Chapter 18. The president of the occult club has a backstory?

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It was a pretty normal day, well as normal as you can get at this club, I guess we were doing a police theme today or something because we all had to get dressed up before getting into place. "Welcome" we all greeted as the first guest walked in but then we saw that it was a kid, dear God not another one. "Oh my, what an unusually young guest! Well, glad you're here, my little lost kitty cat" Tamaki said to her.

"Little kitty cat, why have you come to see us today?" He asked her "It's a reverse harem! This is a reverse harem!" she exclaimed while pointing to us, I froze up, what the fuck???, The others seemed as shocked as I was. "That can't be right, I must have heard wrong. Maybe there's still some water in my ear from when I went swimming." Tamaki said nervously "Water in the ear that's gotta be it." Hikaru agreed. "I'm sure we just heard her wrong, there's no way this cute little girl said the words, reverse harem. Something's going on with our ears." Kaoru insisted.

"There's debauchery here!" we froze up again "Yay! There's debauchery here, isn't there?" She pointed at Kyoya "You're the glasses character!" she then pointed at Honey and Mori. "You're the boy Lolita and the stoic type!" she pointed at the twins "Twincest!" she pointed at Haruhi. "The bookworm!" she pointed at me "And the extreme doormat!" I felt shooketh, she then looked at Tamaki "Big brother?" What now? She then ran over and hugged him.

"My brother's blond! You must be him!" She exclaimed "You never told us about this!" Hikaru yelled "since when do you have a little sister?" Kaoru asked. "I don't! I'm definitely an only least as far as I know!" he responded while trying to get her off "The more I look at you, the two of you do look a lot alike. You are both blonde after all." Honey said. "I want to know if glasses character is superior to big brother." Kyoya said "But does it matter? I can't believe she called me bookworm." Haruhi said, I sighed, feeling aggravated.

"At least you didn't get called an extreme doormat." I deadpanned "Excuse me, you want to tell me your name little one?" Tamaki asked her "Kirimi!" She responded. "Kirimi-chan I'm afraid you've made a mistake. I'm really sorry but I don't have a younger sister." Tamaki replied gently, it was odd how he was good with kids "Are you sure? You're blonde just like me!" She replied, tearing up, I guess that got him.

"Oh that's true, I give in! As of this moment, I'm your new big brother! You're so cute!" I sighed and shook my head "I know you get carried away by emotion but don't you think it's irresponsible to make such empty promises." Haruhi commented, I nodded in agreement. "Don't you listen to those two! I'm not irresponsible! Come on with me! I'll look after you!" He exclaimed "What do you think we should do Kyoya senpai?" Haruhi asked.

"We should probably try to find out if she actually has a brother at this school." he answered then we heard something or rather someone calling the kid's name, I looked over to see. "What happened to the door?" I asked bluntly "Hey, uh, who the hell are you?" the twins asked "He looks like a foreigner!" Honey commented. I heard Haruhi say something about the door as well and felt glad that I wasn't the only one who noticed that, he looked at Kirimi and smiled "Oh, Kirimi." the guy, who was pretty cute, said to the scared little girl before two people stepped out of the shadows.

"Master." the, what I could only assume, maid said "You forgot your cloak." the butler said before they out a cloak and wig on him, and I quickly recognized him. "Oh my God! it's the weird cloak guy!" I didn't know who he was but I did recognize him from the time he did some in here when Tamaki freaked out. After the others recognized him the maid and the butler proceeded to go into back story for them but I was too bored to pay attention but started paying attention to what the maid was saying after a bit.

"-ve tried to keep her comforted by reading her bedtime stories about princely characters like her brother but we ran out of recently we decided to start reading her shoujo manga that have princely characters in them and I'm afraid she's become completely addicted." the maid said "Are you kidding me." I groaned in annoyance the weird anime shit continues to follow me. "Shoujo manga?" Haruhi asked, looking like she was thinking of something "I see so that's where that came from" the twins said "Is there really debauchery in shoujo manga? But, Sashimi-chan is so young." Haruhi said.

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