Sweet Escape

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Rumer’s POV

I made my way around the huge chaotic room, putting people in pairs, and assuring some frantic girls that we would all be alright. I finished doing that in a half an hour and made my way towards the front, to where Liam, Harry and Louis were all arguing. But as soon as they saw me coming, they all shut up. "Am I interrupting something?" I asked warily. "No love! You're absolutely fine!" Harry exclaimed and grabbed my hand and pulled me on his side. "Are you okay?" I asked, checking his forehead. "As long as you're okay, I am too." he smiled cheekily. Liam looked like he was going to punch Harry in the face. Harry, why don't you cut the crap already? Rumer, what do you say? Do you want to be my partner?" he asked. But even before I could answer, Harry cut in, "No, she wants to be my partner!" he insisted. Then Louis, for once, being the responsible one, asked "Mates, let's let Rumer decide for herself. Who do you want Rumer?" I was in a hole now, wasn't I? "Uh...well, I think that its really nice of you both to want to deal with me but...let's settle this with a game of rock, paper, scissors?" Wow, I did not just say that out loud. "Sounds good to me." Harry said and Liam just rolled his eyes.

I closed my eyes hoping that the person I really wanted to be with would win. A few minutes later, I felt someone shaking me. I opened my eyes, and couldn't help but feel a surge of happiness when I saw Liam grinning at me. Although I thought Harry was great, I really didn't think that he was the guy for me. Liam was different. Whenever I was around him, I couldn't help but be giddy all the time. He just seemed to cut past my sarcasm, and bitterness and only brought out the best in me.

I grinned back at him, unable to stop smiling. But I couldn’t help but notice that Harry looked upset. “Hey. Can I talk to you for a minute?” I asked him. He just shrugged nonchalantly, trying to act cool. “Harry, I’m so-“ I started but he cut me off. “Rumer, you’re a great girl. I like you a lot, but if you want to be with Liam…”  he swallowed hard and contined, “I think you should go for it. Besides, he likes you a lot. And I think that you two would be good for each other.” He finished. Aw, Harreh! I couldn’t stop myself from giving him a Rumer-style bear hug. “Everything okay, mate?” Liam came up from behind me, and asked Harry. “Yeah, everything's perfect." he smiled and walked over to Louis.

After that, Liam, the other guys and I all helped everyone get strapped into their parachutes, and soon, we were all ready. One of the girls went out into the corridor and said that the coast was clear. I pointed to the emergency exit and everyone understood. Liam gave a last minute pep talk, and on the count of "One, two, CARROTS!" Louis led us all towards the door. He and Zayn quietly and quickly shoved the emergency exit door open, and we all looked down. Thank goodness for the fact that we were flying over land! A few brave souls volunteered to go first, then slowly, everyone had jumped except Liam and I. I had never told him about my phobia of heights, right now seemed like a good time to bring it up. "Uh, Liam?" I asked. "What, love?" he said. I was about to tell him that maybe this wasn't a good idea, when I heard the sound of footsteps and saw Sofie's shocked face, as she ran towards us. "JUMP!" I yelled, closed my eyes and burrowed my face into Liam's warm shoulder. After the rush of adrenaline faded off, I carefully opened my eyes. I saw that we were probably 40 feet off the ground, and many of the girls had already made ground fall, and had begun to unharness their parachutes. I looked down and saw that I was still clutching Liam's hand tightly, and that my knuckles had gone white. I chuckled. "Sorry." and quickly let go of his hand. "I really don't mind. In fact, I should jump out of planes more often so I can get beautiful girls to hold my hand." he smiled sugestively, and I laughed. But I wondered if he really thoght I was beautiful, or if he was just fooling around. He apparently read my mind though, "Rumer, you really are beautiful. Dont let anyone tell you otherwise." he murmered and brushed a piece of my hair out of my face. I looked down and blushed, probably looking like a dumbstruck dolt, an noticed that we were 20 feet away from the sandy ground. I was startled when Liam suddenly lifted my chin up, so that I was looking diercty into his mesmerizing brown eyes, that matched mine perfectly. He started singing. "You're insecure. Dont know what for. You're turning heads when yo walk through the door. Don't need makeup, to cover up. Being the way that you are is enough. Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you. Baby you light up my world like nobody else. The way that you flip you're hair gets me overwhelmed, but when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell. You dont know oh oh, you dont knw you're beautiful, oh oh oh that's what makes you beautiful." he finished and wove his fingers thru mine, and smiled. I smirked at him, waiting for him to kiss me. And he must have read my mind again, because what happened next, was indescribable.

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