5 Hot/Gay Boys

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After we finished breakfast, Sofie said she had to go shower, and went into the bathroom. With her phone. Um, weird much? Eh, it’s Sofie. Anyways, I went back into my landfill of a room (thanks to our savage packing rampage yesterday) and started picking up clothes and separating them into piles. Underwear in one pile, sweaters in another, shirts in a third, trousers in a fourth, and so on. Yeah, you could say I was a neat freak.

After an hour, I was done sorting my and Sofie’s clothes into neat little piles, and hung them all on hangers. Seriously, that closet was the ONLY good feature our crappy little apartment offered. But our closet was in Sofie's room, so I grabbed all of our clothes and padded over, dropping pants and jumpers on the way there. But even though Sofie had finished showering, she’d gone into her room like a half an hour ago, and STILL hadn't come out. Odd. So I walked over to her room, and paused outside the closed door.

Now, I'm not an eavesdropper by nature, but if you heard your name being mentioned by your best friend, who is supposedly in her room by herself, wouldn’t you get a bit curious? No? Bullshit.

I heard her talking to someone, but I didn’t hear anyone responding. The it hit me. She was on her phone. Uh, DUH. I tuned back into what she was saying. She kept calling the person on the other line Curly. What kind of a name is that? Well, then again, Rumer isn’t exactly a traditional either, so I really shouldn’t be judging. Anyways, why was she talking to “Curly” about me? I didn’t even know a Curly! Whatever, she’s probably just trying to set me up on a date with another one of her Speech and Debate Club friends. I started to worry, I mean, Sofie has really sweet intentions, but whenever she sets me up on a blind date, the guy always ends up being either a sexy dolt or a pimply genius.

I walked back into my room, and sat down on my perfectly made bed, preparing for the bad news. Finally Sofie came bounding into my room like the Hulk, except a happy, non deadly version. I closed my eyes, ready to face the worst. Instead of telling me about the newest “undiscovered gem” of a guy, that she was going to hook me up with, Sofie was dead silent. Then she squealed, causing my poor, sleep deprived eyes to pop right open. Holy crap, this girl worries me.

“Guess what?” she singsonged, not waiting for me to answer, she continued, “So, I just finished talking to Harry, and since our flight is departing here at Heathrow, he asked if we could take them to the airport with us. And I said yes!” she squealed.  I can’t wait to finally introduce you to the boys today! I’m so excited!” she stopped mid-rant to check the time on her One Direction encased iPhone. “Holy crap!” she shrieked again, nearly breaking my eardrums.  “Go get your bags and the  tickets to Ibiza! I have our vouchers for th e1D flight! GO GO GO! We’ve still gotta pick the boys up!” she finished yelling.

Okay, something was definitely off, I could just feel it. But I didn’t know what, and Sofie was probably just being crazy, weird, rambunctious Sofie, so I erased the thought. But then I thought about the other stuff that she’d just said. She was going to introduce me to them. Oh man, this was going to be worse than one of her blind dates. Fan-freaking-tastic. I didn’t want to meet them; especially not after Sofie had accidentally spilled how Niall had asked for a photo of me. What if they were rapist pop stars? Instead of going into panic mode, I tried to pull myself together. Okay, Rumer, something’s weird, and you’ve gotta figure it out. And don’t you also want to meet Niall and tell him off for being a creep? And they’re 5 hot, somewhat gay boys, so its not going to be total torture. I tried talking myself into going on the flight. And I think it worked, considering the fact that I felt my feet taking me up the stairs and into my bedroom, where I grabbed my suitcase with the Manchester United emblem on it, and the tickets. Oh, did I forget to mention that I’m obsessed with watching football matches? Well, I am.

 I hurried down the stairs, nearly tripping and cracking my skull open. Sofie didn’t seem to notice though, as she was already out the door, running towards her new Lexus SUV, suitcase in one hand, vouchers in the other, and her keys dangling on her pinky finger. I laughed, watching her struggle to get the door open. She finally managed to , and popped the trunk open, and I threw our bags in the back, and hopped in the passenger seat, and turned on the radio. Big mistake.

“One Thing” had apparently just started, and Sofie reached over, and blasted the volume way up, smiling and singing along like a madman.  We drove along for a while and the song finally ended, and I took that as a cue to turn the volume back down, and thankfully Sofie didn’t notice. Soon, she pulled into the driveway of what I supposed was Harry and Louis’ shared flat. Wow was all I had to say. Their flat was so sick. As Sofie angrily ponded on the horn, signaling for the guys to come outside, I stared in wonder at their luxurious home. But my concentration was broken when I saw 5 perfect boys walk out the main door. Okay, more like shove each other out the door, but either way, I was enjoying the view, *wink wink*. Suddenly, I found myself looking forward to the flight.

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