and Rina both kisses on the forehead before giving Rina to Harley and watch them walk up as Harley looked back at me now and again.

"Stop staring at my ass Mister," she said causing me to shake my head and walk towards the kitchen to work on dinner.

By the time they got back they were fighting; Harley scolding Rina as Rina giggled to her face. I watched as Harley gave up in frustration.

"Klaus please take this baby of yours, she is going to make me explode. Somehow she got hold on my sports bra and started chewing on it luckily it was clean but still." Harley blows out air.

"She has a dead grip on that thing, when I try to pull it away she goes wild screaming and scratching then she gives me that look that sends a shiver down my spine." She said shaking her head.

I could not help but laugh at this, which Rina joined in, blowing saliva on Harley as she giggled and soon we were all laughing.

"I do not even know why I am laughing, this kid is going to strangle us in our sleep I swear." She said walking to the living room where she turned on the TV to watch a show she had grown to love 'Criminal minds'. I had grown to love it too, for different apparent reasons of learning new technics of torturing people like skinning them alive.
She was now breast-feeding Rina, shielding her from the TV. I dished up the plates then carried them to the table where I placed the plate of curried bean stew with sushi rice and cubed beetroot marinated in chutney sauce. I sat next to her to watch what had become our favourite show really. When I was finished with my plate Czarina was done feeding too so I took her from Harley's arms, brushing her back so she could burp. I watched Harley basically shallow her food up and could not help but smile and look away. She was the most amazing person I knew.

When the clock hit nine, we were both slipping in bed with Rina dead asleep in her room. I pulled Harley closer so that she now lay on my chest drawing circles on it as my lips were on her hair enjoying the way it smelt. We lay there as minutes trickled by and my mind could not help but drift to the matters I had been avoiding for so long. Never had it been so difficult for me to voice out something but here I was struggling to find my voice as I tried to steady my drumming heart which seemed to ache in a way it has never before. I had been through a lot of things in my life but what I was about to say seemed to beat everything else. How could I tell the women that I loved something that would leave her shaken to no end?

"Harley, "I said trying to capture her attention.

"Yes babe," Her voice did things that left my body aching.

I tried to search for words but it seemed as if a lump had sat in my throat and was not barging at all, so instead I lowered my finger and placed it under her chin which I moved up for her plum lips to be claimed by my own. I felt her melt in my arms as I deepened the kiss. I loved the way her body responded to my touch, loved how she clung to my every touch. She moved so that her long sexy legs were straddled over my waist, with no time wasted she left a trail of kisses down my neck with her hair sending shivers down from my head to the lowest part of my body.  I held a gasp with her sucking on my nipple, tugging on it now and again. The little vixen took her time searching and finding all hidden spot on my body. My mind trailed to how lucky I was to have her in my life but I could not help but think of how I had let her down in so many ways than one.

Her lips trailed down bringing me from my thoughts as they wrapped around my huge dick, taking me deeper and deeper in her mouth as her wicked tongue flicked over the head of my cock. Each stroke of her tongue had me cursing a million times with my whole body shaking from the intensity of the sensation that left my limbs limp. I hated how she rattled my cage letting everything inside unravel all for her to see, I hated how she had her little finger wrapped around me. She went faster and deeper; I could feel my cum closer and closer as she moaned with me buried deep inside her mouth. It took all of my will power to cuss it back as I would not cum inside her mouth, I respected her too much for that as she was the love of my life and she was to be treated like a queen.

My dick popped from her wicked lips, mouth straight to my balls where she took both of them together in her mouth, sucking and licking, the room was filled with a deep and loud rumbled from the deep chambers of my chest. My whole body went cold and my heart seemed to come into an absolute halt. She left me trying so hard to keep the deep moan that threatened to spill out leaving me questioning my masculinity. I closed my eyes to open them again only for the waves of pleasure to come hitting every single part of my body hard. I could feel my cum coming close, now, now, now.

"Harley." It was more of a warning, feeling myself slip.

In the speed of light she had been flipped downwards with my dick buried deep in the folds of her crème de la crème. I was not making love tonight, fuck making love, I was fucking her brains out. Her screams of absolute pleasure led to the rush of blood all over my body giving me the power to pump on moving my hip, deeper and deeper inside her. Her nails dug deep in my ass as she pulled me further inside her pussy which I ravished harder and harder while listening to the sound of her crying mess as she thrashed underneath me filled with pleasure unknown to both. Her screams got louder until it was just her hitting one key note for such a long time that being all I needed to bury myself deeper and my seed splashing hard inside her.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

My dick was having none of it, he needed more and so did I that is why stopping was never in my vocabulary. I flipped us over as she came on top of me and started riding me like a stallion. I sat up, claiming her breast in my mouth as she worked that waist of hers until I thought it would break. The room seemed to blur as all I saw was her face as she cried from the amount of pleasure that was just building up. I lay back down as my toes curled, hands grabbing her butt cheeks helping her move faster and faster until it got to a point where she could not move begging me to take over so I did as asked, pumping deep inside her as she pulled on my hair coming so hard only for me to follow suit. It was as if the room was spinning as everything exploded inside me pushing me to go harder and faster coming inside my babe and in that moment I swore to never ask for anything in life as everything was right here in my arms.

The room was filled with our harsh breaths, racing hearts trying to catch each other with glistering bodies in the peak of night covered in nothing but sweat. Harley collapsed on top of me and I brought her as close as I could holding her as if the world was falling all around us with just seconds left for us to disappear into thin air. The only sound came from the hand of the clock ticking away as we watched the moon rise to its peak in the dead of night stealing the spotlight away from the stars.

Fear gripped me as I cleared my throat to speak but I quickly chucked it away scolding myself for acting less of a man, for being so weak but how could I not when I was losing everything. I felt like I had been granted just a few seconds of happiness only for them to be snatched away, how could that be fair?

"Harley, I am leaving and I may not be coming back." I let it sink in as my own heart clenched in my chest.

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