Red Bull Ice Cream

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Howdy, y’all!

My name’s Billy Bob Bob Billy! And I come from the great state of Alabama! Just kidding. Its me again, bringing to my wonderful readers yet another chapter! And I'm really sorry that this chapter is ridiculously short, it wont happen again! So just a quick heads up, as you guys probably know, I’ve been writing this entire fanfic so far in Rumer’s point of view. Well, surprise! In this chappy, I will be adding a couple nuggets here and there, in Harry and maybe the other boys’ points of view, too. Tell me if you think it sounds okay, or if I should just stick to doing it in 1 POV. That’s about all I had to say, I think. Well, enjoy!

Lotsa Love, Viv :D

***************************1D IS MY LIFE*******************************************

Rumer’s POV

Now, any other teenage girl in the world, would probably have passed out right about now. I mean, THE Harry Styles, had just called me the girl, and he was currently kissing me, but here I was, fully NOT passed out. In fact, I was wide awake and in full-on panic mode. This wasn’t supposed to be happening. Like, not at all.

So being the totally awkward klutz that I am, I managed to pull myself together, and remove my hands from Harry’s curls. I pulled away from him, and his smile immediately fell. “What’s wrong?” he asked, his voice still deep and husky. Oh so manly.  Trying not to crash my lips back onto his warm ones, I tried to explain to him why we shouldn’t be doing this. Too bad I suck at persuasion. “If I’m a crap kisser, just tell me.” he said with a wounded look in his eyes. Shit, now he thinks I’m lying. “Look cherub,” I said, poking his dimple, which had made an appearance every time I called him “cherub”, “you’re not a crap kisser, but as weird as this sounds, I have a feeling that something very bad is about to happen.” I said, hoping he wouldn’t feel the need to send me off to some mental asylum.

But before he got the chance to respond, Louis came crashing thru the thick velvet curtains that separated the boys’ quarters from the rest of the plane. “All right mate?” Harry questioned, seeming worried. “Sofie,” he explained out of breath, “she hijacked the plane.” he finished. Just then, I felt something hard smash into my head, and I felt searing pain spreading thru my entire body. It felt like I was flying, and my vision was getting fuzzy.

“I’ll have the Red Bull ice cream.” I slurred, stumbling around like a drunk. The last thing I remembered was the sensation of falling.

Harry’s POV

I stared at Louis in shock. And then I stared at Rumer, who was currently in Louis’ arms, passed out. And then I stared at the random psycho chick that had just hit Rumer in the head with a frying pan..

Then the crazy girl started advancing towards Louis, who wrapped his arms protectively around Rumer’s unconscious body. She looked so cute when she was unconscious, just like-. Okay, focus Harry. I racked my mind for ideas, and finally thought of a brilliant plan. As the girl raised her frying pan, I ran and tackled her to the ground. Years of wrestling with my sister Gemma had finally paid off. I pinned her hands down, and tried to keep her still while Louis set Rumer down on one of the seats, and raced over to help me. He bent down and snatched the ski mask off the girl’s face. I took one look at the girl face and nearly passed out too. C’mon Harold, man up. We’re in the middle of a crisis; this is no time to be passing out. I collected myself and forced my eyes to look directly into her angry blue ones.

Shit was about to go down.

Louis’ POV

“Sofie.” Harry spat at her.

“Good to see you too, Harold.” she snarled. Harry slowly stood up, but grabbed Sofie’s shoulder, and shoved her against the wall harshly. “Harry,” I cautioned him, but he just snapped at me, “What Lou? Why shouldn’t I hurt this monster? She practically just assaulted her best friend!”

Sofie, little slag that she is, just scoffed, “Oh, please. That brunette ditz was never my friend. I just had to use her. Now that that I did, she’s disposable. My leader has been working on this plan for the past two years, you idiots. Do you think that I’d waste my time making friends when I’m out to take you tools down?” she demanded.

What the hell? Was this girl on drugs or something? And who was this leader that she was talking about? “What is wrong with you?” I shrieked, unable to think straight. This was not good, not good at all. Where were the rest of the lads? I had to go and check on them. “Harry, I have to go check on the others.” I said, and ran out, only to find myself in the midst of a crisis. There were girls everywhere, all of them freaking out and screaming and crying. I used my brilliant intuition and gathered that they’d found out that a nutcase had hijacked the plane. This was bloody fantastic.

I tried getting the girls to calm down by politely asking.  But that didn’t work, so I turned it up a notch. “Oi! Listen up ladies! We are in the middle of a serious issue right now and I need everyone to just shut the hell up and calm down! Please.” I screamed at the top of my lungs. This got their attention instantly. I felt all eyes watching me, waiting for my instructions.

“Okay, so now I need all of you to sit down and listen carefully” I started off slowly, “our plane has been hijacked by someone, I don’t know who has done it. We need to create a plan. So what I need you ladies to do, is this. Get into groups of 10 or so, and wait for my further instructions. You’re Directioners, the world’s greatest fanbase. If anyone can get us out of this situation, you guys can.” I stated simply. The feeling in the air seemed to change. Gone was the chaos and panic, and it had been replaced by a sensation of determination. We were going to save ourselves.

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