Ripped apart

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Chapter 3

I honestly felt really bad writing this chapter. Like really really bad. I think it's not very good but whatever. Tell me what you think.

Narrator's POV

It was a frontal collision from an out of control semi-truck. The driver of the semi-truck was able to walk away unharmed. It can't be said the same for the other car. It would be a miracle if any survived.

A man, who disappeared before anyone could speak with him, carefully pulled out the people in the car. A woman, a man, and a teen, all of which either unconscious or most likely dead.

One of the witnesses, who later spoke with a reporter said the man wore a Hawaiian shirt and had black hair. The witness also said that they saw him disappear into thin air, which makes witness not a reliable source.

When the ambulance arrived they immediately took the family of 3 into separate cars and sped them toward the hospital. The three were in terrible condition.

Shocked is an understatement when we speak of the perimetric who found out the woman was pregnant. The young perimetric burst into tear at the thought. The small child was dead.

When the ambulances got to the hospital, it was already too late. Not all of the patients survived, and the ones that did were surely soon to follow.

The names of the family have been found. Sally Blofis(and unborn daughter Estelle Blofis), Paul Blofis, and their son Percy Jackson.

Percy's POV

I woke up drowsily. My head was spinning, and my body felt weighed down and numb. My eyelids were so heavy I couldn't move them. I heard loud voices but couldn't make out words.

I didn't want to fall asleep again as much as my body voted for the idea. I told my body to shut up and get with the program. This was a dictatorship, not a democracy. Straining my ears I finally made out the conversation.

"Please doctor, do you have any idea when he'll wake up?"

"Miss, it's a medical miracle alone he survived, we have no clue what will happen with him. We're doing our best."

"Surely you should have figured out something."

I heard a deep, heavy sigh. "I'm going to leave you two here with Perseus..."

"Percy." A voice grumbled.

"... please notify a nurse if there's any change."

A door slammed. Footsteps neared me. "Please notify a nurse if there's any change," a girl mocked. A sigh followed that.

"Percy," a voice pleaded, "please wake up. We believe in you." I knew who it was, but my thoughts were so sluggish I couldn't think much.

I faintly registered a hand grabbing mine. I slowly slipped back into unconsciousness. That last thing I heard was the faraway voice saying, "He's awake! Well, not.." zzz.


I was in a dream next. On a small island, in the middle of the ocean, surrounded by dark fog.

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