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Patricia POV
They released me 20 minutes later and everyone is getting on my nerves, we decided that we aren't telling anyone about the pregnancy since its so new. When we walked back into the house everyone was eating, Angela and Marcus were surprisingly being nice to each other.

Hey Pat glad to see you are okay, but you beat that bit-

Aye cut it with all that we don't need to condone any violence from Pat remember last time, Terry told Angela.

Angela whipped her head around and said, its not my fault that Gavin showed up knowing damn well she was going to be here.

Then he had the nerve to bring Alicia up in here knowing damn well when Pat saw her that there was going to be a problem-.

Wait Diane, y'all knew her?

Uh yeah she-

No Diane leave that alone, look Pat it doesn't even matter your with Dewayne a hopefully you will build a real family and a beautiful one at that leave him in the past.

No let her say what she was about to say I want to know, he said everything was my fault from Noah to our marriage! I want to hear one thing that he did wrong please Diane tell me were they met.

They met at the party at my house almost 11 months ago. Terry introduced them she was interested in building a house from scratch with her husband, but they ended up getting a divorce because of Gavin.

Mhmm well Dewayne can you come with me upstairs. They walked upstairs to their bedroom to unpack their things, but that wasn't the only thing that Dewayne wanted to do.

Pat tell me something is there a possibility that the child in your stomach couldn't be mines. I won't get mad if you say yes,  but if you lie than I will gladly pack my shit and leave.

Patricia thought about just walking away from him but she really loved him and couldn't let somebody else walk out on her.

Babe, there is a slight chance but it was before we even made it official. You might want to sit down for this one.
Dewayne took a seat like I told him and surprisingly he didn't get upset at the fact this baby might not be his. After about 10 minutes I started to choke on my words as I told him the details.
There was so much blood it wouldn't stop he wouldn't stop and I tried to call out your name but nothing came out but screams-

Dewayne got up and came over to hug me, he rocked me back and forth trying to calm me down, but the louder I got the madder he got. He let me go and stormed out the door and I immediately knew where he was going I rushed out the room and down the stairs by time I got to the door he was pulling off.

DEWAYNE! Shit! When I turned around everyone was standing there staring at me like I was crazy.

Terry, Marcus, Troy can you guys hurry up and get to the hospital please go to Gavin's room hurry up he might do something stupid.

Okay but Pat what happened, Diane asked frantically.

Nothing I don't want to talk about it and don't start Diane I did talk to somebody about it he just ran out the door about to kill Gavin. Just saying his name made me want to throw up and sure enough that's exactly what I did.

Patricia are you okay you don't look so good, Angela said. I turned around and ran out the door to the nearest tree, but I didn't make it, I threw up on the side of Terry and Diane's truck luckily I didn't get any on the truck. The girls rushed to my side in a panic.

Pat are you sure your not pregnant.

Yes I literally just came from the hospital and they gave me a test nothing is in here. I just have food poisoning they said that it should go away in a week or two if not I need to go to the doctors. Can we just go back to the house I need a shower and I need to brush my teeth. Can we wait for the men and watch a movie please.

Angela and Diane looked at each other and rolled their eyes. I saw that guys i'm sick not blind.

No it's nothing against you but your such a baby Dewayne needs to hurry back.

Terry's POV
Who knows what the hell just happened back there because I have no damn clue.

Well we know it has something to do with Gavin and I don't want to choose nobodies side, Marcus said.

Shut up we just need to get there before the cops get em cause the way he sped out the door has me worried for Gavin, said Troy.

Hell yeah, somebody call the ladies see what's happening.

Hey Diane how's Pat? And what the hell happened?

Babe we don't know she won't say you know how she is, but it's something bad really bad. She's in the shower now but we rey cuddle up and watch a movie. This is not how I visioned my trip, tomorrow we need to go out just us.

Okay babe whatever, we just pulled up to the hospital, call you lat- DEWAYNE NO DON'T-

Diane's POV
Terry, Terry, TERRY,! Oh god, shit, shit, shit.

Whoever used that many shits is really fucked what happened D?

Angela this ain't the time, I was on the phone with Terry and the phone just cut off he said Dewayne no don't. I don't know what the hell to do or think.

First things first we don't tell Pat.

Don't tell me what? Pat walks out the bathroom with her rope on while putting her lotion on she looked so relaxed despite everything that's happening.

You heard from the guys yet D?

Long time no see I have been getting some views and likes and thought I should continue 😂
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