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y'all at the end

not edited!!
We just got in the house and I was angry. More like furious, he really accused me of allowing her to leave my house drunk knowing damn well i'm not even like that. Safety comes first any other time she come from a gathering at my house and she was tipsy she stayed the night. Tonight out of all nights why would I allow to leave. She was obviously going from somewhere else because she left my house four hours ago.

"Babe... you good?" I turned and looked at him slowly. "Do I look okay? One of my bestfriend's is laying up in a hospital bed bleeding internally and her husband is blaming me. When he doesn't even know the full story. Diane left this house four hours ago. Where was she that she could've gotten drunk. She was with someone obviously did you here the passenger died? The question is who had the passenger. He needs to check his wife before he comes at me with false information."

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed the bottle of wine that was out and walked upstairs to the bedroom. I had to call someone, I need to get this out immediately.

I tried to go back to sleep, but this baby and the fact that Diane could die had me tossing and turning. I got up out the bed and went to get a snack and watch tv downstairs. Not even ten minutes later my phone started ringing, it was Shelia.


"Pat I gotta tell you something. Where you sleep or can I talk to you?" I turned the tv down because she sounded real serious.

"Yeah what's wrong your scaring me." She cleared her throat and began talking. "Diane left my house four hours before she was in the accident. So around eleven she was gone she hadn't picked up her glass of wine not one time. Meaning there was no way she was drunk when she left me and Angie. Within the months of you disappearing Diane was becoming a bit much. She was talking to quite a few men, but this one in particular she really liked. They always went out late at night and she used me and Angie as a cover up. She didn't tell us that's who she was with tonight, but it's pretty obvious."

I wasn't surprised she was never really a one guy kinda girl. Just so happened instead of getting caught she got fucked up, oh well.

"Oh that's interesting." She snickered. "Really Pat that's all you have to say? Usually you would go into one of your real deep teaching moments."

"I mean she was known to be a hoe. I'm surprised she wasn't caught sooner, but I am sorry she had to get caught up this way."

"Damn who pissed on you? You real mean all of a sudden."

"I'm not mean i'm just telling the truth, so you going to tell Terry?"

"No that's not my husband, I didn't sleep with him, i'm not almost dead in a hospital bed, so that's not my responsibility." My eyes widened at her bluntness. "And you call me mean, but seriously Terry might've lost a couple good friends today."

"Who you telling, pitting his hands on you and yelling at me like he crazy. He better be lucky Angie and Marcus wasn't there."

"Where were they anyway?"

"Girl you know they can sleep through any and everything. We'll catch her up on the situation during brunch or something."

"Yeah, but that's all I called about I guess i'll talk to you in the morning."

"Love you she she."

"Love you to patty." We hung up. I did miss talking to Shelia she was the most sane out of all four of us and was the sweetest. I ended up falling asleep on the couch and was awoken by the sun and kisses from Dewayne.

"Wake up baby. I made breakfast and Shelia is  outside. She said she really needed to talk to you about something regarding Diane." I walked over to the door and there she stood. "Hey Pat... there's good news and bad news. The good news is Diane will be fine and the bad news is well um there getting divorced. When Diane woke up the doctor came and told them congratulations on the pregnancy and that they were very lucky she didn't lose the baby."

"Wait I thought she tied her tubes again." She shook her head no. "So did Terry, along with that they haven't been having sex because Diane didn't want to meaning the baby isn't Terry's."

"Damn. Well what's up with the passenger that died."

"That's the babies father. Gavin." All I saw was black after she said that.

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