Chapter 2: Exposed

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(( Luke's POV ))

I sat in my Cell, slowly watching outside my window turn from mornig, to dusk. I waited for six weeks, and now tonight, I finally hope we get out of here.

Then, I heard footsteps stomping down the stairs. These were a much louder kind of foot steps, not like Clem's or Rose's,  but like a man's.  To my horro, it was Rick.

"Came down to see how you were doing. I'm suprised you're not dead." He frowned. I frowned back.

"What do you want Rick?" I glared. He took some keys out of his pocket and unlocked the door, stepping inside.

"I know about the plan." He growled.

My heart skipped a beat, how dose he know? "What plan?" I remained clam.

"Don't play dumb with me boy," He shoved me, "I alreadg know, my gun-men over heard your girlfriend and my nurse."

Shit, I thought, what are we gonna do?

Rick took out a pair of hand cuffs and cuffed me one of my cell's bars. "Woah hey!" I tried to pull on the cuffs.

"You'll be the bait." Rick smiled, "Once your friends come down for you, I'll be here."

With that, he exited the room.

A Walking Dead Love Story: Lukentine part twoWhere stories live. Discover now