Operation Take Me Home/ Big Red Bus

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Hi guys! Okay just a quick heads up, this chappy is pretty much just the boys’ points of view. So it might get a little confusing, so I apologize for that! But enjoy anyways! Love, Viv :D

___________Yeah, we’ll keep doing what we do, just pretending that we’re cool____________

Liam’s POV

My eyes widened in shock as I rushed to catch her unconscious body, and the other lads all surged forward too. We laid her on the sofa, for the second time that week. I had no idea why she fainted and so I guessed that she was probably not feeling too well. I looked down at Rumer’s peaceful face and then, it hit me. What she had told me before she had passed out. The memories all came flooding back at once, and for a second, I thought that I would pass out too. But I couldn’t, I had to be strong for myself, the lads, the fans and especially for Rumer. It was time to show Sofie the consequence of messing with our Directioners. “Mates, it’s go time.” I announced.

Harry’s POV

I smiled crookedly at Liam, and so did the rest of the boys. “I agree with Liam, but now we don’t have much time. If we want to save these girls and ourselves, we’ll have to act fast, “I edged them on, “So, who’s in?” I cheered, and the girls all erupted in applause and whoops. I laughed and turned to them.

“Ladies, welcome to Operation Take Me Home.”

Zayn’s POV

I couldn’t help but smile when I saw all of the fans clapping and cheering. These were the girls that made us who we were, and now it finally dawned on me. There was no way in hell that we could let our fans down. We’d never upset them before, and we certainly weren’t going to start now, no matter what the circumstances are. I confidently marched over to one girl, who had been sitting quietly through this entire fiasco and calmly explained to her what was going on. “I know that this is not what you were expecting. And I’m really sorry that this had to happen to you love, but now, we can’t do anything but try and save ourselves.” I explained to her, hoping that she wouldn’t lose hope. “I’m okay.” one of the girls whispered. I looked up to see that the pretty, petite girl was looking right at me with determination clear in her amazing green eyes. “Hi I’m Zayn.” I said. Real smooth mate, now she probably thinks that you’re stupid. She laughed and turned a rosy shade of pink, “I know. I’m Lily. Lily Evans.” she said. Her voice was so airy, yet crystal clear, sort of like Liam. I laughed at my stupidity, and asked her if she had any ideas on how to get us all out of here, and to my delight, she did. “Well, I don’t know if it’s any good, but I was thinking of parachutes. All planes have a stock of parachutes. So we could probably pair two people to one parachute, and we could perhaps get free that way, but I’m not sure…” she trailed off, looking uncertain. I beamed at her and ran over and dragged Liam over to Lily, and she repeated her plan. He just sat there for a minute, no doubt analyzing what she’d just said. “I think it’s brilliant, but there’s only one problem. We don’t know where the parachutes are, or even if there are any.” he sighed.

Niall’s POV

I was looking around the big room where we were all being held captive. There were a number of storage closets, and no one had bothered to check them, so I went around opening them and looking for something useful, when I bumped into a redhead. “Ouch!” she yelped and turned around. “I’m really sorry!” I apologized quickly. “Uh, it’s no problem…by the way, what are you doing?” she asked, her blue eyes sparkling brightly. “Well, isn’t someone quite nosy?” I teased her. She responded, “No, there’s a difference between being curious and nosy. But I guess you wouldn’t know, being blonde and all.” she retorted while smirking. “I’m Hadley by the way.” she added. I smiled. “That’s a really cool name. I’m Niall.  And P.S., I’m not a natural blonde. Hadley’s a smartarse.” I replied smugly. She just rolled her eyes and started helping me check out the closets. “You suck at this.” she said, “Step back and watch the pro.” she said while twisting open the latch on the last storage closet in the room. I couldn’t help but cross my fingers. Hey, you know what they say about the luck of the Irish. She managed to pull it open, and we looked inside. I pried my eyes away from our treasure and glanced over at Hadley, whose mouth was hanging open. She looked like she was about to fall over. “You- You gu-guys! Come look at what we found!” she yelled, causing everyone to run over. Liam was the last one to walk over, and he actually tackled me in a “hug” when he saw what was inside the closet. “Parachutes.” he muttered, awestruck.

And that was the exact moment a groggy-looking Rumer chose to walk over. When she saw the parachutes from a distance, her entire face lit up, and she came charging towards Liam, and started a huge dog pile. Liam grabbed ahold of me and knocked me to the ground as well, and soon all of us were thrown to the ground, while 30 girls knocked us around with the pillows that were in the storage closets.

Yeah, things were definitely going our way.

Louis’ POV

I laughed alogn with the lads and the girls, until I remembered where we were, and what was going on. “Guys! Shush up for a minute, we’ve got to keep it quiet!” I whisper-screamed. “Okay, so since we actually managed to find the parachutes, we should probably try and escape. The sooner, the better.” I said. We quickly counted up the parachutes, hoping that there would be enough. But surprisingly enough, there weren’t. Great.

“Uh, ladies? There seems to be a slight issue.” Harry started. “There are 35 of us, and only 18 parachutes…” I said, patting Harry on the back. “Anyone willing to sacrifice themselves?” I joked, trying to lighten the mood, which only earned me like 20 death glares. “Just kidding.” I muttered.

“Okay. Why don’t we pair up?” Rumer, the genius, thought aloud. “Fabulouis!” I screamed and gave her a (boo)bear hug. “Haha okay Lou, I love you too. But could you let go? I can’t breathe.” she gasped. “Oh. Sorry!” I let go, especially after the angry looks that both Liam and Harry were giving me. Ooh, they both like her!

“S’okay Lou.” she said, pinching my (not so) chiseled cheeks and grinning. “Anywhoo, like I was saying before I was mauled by a psycho, I think we should all pair up. So, everyone go and find a partner!” she ordered, and stalked off to help the other girls find partners.

Liam and Harry both looked at Rumer and then at each other. They both looked equally determined. Drama here we come! But naturally I couldn’t help but make add a random comment to fix the awkward situation. “So…I LOVE BIG RED BUS!” I screamed. They just glared at me. Well, that didn’t quite work out as planned.

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