A war that has been going on for a little bit more than 200 years took a turn and started becoming more menacing- it is no more political threats and arguments, it started portraying fear and death to both clans, this time- this war has weapons and...
Hi guys, I just wanted to explain my little absence for the past couple months (I guess) - I know not a lot of people have read my previous story but I just thought I will start over and make changes along the way. Here are a couple Q&A's.
Why have I been missing for the past couple of months?
Well... I was recruited for the army in my country and currently have been serving for almost full 4 months (14 to go!), for anyone interested in what I do I am a part of the paratroopers brigade and I serve as a guard at the entrance to the base. I serve a week at the base and the get a week home to relax\ work and just be with my friends and family. I enjoy my service with all the ups and downs that we have and have learned to make friends and jokes to keep the week at the base a bit more than "neutral".
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How frequently am I going to update and write the story?
This is a good question cause I actually have no clue. I made a new year resolution to write more and keep a story going but I don't know what life holds ahead so I just am going to try and update it at least once a week- yes, even at the week I am at the base (because we do get to go home sometimes during the week since me and couple of people live in the area) but it all depends on how it will all go.
Are the first chapters going to be the same as the previous story?
No, the reason I want to rewrite the story in the first place is because I don't really like the way it was going. I don't remember how I wanted it to go in the beginning and after chapter 3 I started to just make it up as I go and that's what turned it into such a big messy blub. So no, the story is going to have a lot of changes from the previous.
Character changes perhaps?
No, all the characters I have introduced in the previous story will be in this story as well, though Adrian is going to have a slight change in the character (not going to spoil it).
Why is the story rated NSFW?
Well... I don't remember if the previous story was rated NSFW but this time I really want to bring out the nature of my characters- especially Smile. Smile is a very aggressive character and gets violent very easily- I have been holding back on this trait in the previous story because I didn't want it to overwhelm the readers but I decided there is no reason to hold this trait back if it makes Smile's character come to live a lot harder than with it.
Am I going to work on other stories on the side?
I really want to do something with prototype and assassin's creed because they are my 2 favorite games ever (judge me all you want) and people asked me if I can do something with the Detroit:Become Human universe as well so that is on the list as well.
Overall, I really want this story to keep on going and open a lot of aspects on all the different characters that are going to be in it- so here's to a new beginning, cheers!