Rumer Has It... (get the pun?)

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Hi guys! Okay so sorry in advance for this chapter. Its really lame, but I felt bad for not updating in so long, so I just decided to put something up, even though it's trash :( I promise the next chapter will be much better! Love, Viv

____________Tonight let's get some...AND LIVE WHILE WERE YOUNG!!!!!!__________________

Rumer’s POV

I woke up feeling sticky and gross and I’m pretty sure that I didn’t look too hot either. Great way to start a day. Right. I forced my puffed up eyes to crack open and I looked around the big carpeted room, and I instantly felt better. The guys and all of the girls were all sitting in one massive circle, trying to come up with an escape plan. Sounds like my type of thing. I rolled myself off the couch and accidentally fell off, landing on the plush, hopefully clean carpet with a thud. And after all those years of ballet, you’d think I’d be more graceful, but sadly this wasn’t the case.

I lifted my face out of the carpet and smiled weakly at 35 people that were staring at me. “Erm, well that was a bit embarrassing, wasn’t it?” I muttered, causing a number of people to crack up. Harry gave me a big grin and pushed an irritated Louis over, and patted the now empty spot next to him. I laughed, and crawled, yes crawled, over and plopped down, giving a still angry Louis a hug.  “Aw, how sweet! Harry broke up Larry Stylinson just for Rumer!” one redhead gushed, while I turned a shade of crimson. Her friend piped up, “Yeah, they’d make a right cute couple, wouldn’t they?” she asked to her friends, which caused about 20 other girls to start cooing about us. Okay, this was probably, no, definitely the most awkward situation I’d ever experienced in my 18 years.  And here I was, my face no doubt looking like a tomato, while Harry sat there laughing like this was the joke of the year. “I think that they’re right.” he whispered to me, suddenly becoming serious. “Huh?” I asked, trying not to sound clueless. Then he just winked at me and turned around. Ugh, stupid hormonal kid.

While the other girls talked to the guys about escape plans, I tried to think of a way to explain what was actually going to happen. I didn’t think it would be a good idea if I just announced that we were going to be dropped off in the Bermuda Triangle, to a bunch of emotional girls, now could I? Who to tell? Who to tell? I was never any good at keeping secrets, and anyways, I needed someone to help me come up with a brilliant plan…someone responsible, someone intelligent. I scanned through the people in the room, and I started to lose hope. There was no way I could tell Niall, he was like a little puppy, and I’d hate to see him upset, and same goes for Louis and Zayn. Maybe I could tell Harry, but something just made me wasn’t to tell Liam. I felt that I could trust him with all my secrets, and he would never let me down. Okay, so Liam it is.

I crawled over to where Liam was sitting in the back of the room, on the sofa. And without any hello’s or hi, how have you been’s, I cleared my throat and he looked up, clearly surprised. “Hello love. Is everything alright?” he asked, looking worried. “Erm, well not really. I’ve got to tell you something extremely important. But please don’t freak out.” I said, taking a deep breath. He looked somewhat antsy. “Well, so you know how when we found out that Sofie was the one who hijacked the plane?” He nodded. “Right, so while I was in there, I noticed that she had mapped out the route that she was going to take, on one of the screens, and so I found out where she’s taking us.” I paused, waiting for him to fully realize what I was saying. He motioned for me to continue. “The Bermuda Triangle.” I said, and it felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. But, I still ended up whimpering, and tearing up. I just loved these boys too much, and I couldn’t bear the thought of them being hurt in any way. “Oh, you poor thing!” Liam whispered, and wrapped his steady arms around my shaking body. He kept promising that things would be okay, and that we would all get to go back home, but I still couldn’t stop shuddering. “Liam, don’t you get it? This is all my fault! You can think what you like, but you cant deny that this is happening because of me.” I yelled at him, losing my patience and not caring if people stared. “Love, I think that you’d better rest up.” he said, trying not to make a scene, but it was too late.

“What’s Rumer’s fault?” Harry asked. “Its my fault that we’re stuck on this bloody hijacked plane, Harry! Are you all blind? It’s my fault, and yet you guys are all treating me with so much love. Why?” I screamed. “Why don’t you hate me?” I asked while the tears started falling. The last thing I remembered was a group of people running towards me, and then, I blacked out, again.

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